ch. 31: Stealth? Why? pt. 2

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A few days ago there was a storm, and Kai and I flew in it. The next day we got such and Iroh had to take care of us both. We're fine now, but daaaamn that hot head was pissed. Buuut that's all behind us now.

"No, you can't come with me, May."

"Why not!?"

"Because you never stay put." Zuko filed his arms over the dark outfit he was wearing. I knew he was going to go out and scout one of the fire nation's bases, and naturally I wanna go with, but he doesn't want me to.

"So what? I can protect myself and you."

Zuko rolls his eyes, holding a mask in one hand. "I know you can, but this time around, we need to be stealthy."

"Stealth? The hell we need that for?" I sighed.

"Because we don't need to be found. Anyway, I knew you'd want to come along, so look under the bed." He stepped away, leaving me in the room by myself.

I did as he told me and dug around under his bed to find a small box. Not small as it can fit in the palm of my hand, but small like it looks to be the same size of a shoe box, well, depending on the type and brand.

I open the box and there's a black outfit, one that resembles the one he's wearing but smaller, and a mask. Not just any kind of mask. It's an and Egyptian mask, the mask of Anubis. It's black and gold and there's something etched in the inside, but I can't quite read it.

"Are you ready yet."

I jump a little when I hear his voice, then smile to myself. "Hehe, never mind, stealth is amazing." I giggled, throwing off my hoodie and shorts to out on the spy outfit my pri- I mean that hot head...ahem... gave to me. I put my twin blades in their sheath on my back instead of on my hips, and  step out of the room, I hadn't tried the mask yet.

"How do I look?" I asked, but I already know that I'm fucking gorgeous no matter what anyone would say. I mean, come on, the outfit doesn't make the woman. I do still need to do something with my hair though.

"You look like a walking target." Zuko sighed and grabbed my hair, a little rough, but not enough to hurt me. He fiddled around for a little bit, then put my hair in two neat balls, like a traditional hairstyle for some people I can't even remember the names of. After that he put the hood on my head, and put his own mask on. "Now you're ready."

I smile at him and nod, "Yup! Thanks Zuko!" I'm surprised I didn't stutter or anything, seriously my heart feels like it's gonna burst, but I guess now isn't the time. I put my mask on, and and suddenly start to feel as if I'm a different person. Oddly enough, I feel calm, like nothing can hurt me behind this mask. Freaky.

"Let's go, we're gonna help the Avatar out of that base."

"Ah. Why didn't you just say so, I'm up for that!" I giggled, then took his hand. "No time for chat!"

"Woah! May! Remember, stealth! Ah-!" Zuko tried to talk, but I guess it wasn't so important because he didn't bother stopping me. Oops.

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