Chapter 35: Lessons in Adjustments

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Over the next month, things in the lair experience a shift in what is normal. Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo had hoped that with Sarina around, the accidents in Donatello's laboratory would drop to an all-time low. That hope was quickly dashed after hardly a week where, if anything, the accidents became more numerous albeit more contained. While it's not what they imagined, the turtles are glad that their brother has someone to accompany him in his scientific experiments.

Destiny, on the other hand, pays very little attention to the laboratory incidents. She's focused on her rapidly growing wings. At first, she hardly notices her new wings except for when she's lying down and when she's putting on her clothes, all of which suddenly feel tight. As the wings start to grow, getting bigger every day, they become noticeable to everyone, not just her. Clothes become even more frustrating and she can't go anywhere without smacking them against walls, corners, and her fellow mutants.

"I swear to shell, Sarina, I'm going to saw these things off," Destiny says to Sarina on a particularly frustrating morning.

Sarina smirks, continuing to tug at the hem of Destiny's t-shirt. The wolf mutant is trapped in nothing but her bra and jeans, her t-shirt halfway pulled down her torso, halted just below her collarbone. She glares at the wall in discontent, fully aware of Sarina's soft giggles of amusement.

"Oh, they aren't that bad," Sarina comforts, half thinking of solutions for Destiny's problem as she speaks. "You'll get used to them."

"They aren't even big enough to fly with yet," Destiny whines, ears flattening against her hair. "If it was legal for me to go nude, I would."

Sarina arches an eyebrow. "I can think of at least two people who'd agree with you," she says, a teasing edge in her voice.

She turns red. "Okay, not nude. Forget I said that."

Sarina laughs and turns Destiny towards her, looking over her haphazard outfit for a moment, hand perched on her chin. Destiny crosses her arms over her chest and focuses on her feet, face sour. Sarina seems to perk up after a bit, making the wolf's tail start to sway expectantly.

"Okay, you made your jeans fit around your tail, right?" Sarina asks. Destiny nods, turning around and swishing her tail. Sarina's gaze travels to her back, gears turning. "I think we can cut some spaces for your wings into your shirts. It won't be the easiest for you to undress, but..."

"If it gets me clothed, I'm in."

"Then let's get to work."


With Destiny's clothing problem fixed, the wolf-raven finds herself becoming keenly aware of the other annoyances of having her wings.

Annoyance number one; sleeping. Destiny can't roll over with ease anymore unless she wants to crush her wings in the process. She gets very used to sleeping on her side.

Annoyance number two; training. Her wings add a new weight to her back that she has to adjust to, making her mistime her tumbles and flips. Along with that, she hasn't learned to fold and tuck them in, leaving them drooping and vulnerable to weapons. Her frustration grows.

Annoyance number three; existing in general. Showering is annoying, getting through doors without smacking her wing on the wall is's all annoying. Destiny spreads her wings whenever she stretches, often smacking whichever unfortunate turtle is sitting next to her at the time. She fluffs her feathers when she's cold and extends her wings swiftly whenever she's surprised or scared.

"You're just making yourself look bigger," Donatello assures her. "It's natural."

"None of this feels natural!" Destiny retorts, frustrated tears rimming her eyes. She kicks the nearest swivel chair and sends it rolling across the room before it tips over, nearly falling into the algae pit. "I just want them gone!" she snaps, digging her fingers into her curls.

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