Chapter 38: Lessons in Preparation

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Sarina holds a finely-shaped piece of metal in place while Donatello runs a blowtorch along the seam. Sarina can't see his face through the welding mask, but she knows that he's got that focused expression on and that the only thing that matters in his world right now is getting the fusion right. After a slow and steady journey along the piece's edge, he shuts the torch off and steps back, giving her a thumbs up. Sarina flips her own mask down and readies a handheld orbital sander. She careful rounds off the edges of their project, a few sparks flying past her face.

She shuts off the sander, plunging the lab into a sudden, expectant silence, and she sets it to the side with a short clatter. The pair lifts their masks in sync and admires their creation, proud as new parents. Sarina takes the helmet and looks it over, turning it around and around in her hands, touching the sleek, silvery finish laced with blue light. It most closely resembles a mix between Thor's helmet and a Viking battle helmet, with pieces of metal running along the jaw and cheek with a widow's peak on the forehead. A glass visor covers the eyes, leaving the mouth and chin open.

"I love it," Sarina breathes, eyes flashing.

"Well, try it on!" Donatello urges, gesturing his hands to her as a grin spreads across his face.

She doesn't waste another second. She lifts the helmet above her head as if she is a fresh-faced, christened queen receiving her crown and slips it over her head. It fits like a tailor-made suit. Donatello's eyes light up and he can't help but gasp, a look of awe spreading across his rosy face as she lifts her hands to her mouth, flushed.

"Does it look as amazing as it feels?" she asks.

He rushes to her and takes her face in his hands, pressing his forehead against hers as he grins. "Breathtaking, my dear."

She grasps his wrists and adds the pressure of her own forehead to his, eyes fluttering shut. They share the pride, basking in it before her eyes fly open with a flash. "When my hair grows out, we may need to make adjustments," she says, pulling away and removing the helmet. Her pupils dart upwards as if doing so would allow her to see the fuzzy white sheen adorning her head.

His loving gaze doesn't falter as he leans in and presses a kiss to her forehead. "Another project for another day."

Before she can respond, there's a knock at the laboratory doors and Leonardo pokes his head in, arms full and his expression weary. "Hey, we're back," he greets, rather monotone with exhaustion, and he brings the bag in his arms over to the nearest table and lets it drop.

Donatello and Sarina move to his side, Sarina opening the bag and starting to sift through the materials while Donatello eyes his leader.

"How was it today, Leo?" he asks.

Leonardo lets out a heavy sigh and tilts his head back to the ceiling, hands moving to rest on his hips. "I think Shredder's just as impatient as we are," he says, his face hardening as he looks up at his brother. "They tried to stop us again today. Des was just getting the hang of turning when they tried to shoot her out of the air."

Sarina's head snaps up and she drops some kind of metal canister with a clang that makes both ninjas startle. "What? Is Destiny alright?"

"She's fine. She managed to dodge it but..." He purses his lips and Sarina notes one of the veins on his neck bulges for just a second as he grits his teeth. "She's so close, I can feel it. If we could get a few stress-free evenings in a row, maybe—"

"It'll be okay, Leo," Donatello says, a wary hand dropping to Leonardo's shoulder. The blue-masked turtle exhales slowly. "How are Raph and Mikey?"

"A few scratches, but nothing big. Raph's more ticked that we keep retreating instead of fighting back, but that's expected." Leonardo's gaze flits to Sarina and a fire reignites in his eyes. "But, uh, anything of use there, Sarina?"

Emotionless Mutation (Book Three)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz