Episode twelve

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Klaus: so where do we start?
Damon: there are seven green spots, one on an island, one on some creepy caves, one in the mountains, one right next to Mystic Falls maybe it's in the armory, one is in Egypt, one in Morocco, and the last one is in the ocean, let's start with those deserted caves right here
Klaus: is there something special about them?
Damon: nah, it's just we found the compass the first time in caves, so maybe the witch was a fan of caves
Klaus: good point you've got there, maybe you're not that dump after all
Damon sarcastically: I was about to stab myself thinking I'm stupid, but your opinion just saved me, I owe you my life
*Caroline and Camille giggle and Klaus looks at them pissed*
Caroline giggling: what?! It was funny!
Klaus: you're pretty love, don't make me change that fact
Caroline: and you're still an ass but it's not a changable fact
Elijah: it's quite surprising that our brother is containing his temper, I'm impressed
Kol: he didn't come with me for a drink since these folks came her! He was never the one to refuse a good drink!
Rebecca: seems like the table is about to turn, I stop to love and Nik is about to do so
Klaus pissed: you're all idiots! I'm going to pack my stuff feel free to join me
Kol: Elijah, and he's back to his normal mood again
Damon: well, I'm going to pack too, and hey everyone if you all once again would like to come with us on our dangerous journey, feel free to take the school bus again!
Freya wondering: school bus?
Kol: it's rather the funny story sister! Come here, I'll tell you about it
Freya: I'm more interested to know why are you nice to me
Kol: I actually enjoy witch's business, I was once a witch, it's good to have a witch sister
Elijah: well, I have heard stories about you, how you acted while I was still in mother's womb, the songs you sang to me
Rebecca: it's nice to have a sister, I've always wanted a sister to share me my brother's annoying pranks, to get their attention away from me for a while
Freya: what about Niklaus?
Elijah: Klaus isn't the trusting type, you have to gain his trust, although he's been acting too nice to you, if he wasn't being nice, he would have locked you in the dungeon next to Ester
Freya: I want to kill that bitch!
Kol: get in line darling, we all do want that, although Klaus is the only one who got the chance
Rebecca: he did it twice I might add
Freya: well good for him!
Elijah: don't feel bad, she's in a great pain right now
Freya: it's not good enough for me!
*Klaus enters the room*
Klaus: now I know you're a true Michaelson
*meanwhile Bonnie is on the phone with Elena*
Bonnie: so what's up? What are they up to?
Elena: there are many locations, Freya seems so powerful, so I'd recommend for you to wait until she gathers them all
Bonnie: and take it from her
Elena: so you might want to come before they leave, convince them that you changed your mind, so they don't suspect you
Bonnie: might be too late for that...
Elena: why?
*Kathrine's voice*
Kathrine: hello my shadow self
Elena: what the hell! How did you got to her that fast! Bonnie! Hello!!
Bonnie: I figured she'd be in the town she once compelled to be her friends, and I offered her a deal
Elena: what did you offer her?
Bonnie: a chance to see her family again, and surprisingly she agreed
Elena: just be careful, she is a stabbing bitch!
Kathrine sarcastically: oh no I'm so offended
Bonnie: I'll come up with a new plan, we can't afford to have them all after me
Elena: so, do as I say, come home, convince them you're on their side
Bonnie: what about Kathrine?
Elena: tell her not to get involved for now, until you know what's exactly are you walking into
Bonnie: I'll see what I'll do
*Bonnie hangs up*
Kathrine pissed: so five minutes ago you were convincing me to help you, you even offered me a chance to see my family once more, and now you want me not to get involved? Well! You're too late honey, I'm not missing that chance to see them, so our deal is still up, you'll have to decide either to have me on your side or working against you
Bonnie: I'll let you see your family, but they have a very powerful witch, I need to convince them that I'm on their side! My plan hasn't changed, just the timing changed, it turns out to be 7 different locations
Kathrine angerly: if you're trying to play me!
