Chapter 1

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        If I was a real girl my mouth would be watering while I watch one of my men cut into a slice of chocolate cake. I have no idea what chocolate cake tastes like but it's the first food I'm trying when I get to being corporeal. I want chocolate and I want an orgasm, not necessarily in that order. 

        I've been a ghost for at least four decades now but for the past five I've been following around a group of supernatural investigators. At first it was the action and excitement that drew me to them but what made me want to stay is the intense draw I felt towards them after sticking around for a while. They work like a seamless unit and their brotherly relationship warms my ghostly heart. They all have their own shit they deal with but each one of them knows they have the others for support and love. It is something you don't find often in the human world. Humans tend to be selfish and idiotic. Watching them fuck up their short lives in idiotic ways almost caused me to lose all hope. I was planning on fading out of existence actually. I had been slowly becoming less and less visible, even to myself, during the last five years on the human side of things. I had become a mindless, hopeless shell of myself until I saw these guys at a club I was haunting. 

      Ever since then I haven't been able to tear myself away from them. Between their action hero shenanigans and their loving relationship, I was hooked. Now if only I could find out who or what I was. If I'm feeling a lot of emotion I can occasionally move something but I wouldn't be able to take a book down and read it or start up a computer and start searching. It's why I stopped a long time ago. I simply decided to become whoever I wanted to be. When you live for 40 years  of your existence with no one but yourself you soon learn that the only moral compass that matters is your own. There's no one else around to ever lecture you or give any sort of advice so you just have to make due with what you got. 

       I watch from my perch on the counter as Drazik scrapes the plate clean and licks the chocolate off of the fork in a way that makes me wonder what else he could do with that tongue. Luckily for me they don't bring the women they sleep with home so I don't have to watch any of that and because they're gentlemen they don't kiss and tell so thankfully I don't have to hear about it either. I've been trying for the few years to possess a woman simply so I could have some sort of real interaction with one of them but apparently I'm not that kind of ghost. 

      My eyes are roaming over Drazik's large muscular frame and squared jawline when I hear the front door open. Knowing it's another one of the guys I keep examining the man in front of me. His deep ocean blue eyes dart to the door before he gets up, running a hand through his short cropped black hair, and taking his plate to the dishwasher. 

      "Meeting!" Forrest calls from just inside the door once he has his shoes off.

      I watch as the gargoyle makes his way to the living room to sit in his usual seat. I hop off the counter top and make my way over to the living room, sitting in my usual spot, the forgotten stool shoved into the corner of the room. Once the men are settled I'll move but I'll stay here until then. I look over Forrest as he releases the tension from his body. His chocolate brown hair falls in loose curls to the middle of his ear but is styled back and away from his face. His light green eyes close for a minute while he lays his head on the back of the chair as he waits for his brothers to join him. He has an angled face that belongs in magazines. It almost looks like he was cut from stone instead of birthed with his perfectly sculpted jaw and high cheekbones. 

       Pretty soon the rest of the men file in and I look over all of them, gauging the seriousness of this meeting. I conclude that, based on everyone's body language, it's not a very serious meeting, just a check in. Once everyone is seated I make my way over to sit on the couch between Kieran and Leandre. These two are the lighthearted ones in the group. They're always making light of any situation and trying to have fun. They're badass when they need to be, don't get me wrong, but they have a more light-hearted energy than the rest. 

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