Chapter 12: Lessons in Wisdom

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"Your family is incredible, Donatello," Sarina says as she enters the lab.

Donatello looks up from his work, eyes wide with surprise at her sudden reappearance. "Uh, yeah, they times. Why do you bring it up?"

She blinks and tilts her head, locks of hair drifting into her eyes. "It is just an observation. The way you support one another, even through bad times, is admirable at the least. I am just telling you because you ought to know."

"Alright then," he says with a tiny chuckle.

He turns back to his work, spinning a pen in his hand. Sarina watches him for a moment before inching closer, observing how his shoulders rise and fall with every breath, his eyes narrowing slightly as his body sometimes tenses or relaxes as he goes about his business. Her feet seem to move on their own.

She reaches over and lightly prods his bicep with her pointer finger as her eyes narrow with concentration. Donatello tenses as his face gains a few more degrees of temperature.

"Sarina?" he asks.

"Yes, Donatello?" she responds, nonchalant.

"Why are you poking my shoulder?"

She looks up, meeting his russet gaze. "I find your muscle density fascinating. In fact, I find the entirety of you fascinating." His cheeks become pink, her eyes falling back to his arm. "Your brothers too. Your mutant buildup is incredible. You have the armour and look of turtles, yet your speed and agility would put a real turtle to shame." Her fingers trail along his arms until her hand rests completely against his bicep. Her eyes flash as her lips pucker slightly. "Just...amazing. You're amazing."

He feels a lump form in his throat. "Oh...thanks," he squeaks.

"Destiny told me about fear," Sarina admits as her hands fall away from him. "I just want to let you know that I do not hate you and I will certainly never shun you."

He sighs. "You can't promise that."

Her eyes flash as confusion flits across her face. "I just did. Do you not believe that my words are sincere?"

There's silence for another moment as the purple-masked turtle looks up at her from his chair. She's so confident in herself, so sure of everything she says, and somehow, even negativity doesn't get her down. If he could only be more like her, maybe he could bounce back from everything that's weighing him down.

"My mind says yes," he answers. "My heart still says no."

She places her hands behind her back as she looks towards the door. "That is a shame. I hope that one day, you will come to realize that I mean every word I say," she says.

His throat is suddenly far too tight and he parts his lips, as if on the verge of responding, but a voice from outside the door stops him.

"Donnniiieeeeeee?" Michelangelo drones, poking his head into the lab. "The toaster's busted again."

Donatello groans and rises to his feet. "Again? What happened this time?" he demands as he starts walking.

"I don't know, dude," the younger turtle replies as they both linger in the doorway. "I just heard a crash and Leo screaming."

Donatello sighs and slips past the door, rubbing his eyes as he takes slow, cleansing breaths. Michelangelo trails after him. Sarina can just hear them talking as they get further away.

"After I fix the toaster, Leo is officially not allowed near it. Someone else can make him toast."

"Ooo! I'll make a sign!"

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