Episode twenty four

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*Davina wakes up*
Marcel: Davina!
Davina: what happened?
Kol: are you okay darling
Davina angerly: now you care if I am okay!
Damon: your emotions are hieghtend, looks like you have the anger to control them all
Bonnie: Damon!
Damon: what? She's a brat
Davina: all of you shut up!
Kol: just feed and you'll feel better
Davina: I'm a vampire?
Kol: you need to feed
Davina: that asshole who killed me!
Damon: you know that none of this would have happened if you just didn't come here
Kol: what were you thinking coming here!
Davina: you lied to me! You didn't tell me about your journey that you'll go with her!
*Davina gets up madly and heads towards Bonnie to punish her*
Damon: you won't lay a finger on her, control your temper! Someone get her out!
Marcel: D calm down, I will get you some blood to complete your transition
Davina crying: I don't want to be a vampire
Kol: I'm not letting you die!
Davina angerly: well that's funny because you're the reason I'm in this mess in the first place!
Kol: I'm not the one who told you to come after us! But he did!
*Kol grabs Goshwa angerly*
Gosh afraid: Calm down dude, I just didn't want to leave her alone I swear I..
Davina: let him go! He's my friend!
Damon: screw this drama, I'm out! Call me when this is over, I'll get Alaric's kids somewhere safe
Bonnie: I'll come with you
Davina: I want to teach that stupid excuse for a man a lesson!
Marcel: then you should complete the transition, I'll get you a blood bag
Bonnie: this is a house that belongs to a human, here you can feed from me
Kol: come on love
*Davina feeds of Bonnie with much jealousy in her eyes that she drank much blood from Bonnie*
Bonnie pulling away: aawe! What the hell is wrong with you!
Kol: she still didn't learn to control it, relax it's not a big deal
Bonnie: well I'm sorry I wanted to help then!
*Bonnie storms out of the house and gets in the car with Damon Alaric and the kids*
Damon: what took you long?
Bonnie: just being stupid
Damon: I'm smelling blood on you! Are you hurt?
Bonnie: it's not a big deal
Damon: classic stubborn Bon Bon
*Damon cuts his hand and put his blood on her wound*
Bonnie: where are we going?
Damon: the armory, Kai will be hiding but he might be stalking us as well, and I prefer to keep the kids safe in a place with many cameras for their safety
*Freya calling Bonnie*
Freya: I'm sorry about what happened, we didn't mean to let him out
Bonnie: it's not your fault, we'll just have to get to him first before he gets to us
Freya: you know him better than anyone, where do you think he go?
Bonnie: first to feed then to a restaurant maybe to get more power, I don't know
Freya: I'll have all the people here searching for him, especially that Davina is super mad at both Finn, Kai, and now with Kol
Bonnie: that girl is annoying, she started to piss me off
Freya: she's just stubborn and now her emotions are hieghtend, she will be..
Damon: a pain in the ass
Bonnie: I'll call you if I have any updates
*Three hours later*
Damon: that guy is an idiot at hiding
Bonnie: have you spotted him?
Damon: he uploaded a picture on his Twitter
Bonnie: don't tell me
Damon: Ric is still following him, at least it came in handy, maybe I should follow him too
Bonnie: where is he?
Damon: at a bar playing his favorite band
Bonnie: let's go
Damon: oh no you're not coming, you have my blood in your system and I'm not sure if this is a trap, I'll use their help
Bonnie: you told them first?
Damon: a man gotta keep his best friend safe, Freya is coming to stay with you in case he showed up here
*Damon takes off to meet Marcel, Davina, and Kol*
Damon: this could be a good trap so you need to keep your eyes open, he likes to play games
*They all get inside the bar but it was empty*
Damon: looks like a trap to me
Kai: I thought I'll meet you and Bonnie, but the more the merrier am I right?
Davina angerly: you killed me!!!
Kol: ex witch huh?
Marcel: you'll regret doing it
Kai: but there's a cure you can still get it
*Kol speeds towards Kai but he used magic to slam him into the wall, Marcel attacked him from the other side and pinned him on the floor*
Marcel: I told you you'd regret it
Kai: wait wait wait! I can cure her!
Davina: what are you talking about?
Damon: he'll trick you just snap his neck already
*Kol snaps Damon's neck*
Kol: much better, now I'm less annoyed
Kai: with the right amount of magic, I can syphon her vampire side and she'll be a witch again
Marcel: what do you need?
Kai with an evil smirk: invisique
Davina: where did they go?
*Meanwhile Marcel is invisible with Kai*
Marcel: what did you do?
Kai: one of my favorite tricks, but this one is my best one
*Kai syphons Marcel's power*
Kai: you're stronger than you look, a full spoon of magic
*Marcel gets weaker as Kai syphoned the magic that made him an original along with the magic that made his bite toxic but before he kills him Kai smashed a dark object on the floor that revealed Kai and Marcel*
*Davina sees that Marcel is about to die so she runs towards him and snaps Kai's neck while he was surprised that they could see him*
Marcel: uhh, thanks D
Davina: are you okay?
*Damon wakes up*
Damon: did you really snap my neck
Kol: you were being annoying
Damon: what happened over there? *Damon eyed Marcel*
Marcel: that heretic syphoned my original magic and toxic bite
Damon gloating: can't say I didn't warn you, but let's get him in the car if he had much power he would be omega powerful when he wakes up and it's not good for us
Kol: can you stop barking orders for five minutes or should I snap your neck again? Maybe compel you to chew your tongue
*They all leave while watching Kai carefully who was sleeping like a baby*
*At one of the armory holding cells*
*Kai wakes up*
Kai: ugggh you people like to see me captured right?
Bonnie: you have no idea
Kol: I got the syringe right here
Kai: I already had my vaccine and I don't like needles
Damon: I think you'll hate this one the most
*Kol stabs it in Kai quickly*
Kai: ooow! That was...
*Kai started to cry*
Kai: what's happening? What's wrong with my eyes?
Damon: for the love of god it's called crying
*Kai crying uncontrollably*
Kai: I'm sorry that I killed you please forgive me! And Bonnie I'm sorry for stabbing you and leaving you alone, I'm I'm sorry Damon for spelling your girlfriend, I killed my whole family! My coven!
Damon: will he be like that? For how long it's more annoying than usual
Kai: I'm sorry that I'm annoying you I.. I..
Kol: just leave him for a few days to punish himself, then we can..
*They got interrupted by Kai who was trying to rip his own heart out*
Damon: no you don't get to die before you fix my damn girl!
Kai: I have hurt too many people I'm sorry I'm sorry I deserve to die!
Damon: I'll forgive you if you fixed what you did
Kai: anything! I'll do anything!
Freya: I found a loophole for the sleeping spells, but you need to tell me what kinds of traps you set and undo them so we can wake the girl up
Kai taking a deep breath: okay..

End of episode twenty four

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