Chapter 6

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*Merries pov*

I woke up next to a sleeping figure, his bare arms draped over my naked torso. The memories from last night all flooding back as I turned and a shock of pain and ache ran through my thighs. Even with the pain I still could stop smiling, the thirteen carat ring around my fourth finger creating a permanent grin.

I ran my fingers through his fringe, brushing it out of his closed eyes. God he looked so peaceful as he slept. Little sighs escaped his slightly chapped lips as I left small gentle kisses on his nose, forehead, cheek, chin, upper lip before making my way to his neck and chest.

"Mmm" Dougie murmured, slowly waking up. "Good morning gorgeous" he breathes. His crystal eyes shining in the dimly lit room.

"Mornin" I smile, gently pressing my lips to his. I cuddle up into his chest, his hands and fingers drawing random patterns along my back and thighs.

"How did you sleep?" He asks after a short while of silence.

"Well, very well" I giggle slightly as his fingers trace over the sides - me being very ticklish too.

"Me too" Doug sighs. Our fingers intertwine, him pulling the back of my hand to his lips and leaving a sweet kiss. "Did I make a good choice?" He questioned, referring to the beautiful ring.

I nodded, "defiantly"

We stayed there for a while, enjoying each others company. I moved first, much to Dougie's protests, hopped in the shower, remembering to remove the ring before hand.

Today I only had to go to work for two hours, there was a small interview for HELLO magazine about 'what it's like being a model' and me and Amy were two models who were picked for it.

Blow drying my hair, slipping on some black skinnies and a baggie blue jumper, and some black Vans before I said goodbye to my fiancée, god i'll have to get used to saying that!

I met Amy and Mark, my assistant and time keeper, at the dressing room. I tried to subtly hide my ring as much as I could to not raise any questions. It's not that I was ashamed - hell no! It's just I don't know what we're going to do about it, who and when were going to tell.

"Oh hey, girl" Amy sang as I stepped in, standing up to give me a quick squeeze. We separated and started our routine- babbling on about random subjects to pass the time until the make up artists and hair dressers came.

"Oh god, and this guy was parked in the middle of two spaces! I spent like ten minutes just driving around the same parking lot just so I could get a space!" Amy exclaimed, flinging her hands in the hair. The hair stylist obviously getting annoyed with her constant moving about and her extravagant hand gestures - so much so she excused herself, saying she had something to do.

I nodded along "I know, just this morning I had a similar problem. It was one of those silly miniature cars, that you can just about fit two people in, and a Mustang." I started with my story, using a foundation bottle to represent the Mustang and a lip balm for the tiny car, lying the both down on the desk in front of us. "And then there was little old me, in my sports edition" holding up some red lip gloss, "trying to get in a ridiculously small space!"

"How can people seriously not park, I mean its not that hard" She lowly laughs,

"I totally agree" I reply, moving the make up back to its original place, "I mean you just have to stay in between the lines - there's nothing more to-"

"What the hell is that!" Amy screeches. I quickly look around, see what could have startled the poor girl.

"What? what, I don't see anything?"

"On your bloody finger you muppet!" I pull my hands into view, scanning over them to check for any hideous deformation. The my eyes lock on the still alien like ring on my finger. I shyly look up to Amy, biting down on my bottom lip.

"It's a ring?" I question quietly, it was a obvious rhetorical question. Her eyes were large, mouth slightly open, her own finger pointing towards it.

"What kind of ring?" I could tell she knew, she was just pressing me to confirm her assumption.

"An engagement ring.."

"YOU AND DOUGIE ARE ENGAGED" Amy pulled me into an excruciatingly painful hug, jumping up and down in her seat.

"You guys are so perfect! Oh my god I'm gonna cry" she started fanning her eyes with her manicured hands. "How did he do it? Did you cry? Did he cry?!"

"No one cried, okay!" I laughed at her giddiness. "We were on my couch watching a film, he was acting a bit weird before hand but said it was nothing, he said a couple of heart warming compliments.. things then got a little heated and he asked me - said it was the spur of the moment.." I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks or the slight giggle that left my lips.

Amy smiled even harder, if actually possible.

"Then you two, did the deed" She accused, wiggling her eye brows.

"Shut up" I groaned, covering my face with my hands.

"You did! She exclaimed, "I knew it, I freaking knew it!"

"Okay, okay! You've had your fun now. But you have to promise me something" She nodded, eager for me to carry on, "you can't tell anyone" she nodded again, probably not trusting her words.

Soon the hair stylists came back in an finished of our looks. Just for the interview I took off my ring, I felt bad but I didn't want to be questioned a out it. The rest of the interview went extremely smoothing, no awkward moments - just me, Amy, the interviewer and a camera.

Luckily as I got to my car the two cars had gone from around it, meaning I could make a quick escape back home. I was exhausted and I have even done much today.

As I arrived back I didn't see Dougies car around, I wasn't surprised - he was a busy guy. So I made my way back in, slipping off my shoes and into my fluffy slippers. I flipped on the kettle ready to make a cup of tea when a bright pink post-it note caught my eye. I ripped it off the fridge and smiled as I read over his messy writing:

Good afternoon my beautiful fiancée,

Hope the interview went well, didn't get any questions about the ring I hope?

Anyway, I had some errands to do and something's to sort out ready for next weekend (something I can't tell you about yet, but soon!)

See you tonight,

Love Dougwash x ❤

I thought about my schedule, nothing popped up about next weekend so I had no clue what this boy was on about..

The screaming kettle knocked me back into reality. With a steaming mug of tea, a third of a packet of Oreos and half a series of Big Bang Theory to catch up on, I made my way into the living room - awaiting the arrival of my hubby.


OMG two updates in one week, this is crazay! *Cough* umm.. yeah

Okay so can anyone guess what the special thing that's going to happen next weekend is?

Shout out to anyone who does guess it!

I made a couple of changes, Merries model friend was called Georgia but I changed it to Amy because obviously Georgia Horsely (but now Jones) was a different character and I think it would've got confusing!

Also I forgot to put in the last chapter that Dougie already had the ring so that's how Merrie now has it.

I think that's it? Anyway, leave a 🌟if you liked this chapter and comment on what you think might happen.

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See ya soon peeps

~Alika x

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