Chapter 27: Lessons in Stories

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"Donnie?" Destiny calls, poking her head into the laboratory. "You in here?"

There's no answer. Destiny goes in a little more, her tail swaying. Her hand moves to her shoulder unconsciously and she winces as she becomes aware of the throbbing ache. She had been hoping to get a few painkillers from Donatello, maybe get him to check her arm. Then again, she can find the painkillers herself.

She hurries to the shelves lining the walls behind Donatello's main workspace and starts searching for the bottle of pills that April and Casey had picked up. The shelves come up with nothing and she turns back to the desk, just then seeing his first aid kit. With a slightly embarrassed laugh at not having seen it sooner, she opens it up and easily locates the pills.

As her hand closes around the bottle, she notices three folders laying next to Donatello's computer. Her ears perk when she reads the number written on the top one: 60184.

"Sarina?" she mumbles.

She steps closer and spreads them out with a sweep of her hand, revealing the remaining two and their numbers alongside glaring red stamps declaring "DISCONTINUED". She picks up the first one and, casting a quick glance to the door, opens it. The first thing she sees is a baby picture.

The pill bottle falls from her hand and she drops the folder, her entire face going a shade paler as she starts to shake. The baby wolf mutant in the picture keeps staring at her and Destiny's back hits the wall, her breathing picking up.

The door opens and Donatello enters, carrying a cup of coffee. He stops short when he sees Destiny, his eyes widening. "Destiny?" he asks.

She jumps, claws unsheathing as she whips her head up. She hardly relaxes even once she sees who it is. "What...what is this?" she demands, pointing to the folder. "Why is there a picture of me?"

Donatello's shoulders slump. "It's your TCRI file."

Her lips part and she takes a shaky breath, retracting her claws. Questions race through her head, all begging to be asked, but all that she can get out is a weak, "W-What?"

He moves to his desk, sets his coffee down, and slowly closes to file. Destiny doesn't take her eyes off of it even when he turns around and snakes his arm around her shoulders. He sets it in her hands and starts leading her to to living room.

"There's a lot that Sarina wanted you to know," he murmurs.


Destiny keeps staring at the folder in her lap. The other turtles, April, and Casey have gathered around near her. She hardly moves, every muscle stiff, tail rigid. She looks as if she might burst into tears at any second. No one dares say a word.

She finally opens the folder back up, picking up the picture of herself as a baby. Turning it over, she finds a typed label declaring the "Date of Mutagen Injection" as May 18, 1998. Her ears flatten against her hair and she looks up at her friends and family.

"Does...this mean that I'm only fifteen?" she asks.

Donatello kneels down and motions for her to turn the picture back over, where he points to the baby. "You're sitting up by yourself in this picture. You'd have to be at least six months old then."

Destiny hands him the picture before returning to the papers. There's multiple sheets reporting the health and activity of "Subject 60182", the dates on each paper spanning over months and months of observation, ranging from milestones to general behaviour. Destiny reads over some of the various notes, face struck with disbelief.

 Destiny reads over some of the various notes, face struck with disbelief

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