Chapter 9

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*Dougie's Pov*

To say she looked surprised was an understatement. Her eyes even held small tears as she looked around all our guests. I slowly pushed through the crowed to get to her with the plate of her favourite cookies. As Merrie saw me i could feel a blush hit my cheeks, she looked from me to the cookies and back.

"Surprise?" I chuckled. She nodded vigoriously before squeezing me in a hug, i passed the plate to Amy and hugged her back. As she leaned back to look at me she pecked my lips,

"Whats all this for?"

"We needed to celebrate!" I stated,

"Celebrate what?" She genuinely looked confused. I chuckled and held her left hand,

"What's on your ring finger?" I felt as i were talking to a baby but it was funny,

"A ring?.." Merrie must've been putting on an act, maybe some of the chemicals used in the spa has gone to her head..

"And what kind of ring?" I could hear the people around us chuckling at Merries 'blond' moment,

"Engagement.." But the sudden look in her eyes, she must have realised "Oohhhh.. yeah.." She giggled and buried her head in my shoulder.

People started chatting and moving back into other rooms. As Merrie was talking to Emma Willis there was a knock at the door, I kissed her cheek and went to go answer it.

"Ah boys!" I announced, pulling Niall, Zayn and Louis in to the house with a handshake/hug,

"Congrats man" Zayn stated, patting my back, "should introduce Merrie to Perrie, she's dying to ramble to someone about weddings!"

"Speaking of Merrie" Niall chirped in, "Where is the lucky lass?"

"Planning to steel my woman already, mate? Just joking, she's in the kitchen"

The boys went off to introduce themselves to Merrie. I knew Merrie was a fan of One Direction, she was always going on about how she wanted to meet them properly so I thought this was a great idea.

I went off to talk to some of our other guest while Merrie was talking to others, it was nice catching up with everyone and by the smile on her face - Merrie was enjoying herself too.

*Merries pov*

"God it's so gorgeous!" Emma cooed, her eyes glistening at the sight of my ring. "Congratulations again Merrie, now where's the food?"

Emma and I chuckled at Matts sudden change in subject, "boys will be boys" She rolled her eyes,

I nodded and laughed, "Thank you Matt, and the food's in the kitchen - along with a couple of beers in the fridge" After the word beer left my mouth his eyes lit up like a little kids and he sped off, Emma trailing behind chuckling at her husband.

"Ah Merrie!" I recognised the voice instantly, only in my dreams had I heard him say it. I took a deep breath and turned slowly around.

"Niall Horan?" I breathed, smiling like a Cheshire Cat,

"And Zayn!" Zayn popped his head around Nialls right shoulder,

"And Louis!" Louis stuck his head around the other shoulder, his words coming out mumbled as his mouth was full of food.

"Most people don't use me full name, but you can if ye want"

"Sorry - um - sorry just wasn't expecting you to be here, any of you!" I smiled at Zayn and Louis who had stepped out from behind Niall, "It's an honour to meet you guys"

"Tis an honour to meet you too Merrie" God the way he said my name..

"Why? You're international pop stars, I'm just - me!" My cheeks felt as if they were on fire!

"We're still people Merrie. And you ain't a nobody, the magazines in Nialls bedroom can tell us that" Louis cackled, slapping the younger boy on the back. Soon Nialls cheeks went as red as mine felt. He scratched the back of his neck and coughed awkwardly,

"Look we can't stay for too long but I'm sure if you show us some booze we might be able to stretch our curfew" Zayn hinted,

"Booze in the door to your left, food in the kitchen" I smiled. Zayn and Louis went towards the alcohol and Niall and I spent a little longer talking. About how he knew Dougie and the guys, even how they'd written songs with them. We had somehow migrated to the kitchen, Niall somehow managing to eat a sausage roll and talk at the same time without any flyaways or choking - pretty impressive.

"Well its been great talkin' to ya Mer" Niall grinned, brushing some crumbs off his fingers,

"You too"

Niall looked as if he were debating something in his head before he brought me into a hug. As he stepped back he kissed my cheek sweetly,

"Oh and congrats, tell Doug ill see 'im in a few weeks!" With that Niall left, the aroma of his cologne and his warmth from our hug still surrounding me.

Suddenly two arms wrapped around my waist, nose buried into my neck. "See you met the boys"

"I did yes, and had a lovely chat with Mr Horan" I swivelled in Dougies arms, resting my hands on his shoulders as my fingers played with the collar of his shirt,

"No flirting I hope"

I laughed loudly before seeing the sincere worry in his eyes, I sighed and kissed his nose,

"Of course not Poynter, I'm all yours"


There! Sorry if its short but my mind went blank but I wanted something to be up before Christmas! Also incase you're jumping to conclusions, there will be no romance between Merrie and a OneD boy (or anyone other then Doug)!

If you celebrate Christmas - MERRY CHRISTMAS. If you don't, or you celebrate a different holiday, then I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends!

Sorry that's it's also quite late on Christmas Eve (well where I live anyway) so if its Christmas Day where you live then - I hope you got everything you wanted!!

See you guys soon!

~Alika x

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