Chapter 34: Lessons in Taking the Next Step

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Splinter wishes that he could say that he didn't expect something to go wrong. He knows that his sons and their allies are at risk any time they leave the lair and yet that doesn't stop the ageing rat from hoping that they complete their missions without any hiccups involved. As he lingers near Donatello's lab table and watches as Donatello and Sarina work at Destiny's very feathery body, he finds that above all else, he is just glad that they are all home. That is all he can truly ask for.

"Remind me again," Splinter says. Leonardo glances up from where he sits near Destiny's head and both Sarina and Donatello momentarily stop working. "You say Destiny got...partially...mutated?"

"It was from segmentation mutagen," Donatello says. He lifts up Destiny's arm and examines the feathers, right down to the stalks. The wolf mutant stays asleep. "The Kraang experimented with it a while ago."

"It is so named because it mutates only segments of people," Sarina adds, sifting through a medical kit. She pauses to tap her chin in thought.

"Uh, hate to change the subject, but what exactly are you going to do to her?" Leonardo asks. His gaze darts to Destiny's sleeping face, as if expecting to see something. His hand drifts to her wolf ears and starts to pet them.

"We're going to pluck the extra feathers, but leave the wings alone," Sarina answers. Her expression falls and her eyes flash. "We may have to submerge her in hot water to loosen the feathers. That is what farmers do to slaughtered chickens before plucking them."

Leonardo leans a little closer to Destiny, his arms now framing her head. An image of a Thanksgiving turkey with Destiny's face on it pops into his head and he shudders, earning an odd look from his brother.

"Relax, Leo, we're going to be very gentle," Donatello assures him. "She's sleeping now. She won't feel a thing."

"What if she gets one of her attacks while you guys are working?"

"We will immediately call you, but I am sure that you will hear her distress before we get the chance to do so," Sarina says with a slight smirk. Leonardo bows his head and she moves closer to him, resting her hand on his shoulder. "Trust us."

He takes in a long breath, then nods. Sarina feels her heart swell and her expression brightens, a dull glow emitting from her eyes for a second before fading back to normal, and she returns to her work. Splinter's hand replaces hers on Leonardo's shoulder and he gets to his feet, petting Destiny's ears one more time before he follows his father out of the lab.

"While I get everything ready, could you do me a favour?" Donatello asks. "Could you call Diaval and let him know what happened? I think he'd appreciate an update about Des."

"I do not have his number," she states.

"Use my phone."

He digs it out of his belt and hands it to her with hardly a glance from his work. Sarina takes the t-phone and opens it, finding the contacts and scrolling through them. She finds Diaval's name right beneath Destiny's, his contact picture a selfie where Destiny's face is half in the frame and Diaval is smiling just a little bit. Sarina clicks his name and puts the phone to her ear.

It rings three times before someone answers. "Donatello? That you?"

Sarina is struck by Diaval's voice. She expected him to sound gruff and menacing, just judging by the constant dead-eyed expression that she had seen in pictures, but his voice is more tentative than that. It's rough, sure, but it's got a gentleness to it.


Sarina blinks. "Oh, sorry. No, this is Sarina. I'm using Donatello's phone."

"Donnie's friend? From TCRI?"

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