Thursday: Sir Raul

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I catch Raul in front of the throne room, a sash crossing his splint and a badge on top of his dark grey three-piece suit. The sight of him is dashing enough, but then he has to pull the sweetest smile.

I just want to jump into his arms, except, you know, his left one is temporarily disabled.

"Sir Raul." I curtsy instead, all the while break into a grin.

He bows back. "Princess. I've missed you."

"It's been one day." I remind him, my even-bigger grin betrays me.

"One long day." He pulls me into half embrace and steals a kiss.

"Raul!" I cry, looking around. The hall is mostly empty except for some butlers cleaning up after his accolade. Uncle Isaac is nowhere to be seen.

"What? Your eyes were asking for it." He ignores my glare and asks, in more serious tone, "What were you doing here, J? Alone."

"My knight's accolade. I simply must attend." I lead us to the palace garden.

"It was nothing interesting."

"I agree." I sit in my usual chair as Raul follows suit. "It was a lot more interesting to learn that unlike my make-believe dream, you are a real doctor."

Raul looks surprised, though not for long. "Not until next year. I've only just graduated last month."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"You never asked."

"There's plenty of chances, seeing that we talked about it a lot ...."

Instead of answering, he asks, out of nowhere, "Are you a magician?"


"Whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears." What kind of dork uses cheesy pick-up line to divert a girl's attention?

"Nice try, Raul." I deadpan.

Raul grimaces, looks uncomfortable in his own skin. He must know that I'm not going to let it go, because then he says in defeated tone, "You would've turned me down right away if I told you from the start."

What? "You don't know that!"

"...Or not, at the price of your conscience constantly haunting you." He sighs. "How would you feel if I told you, I need to throw away my chance to be a doctor, to be with you? I know you, J. More than anything, I know how much you wish to be one. I apologize for being selfish, I just ... I wanted a chance, J." He looks at me, his eyes pleading.

I mean ... It certainly wasn't wise of him to leave me in the dark like that. But I can't lie, it's nice to know he put that much consideration into our relationship that early. And it's not like any of that matters now that I'm no longer the heir apparent. "Okay, let's say water under the bridge. Just, we've come this far, aren't we? From now on, will you try to talk to me first?"

"I will. In fact, I'll just do it right now."


"I think, correct me if I'm wrong, you're not happy with the council's decision. About Brandon being the next sovereign."

Well, I'm surprised. I'm sure I hid it well enough, since I myself still can't decide how I feel about it. But, I know 'happy' is not the word I would use.

"I think you're worried about Primavara's future. And I think it's perfectly reasonable for you to feel that way." He must feel me hesitating, because he then adds, "Talk to me, princess. I think it would do you good. And don't you dare bring my future into this."

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