Chapter Twenty Two

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Arrow's POV

I feel someone touching me, someone sobbing into my chest something really hurt against my side. I open my eyes slowly, I find Colin, "Colin why does my side hurt so much?" I ask.

He sits up, I notice him putting pressure on my side, "He stabbed you," he managed through crying.

"," I manage at a whisper.

"We didn't stop them. They are going to carry on they don't care about us no more. He thinks your dead, he knows you won't survive," says Colin sadly.

"I'm still alive, don't give up with me yet," I blurt out pain surging through me.

"Not for much longer if we don't stop this blood," Colin says the tears disappearing.

"Forget about me, go be a hero Colin. Stop them," I whisper.

"No, your more important then the whole fucking world! Why did I risk it all for this shitty world. None of them mean more to me then you. He said he would kill you if I did something stupid. Now I'm going to lose you and he will win anyway," he says as his tears start again.

"Go fucking get him Colin! We never give up! WE WANT ACCEPTANCE, OUR LOVE IS EVERYTHING. Go teach that sick bastard you don't mess with Colin and Arrow and if you do you lose!" I shout at him.

"Take this, keep pressure on your wound. If they got my message someone will be here for you soon, an ambulance is on its way. Let's hope we win this altogether," he says as he kisses me on the lips makes sure I have pressure on my wound before he sprints off through the tree's.

"Go get that bastard for me!" I say in a whisper as my eyes close...

Colin's POV

I can't believe I left Arrow to die. I've left him to die..I will get my revenge the headmaster is going down.

I finally reach the edge of the tree's. The sports day is in full swing. I spot the ambulance just arriving and happiness fills me as I spot Paul and Caz with them. I watch as they head towards me, I look around and notice the headmaster, Jim and the prime-minster near where the drinks are.

I run forward and I charge him to the ground. "Prime-minster don't trust this man, Don't drink the juice. They have done something to it, they have made something to control people. This man wants to be the prime-minster and he will do anything to get it. I pull the pen knife out his pocket and open up the knife part to find Arrow's blood on it.
He stabbed my boyfriend to keep him quiet. Its why I didn't tell no one but he has already hurt me he can't do anything else to me no more," I say as I get off him.

"This child is lying!" the Head Master spits.

"Explain the blood, go down to the basement of the school all this is proof. He is psycho," I say angrily.

"Who stabbed you?" Caz asks who has pressure on the wound Arrow's wound who is on the stretcher with Paul with her and the two ambulance people carrying him.

"The headmaster," Arrow managers to say.

"The police are on there way," says Paul.

"See he has the knife. Arrow has been stabbed. He tried to kill him," I say quickly. The prime-minsters guards all come forward to protect the prime-minster and one of them attacks the headmaster to the ground.

"Jim has been involved in it too. They are both to blame," I say quickly.

"I believe I owe you my life," says the Prime-minster through guards.


Arrow's POV

I've never felt so relieved to be alive. I'm going to be in hospital for a while. It does put a stop to my exams being done, however I've been given exceptions to be able to do them once I've made a full recovery.

We now have a new headmaster or should I say new Head. She is wonderful and really understanding of what's happened. She hopes she can do a better job at running the school and she promised no experiment's in the basement.

Everything had gone wrong, I nearly lost my life and Colin nearly lost the love of his life but I'm more strong then he thinks. Granted it had been close, I lost so much blood but I got a blood transfusion, lucky for blood banks hey?

I know its not funny but sometimes its better then thinking of what might have been. My parents can't believe what happened. When they found out I was in hospital, in surgery because of lost of blood from a stab wound I think they both had mini heart attacks. I think I really scared them this time.

I think I scared myself. After everything that has happened, all I know is I can't wait to get my exams all finished. I'm going to go to go college and do computer science. I don't know what the future holds but all I do know is. We have been truly accepted by our friends, our family and our school.

We don't know what the future holds but all we do know is we are going to be together forever, our love can win over all. I will always love Colin, and he will always love me!

Two years later

Colin's POV

I can't believe you have your own place now," smiles Jerrod as he steps into mine and Arrow's flat with Connor his boyfriend.

"I know its all coming together. We are getting married early next year. Arrow's in full pelt to getting his career on track. Who knew just by going college would open up such much. He will defiantly have his own company up and running next year hands down. The thought of him doing that makes me feel warm inside. After everything I think our futures are going to be set forever and we get to experience it all together," I say as we all sit down at the dinner table in the kitchen.

"Where is Arrow anyway. I thought he be here," says Jerrod.

"Something came up, but he'll be back in a bit," I smile.

"How is college" he asks me.

"Good, really good."

"How is the fostering going?" Jerrod asks.

"Good actually. Soon I'll be able to start I'm nearly done with college and after that I can start thinking about the child center too. Its all going so well, more then I ever expected it too," I say happily.

"I'm really glad," says Jerrod. We start to eat. I look over at the photo frame with me and Arrow and smile.

Arrow's POV

I'm sitting in the car, both my arms crossed over the open window looking out at the on going traffic. "Thank you for seeing me again," he whispers, my real dad.

"Thanks for picking me up I guess," I whisper.

"I'm proud of you," he says.

"Thanks, but I can't keep doing this all the time. It brings too many memories back of the past. I'm living for the future now, you have to understand that. Its been nice seeing you again though and I will miss you but this is it. I won't see you again. I do love you, dad but its time we give this up," I say as I climb out the car. I look at him one last time before I walk towards my flat door.

Goodbye dad.

I put the key into the lock and step inside. Colin comes to the door to greet me and give me a kiss. "Jerrod and Connor are here."

"Yes sorry I am late. I hope there is still time to catch up before we go to my parents," I smile.

"Of course there is. Can you believe its been two years," he says too me.

"Yes I can actually and its been amazing what we have managed. I love you Colin and I know our future is going to be perfect."


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