ch. 18: Figuring it out pt. 1

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Okaaay so I may have overreacted a little... Just a little. After composing myself and eating, I could think clearly. It must've just been the air, yeah... Something must've been in the air and made me think things about my friend...



May walks around, completely in denial of her feelings. It's not like she has anything important to do, other than grooming Kai, but that will be done later.


May jumps at the sound of Zuko's voice. Whatever it is, it's got him pretty riled up since he's yelling that loud- she figured. Actually she's been more aware of him, keeping tabs on wherever he goes in the ship. She tries to only leave her room when he's in his or the meditation room- obviously avoiding him- but now it's time to stop.

She stands just outside the meditation room door waiting for Zuko his Uncle to finish their conversion. Iroh noticed her immediately after exiting the room.

He smiles, guessing why she was there."May? You didn't have to wait out here you know."

"Uh... I...." She looks at the floor, not exactly sure what to say.

"Hm, this isn't like you at all." He pushes off her hood so he can get a better look at her face. She's a blushing mess. "Oh-OH. I get it! Can't say I've ever seen or heard of you being shy before."

She grumbles,  "Shut up, I know that already."

Iroh gives a hearty laugh before hugging her. "I have complete faith in you, my Niece."
Those words have a different ring to them from a few years ago, May can feel it.

"Yeah, thanks...." She mumbles while hugging him back.

Iroh leaves and May takes a few deep breaths before barging into Zuko's room.


"Hey Zu..." She tried to sound like her usual cheerful self, but she's so nervous her voice comes out a bit squeaky.

Zuko immediately noticed something was wrong, May is never like that- ever. "Are you okay? Did something happen with one of the crew members?"

May smiles, happy that he still has the heart to worry about her. "No no, its nothing like that." She sits next to him taking note of the map he hid behind his back when she walked in. "Can't I just come talk to my hot-headed prince?" She tried to say that in a joking way, but her nerves are really getting the better of her.

The Prince rolls his eyes. "May, I've known you since we were like, six or seven. That's about ten years now."

She laughs, "Six of which were spent apart, sweetie."

"Technically two, well, two and a half." He crosses his arms. "Which I still say it's two."

"Let's just say three so we can move on, what's your point Zu?" She says, starting to twirl her hair around her finger. It's how he deals with her nerves.

"My point is, I know you well enough to know when something is off." Zuko narrows his eyes and starts getting more serious. "Tell me what's wrong."

May looks down at her lap. "I was just.... Remembering the past... Okay?"

"....." Zu is almost afraid to ask what she's been thinking about. He and her were very close when they were younger, best friends, maybe even closer then that. May was like family to him, but he ended up ruining all of that. He got her taken away. At least, that's what he believes.

May never blamed him for what happened, she blamed Azula, 'cause it was all Azula's fault, well Azula and her father, but that's a back story for another chapter.

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