ch. 12: Fuck.... It's the Avatar pt. 1

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Hey! It's me, May Ziro! I'm a 16 year old guest of the southern water tribe! I came here three years ago as kind of a refugee and ended up pretty much apart of the tribe, even Kai was accepted! Oh right, Kai is my spirit guide! He's an adorable owl griffin! At least, that's what I've been saying he was. It was never really specified what his species is.

Anyway, on with my life!


It was Sokka's idea to drag Katara and I out fishing and all he does is try to show us up like we don't know what we're doing.

"Watch and learn you guys, this is how it's done."

Katara rolls her eyes and looks at the water while taking off one of her gloves. I just watch as she attempts to catch a fish with her water bending. It ends up failing because of Sokka's idiocy, seriously, he just needs to learn.

He gets all grumpy, "Why is it that every time you two play with magic water, I end up getting soaked?!"

I chuckle, "We've told ya sweetie, it's not magic it's water bending. It's supposed to be unique to your culture. Instead of being such a meathead, you should pick up a book or two and learn your history."

Katara starts laughing while Sokka sulks. "You don't have to be so mean about it, May."

Suddenly, the current picks up and either moves ice towards us or us towards the ice. Either way, it's a pretty rough ride.

Eventually our boat is crushed, leaving the three of us stranded on a large chunk of ice.


I roll my eyes. "Seriously Sokka, you call that a left?" I don't really mean it, but someone's gotta say something.

He clicks his tongue, something he probably learned from me. "Well maybe you two should've water bended us."

My eyebrow twitches and Katara and I speak almost in unison. "Are you saying this is our fault!?"

"I knew I should've left you guys home, leave it to the girls to screw things up."

It takes all I have to keep from strangling him. "You sexist bas-"

Katara blows up before I finish. "You are the most sexist, immature, nut brained- ugh! I'm embarrassed to be related to you!" Her anger causes her to bend the water unknowingly, cracking the ice behind her.

Seems like I'll just have to beat it into Sokka later, for now I have to keep us from drowning.

"May and I even wash all the clothes! Have you smelled your dirty socks!?"

Man, she's really going off... Am I that scary when I get mad? Eh, probably not.

Eventually the ice breaks, startling the both of them while causing a wave to push the ice we're on to flow back wards. I use my water bending to keep the ice stable enough to stand on. "Geez, it's never a boring day with you Katara."

"You mean.. I did that?"

I nod while Sokka mocks her, "you just went from weird to freakish."

Somehow this all seems so familiar to me, but I can't quite place where I've seen this. I do know something big is about to happen, but what is it....


Oh fuck... You've gotta be fucking with me... this is the first goddamn episode of-

An enormous chuck of glowing ice rises from the water, putting an end to my three years of joy.

Fuck.... It's the Avatar.

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