Chapter 8: Branches of Love

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The next morning, Sarina wakes up much earlier than everyone else. She heads out of the hallway and out into the living room, where she lingers for a moment before she hears rustling in the kitchen. She makes a beeline for it and when she goes inside, she finds Destiny holding a large bowl and a whisk, whipping at some sort of batter inside.

"Hey Sarina," Destiny greets, setting the batter down and turning to check the nearest waffle iron. "How'd you sleep?"

Sarina takes the nearest seat. "Wonderfully. What about you?"

Destiny purses her lips for a split second, then smiles. "Uh, great. The usual," she says.

The conversation dies. Destiny grabs the bowl and spoons a glop of batter onto the waffle iron. She closes it with a satisfying hiss and immediately moves to the cupboard to retrieve teacups, her tail swishing as she hums to herself. Sarina taps her fingertips against the tabletop, watching the wolf girl go about her business.

"Destiny, does Donatello feel love for a girl?" she inquires.

Destiny stiffens and her tail stops wagging. The cyborg waits patiently for an answer. "Is it a specific girl?" Destiny asks slowly.

"A girl with red hair. I recognize her from the Kraang missions. They call her April O'Neil." Sarina tilts her head. "You know what I am talking about, don't you?"

Destiny bites her lip, setting out the teacups on the table before turning and getting the teapot, which already has teabags in it. She fills the pot with boiling water, instantly filling the air with a fragrant aroma that makes Sarina inhale far more deeply than she needs to.

"Yeah," Destiny sighs. "Donnie's in love."

"He didn't seem happy when he mentioned that sort of affliction before," Sarina continues as Destiny turns and flips a waffle from the iron and onto a plate. "Why is that?"

"The girl he's in love with doesn't love him back, not in the way he wants," she answers, spreading some butter on the hot iron before putting more batter on it. "It really hurt him and...well, he's still hurting."

"What? But loves seems so pleasant. I am feeling confused again."

"Love is pleasant, but it's also very powerful and can completely blow up in your face. You have to be careful with it." Destiny's face falls and she sniffs as she checks the tea, giving it a stir before placing the lid back on the pot. "When it comes to Donnie, he's loyal. Once he loves you, he's gonna keep loving you, even when it's not...ideal."

Sarina ponders the wolf mutant's words as she snatches the fresh waffle from the plate on the table and chews it thoughtfully. An unfamiliar feeling washes over her, setting off her eye flashes and making her let out a noise of alarm as she nearly drops her half-eaten waffle and leers back in surprise.

Destiny nearly spills tea everywhere as her tail fur spikes. "What?! What happened?!" she demands.

"A new emotion!" Sarina declares. Destiny crumples, one hand pressing down over her heart as she takes a few deep breaths and mutters to herself. "I feel bad for Donatello and the pain he is experiencing, even though it is by no fault of my own."

"Is it pity?" Destiny suggests. She finishes pouring the tea into the cups, then turns to ready another waffle. "That's all I've got."

"Is pity good?"

"Yes...and no." She smirks lightly, thinking of Master Splinter. "I'm going to take a page from Raph's book. Pity is always a good thing to have, but 'too much makes you spineless and wimpy, and that gets you creamed.'" She chuckles. "So, yes and no."

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