Chapter 25

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Justin's POV

Ugh, I missed Artemis' call! I wonder if she heardthe message machine? I wonder if she got mad at the message..? THe car pulled up to her house and Artemis was in the yard with those twins, Flame and Ice, I think? SHe saw me and the smile she wore instantly turned into a frown. That made my heart drop, I never wanted her to be unhappy. Ever, especially if it was my fault.

"HEy, Artemis, what's up?" I asked gingerly, obviously stepping on thin Ice. (All right, all right, I jumped on him, but come on! He was chilling with my girl!)

"Justin, that was mean!" She told me, helping him up. He waved and whispered something to her, then he and the other one left.

"What's wrong, Ay?" I asked, sitting on her porch swing and pulling her into my lap. She naturally leaned back into my chest, even though I could tell she didn't want to. "What did i do?"

"Which JAsmine is your message machine greeting about?" She asked hesitantly. I smiled, relieved.

"Is that all, Ay? IT's about my sister, shorty, and I was going to change it this weekend when my Dad brings them here to visit," I told her, feeling her relax.

"WHy were you waiting?" she asked curiously, turning her torso to look at me.

"So I'd have all three of my girls here to put in. YOu, Jasmine, and Abbie," I told her seriously.

"Abbie's your other sister, right?"

"Yep. My one and only step-sister. She's awesome, you'll love her." I told her pulling her back to me with my arms around her waist.

"She's your family, ofcourse I'll love her!" Artemis said brightly, snuggling into my arms. OFcourse, the perfect moment always had to be ruined.


"I think that's your Dad," I told her, unwilling to let go.

"Uh, JUStin, that's not my Dad's car."

I looked at her. "Whose is it?" She looked happy, like the evil happy she was before the fight. I heard footsteps coming and I looked up.

"Oh, it's you." HE said, coming closer.

"HI, Derrick."

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