Chapter Two

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It was around 9 when Merrie read the text,

"Dougie?" She breathed, four years had gone by and she still felt the same way she did every time he would text her. A smile formed on her lips and she processed what this all meant. Had he been looking for her? It was difficult to get hold of her phone number so he must have tried very hard..

"Whenever your flight lands meet me at the studio, say you have a consultation with Miss Bergin " was all she sent back, along with the address of where she worked.

Merrie was quickly dressed, make up done and hair fixed all with-in fifteen minutes - quite a record. One last check of her hair and she was out the door and into her car. Luckily the main studio was only a twenty minute drive away from her house so she had plenty of time to spare.

"Mornin' Jane" She smiled to the young intern, she smiled back giving a little wave of her fingers as she clutched her clipboard in one hand and a travel mug in the other.

Merrie's stilettos clicked across the newly polished floor as she made her way to Mr Garett's office on the other side of the studio. After a painful amount of stairs and what felt like thirty six million corridors later she was there. She gently tapped her index finger's knuckle against the wooden door. A grunt was heard from the other side so she let herself in.

"Ah Merrie, fantastic job you did yesterday I hear!" Garett cheered as he stood up from the leather chair and kissed both her cheeks.

"Apparently so" She smiled. He motioned towards a small, cherry red chair on her side of the desk for her to take a seat. He collapsed back into his own chair, his rather large belly wobbling like jelly (poet and I didn't even know it) as he sat.

"So, what can I do you for?" He questioned, running a hand of chubby fingers through his in-need-of-a-good-wash hair, that was how Merrie would describe it.

"Well I'm expecting a.. client some time today and was wondering that when they arrive I could have an hour off?" Merrie grinned, a grin that had got her out of plenty parking tickets, gotten her front row seats for One Direction and practically anything she wanted she could get with that smile and puppy dog eyes.

"A client? What's the occasion?" Garett persisted, his fingers inter-twining over his bulging stomach.

"No occasion, just a simple meeting about possible shoots and adverts" She was nailing this! You see there was no way she could tell him that she was seeing a guy, the whole 'No dating' policy was ridiculous and no one stuck to it anyway.

"Well sure, I'll have Alex notify you when they arrive. What's the company name?"

"Um.. Poynter?" Her voice squeaked toward the end, hopefully not uncovering her lie or bringing any possible doubt.

"Poynter.. Okay well, leave now." He dismissed, she nodded and neatened down her pencil skirt. Merrie sighed as she leant against the wall, lying to your boss wasnt the greatest of ideas but - eh, what can you do?

Once again her shoes clicked and clacked as she made her three story dissent towards Wardrobe. The room was strangely quiet for a Tuesday morning but she wasn't complaining. She made her way around the room, saying hello to everyone and commenting on the new dresses they had to try on.

Three hours, fourteen dresses, twelve pairs of shoes and five different hairstyles later and her day at 'the office' was complete. It was as she was stepping out of the large, Victorian inspired, ball gown that her name started being called.

"Miss Bergin?" A feminine yet strangely masculine voice rang through the room. She popped her head out from behind the large curtain they used as a simple dressing room.

"That's me?" She smiled, covering her torso with the long material.

"A Mr Doulas is here to see you." Merrie couldn't help her smile. He was here. After years of separation he would be in the same room as her. Her younger self took over, squealing and giggling as she tried to get her own clothes back on, she dressed so quickly that you probably couldn't even tie a simple shoe-lace bow before she was done.

She made a smart decision by taking the lift to the front desk instead of the stairs, knowing her luck she would've fallen over thin air or thought there was an extra step when descending and creating a loud thump on the floor.

The stupidly quiet lift music was the only sound in the lift other then Merrie's murmurs to herself. She started to plan things they could talk about so there wouldn't be any awkward pauses or moments. But how was she going to greet him? A kiss on the cheek? A hug? A hug. But then what kind of hug?.. A run up? A jump? Under arm? over shoulder? One under and one over? Ugh too many choices and so little time!

All thinking stopped as the doors dinged open. Her gaze lifted from her feet, to the floor and slowly towards the desk. The sight in front of her made her chuckle slightly.

Jane, the intern, was fangirling so much over Dougie that you could feel the excitement radiating off her like she was a freaking heater. She had her phone out and was taking ridiculous amounts of selfies with Dougie. He looked incredibly uncomfortable but that just made Merrie laugh even more.

One last deep breath before she tottered her way over to them. Jane was the first to notice she was there, giving Merrie a large brace filled grin. Dougie soon saw that she was looking away so followed her gaze. He took a visible gulp as his eyes met Merrie.

His mouth slightly open, eyes raking over her body, Dougie relaxed. Finally their eyes locked. His blue, diamond like eyes were just as she remembered. Her maroon, chocolate tinted irises just as mesmerising as he pictured.

"Hey stranger" Dougie grinned.


This was kinda a short chapter so sorry but I have practically no time :(

Starting year 11 tomorrow, packing everything into moving boxes and actually finishing my coursework is mostly what I'm focusing on right now so I don't have much time to wright.

By mid October I should have moved and started settling in to the new school life so things should be coming out regularly but until then I don't really have a plan on when I publish things because of the whole 'no time' situation.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter! Hope you're enjoying the book! and yeah, I'll see you guys soon.

Vote, comment, fan, follow, stay fab! 卌

~Alika x

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