Justin Bieber Gave Me Back My Music... And the Prize was My Heart

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Hey guys!!!! This is my first story on wattpad, and if ur a hater,

than pleeze don't tell me ;). Jk, I want to hear what u think!


Artemis' POV

"Why do I have to come, again?" I questioned my cousin as she

bounced up and down in the passenger seat. Mom glared at me to

be nice, but, hey, I've got a life to live, people to see, places to be...

ANYWHERE but this crappy Justin Bieber concert. Ever since a certain

incident in my life, I've been turned off music all together. No dancing,

no singing, no listening... This was breaking heart-preservation rule

number one, don't get to eager for music. HE had taught me that all those

years ago...

"Because my Mom couldn't, and Mimi can't come, I'm stuck with you," Angie,

my 14 year old cousin replied. Lovely, isn't she?

Mom pulled up next to the stadium and let us out. I had to practically grab

Angie by her shirt to keep her fro running inside. "Do we have a leash for the

child? I'm gonna need it later," I asked my mom sarcastically. She frowned at me.

"Be quiet, Artemis, I'm sure even YOUR friends are here," Mom assured me with

disgust. So what, my friends are goth and emo, they're individuals! They don't let

other people tell them what to do! My friends are Selene, Diana, and Jazmine. We

all met in one class or another, dance or singing or instruments. Jazmine is a soul

singer, she sings from the heart, and it's beautiful. Selene and Diana both took

dance with me, but only Diana plays a classical instrument like I did. We all look

somewhat alike, except my black hair has blue and purple glow-in-the-dark highlights

in it. Our eyes are all green, but with different amounts of blue added in. Plus, I'm the

shortest one of the crew. It gets quite annoying sometimes, when your friends lord it

over you like mine do. Oh, well, gotta love em!

"Artemis, come on!" Angie dragged me away from Mom's blue mini-van and dragged me

inside. "We're late! I don't want to miss Baby!" I'm assuming my lovely cousin meant the

song. The last time I heard, JB wasn't a dad, and Im sure nothing changed in the past five


I saw Angie's friends screaming near the back and my friends listening to their iPod's in the front.

"Go with your friends, I'll catch up with you later," I yelled over the noise. She nodded and

ran to her best friends' football huddle. I managed to reach my friends, suprisingly, and gave each one an awkward hug. "Hey, wassup?" I asked.

"Are you a fan?" Diana asked, excitemt filling her voice. Great, an excited emo. This could be entertaining...

"Nah, the dude's short, sings high, and doesn't vary his moves at all. He's got nothin' on us," I slapped highfives with Jazmine.

"Sounds like someone we all know and love," Selene pointed out, a knowing smile on her lips. I mock glared at her.

"Thank you, for supporting my decision to quit music for good. Now if the peanut gallery could get some duct tape issued across their mouth, I would feel all so much better..." I answered sarcastically. Diana and Jazmine laughed at the look of pure confusion on Selene's face. "Loveyou, bestie!" I hugged her. And the lights when out.

Chapter Two.... Justin's POV

She was beautiful. I might just end up singing the whole concert for her.

"Hey man, good luck!" Ryan punched my shoulder.

"Oh, dudes, he's got his game face on! Get ready for some serious fun, he's after a girl!" Chaz crowed, making Christian look up from his phone.

"Christian, who are you even texting?" Ryan asked, annoyed.

"My pen pal, Jazmine..." He blushed as his friends started catcalling. "She kinda lives here and I wanted to see if she'd be at the concert." Justin raised an eyebrow and glanced at his friend. "She's here with her crew, they're in the very front." Ryan gaped and laughed at Justin.

"Dude, you fell for either Christian's fourteen year old pen pal, or one of her friends." Chaz snickered along with him. Justin was about to reply when the stadium lights went out.

"Knock 'em dead, JB."

"Yeah, man, go get the girl," Chaz said, glaring at Christian who had spoken before him.

"Alright. She'll be my favorite girl very soon," Justin promised the crew as he stepped through the curtains.

"Show time," Ryan muttered.

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