Bonnie: I won't! I promise!
*Enzo enters the Cafe they're in with some Mexican food*
Enzo: I like Mexican food, and I would like you to try this meal too
Kathrine: your lover boy is back, I'm out of here witch, but I'm keeping an eye on you
Enzo concerned: what happened?
Bonnie: it turns out there are 7 different locations, we won't be able to track them down every time without being noticed
Enzo: so now what?
Bonnie: now we go back and put on the best act of having a change of heart
Enzo: and how do we do that?
Bonnie: here's what we're going to do
*Bonnie tells Enzo her plan*
Enzo: it's a pretty good plan, but will they buy it?
Bonnie: I hope they do
*At the compound*
Caroline: I'll miss you both so much, but you'll be safer here
Liz: we'll go home sweetie, we can't stay here anyway, they need me at the office, before you go back just come to say goodbye
Caroline crying: oh mom I'll miss you so much! I love you! It was really nice to hear your voice again
Caroline's dad: I'll miss you too, I have never thought that my daughter will be a vampire, but things are way too messed up to be upset about it
Caroline smiling: oh dad! I'll miss you so much too, but I guess mom is right, you need to go back
Bonnie's dad: I guess I'm no longer needed here too
Caroline: oh no no, Bonnie will be back soon I'm sure of it
Bonnie's dad: then she can visit me whenever she wants, I have business to run too
Caroline: I'll deliver the message
Bonnie's dad: aren't you coming with us too?
Gramz: I'm not leaving my grandchild here on her own
Elena: yes, she'll need your support
Gramz: and I won't let her down
Bonnie's dad: alright folks, time to go
Jo running with her bag: wait for me!
Alaric: I wish I didn't have to say goodbye
Jo: it'll be okay
Lizzy: I'll miss you miss Gosett
Gosey: please don't go
Jo: I really want to stay, but I'm not as strong as both of you, you're going to be the heroes and help your dad *Jo said with tears in her eyes to the twins, then she turned to speak to Alaric*
Jo: I didn't think that it'll be so damn hard to leave you, we really have a strong connection, and I'll miss the girls too, but I'm sure that they're in good hands
*Jo looks at Caroline and Caroline nods*
*They get into the taxi and take off*
*One hour later*
Damon: we're ready to go, get in the car Barbie and wonder twin, you too Alaric, I'm driving! Stefan and Elena can take the other car, where's she by the way?
*Bonnie appears in a car and stops in front of the compound*
Damon surprised: Bonnie?!
Bonnie: Damon! The Ogastens were tracking Enzo! They came after us and nearly killed him! One of them was about to get to him! He wanted to infect him with that...
Damon: to make him feed on vampires, where's Enzo?
Bonnie sobbing: he's in the car, he was shot!
*Damon hurries to get Enzo out of the car and then he gets the bullet out of him*
Damon: he's lucky it missed the heart
Klaus: can anyone tell me what the hell are those Ogastens? And what can possibly make a vampire feeds on another?
Damon: it's an organization to torture and do experiments on vampires, me and Enzo were one of their test subjects, except that Enzo was their guest for much longer than me
Klaus firmly: I don't care! We should go!
Bonnie: I can't lose him again Damon! I thought I was capable of just saying goodbye, but...
*Bonnie sobs harder and Damon goes to comfort her*
Damon: you idiot that's what I was telling you! Come on with us! hey Alaric! You drive! I'm driving with Bonnie and Enzo
*Enzo wakes up*
Enzo: what happened! Did we lose them! Are they still after us!
*Bonnie hugs Enzo*
Bonnie happily: oh my God you're okay!
Enzo: I'm not that easy to kill gorgeous
Klaus: she's not coming with us! She made her intentions clear before! She wants to use the compass to..
*Damon interrupts*
Damon: if you are blind, don't be deaf! She couldn't bear to lose Enzo again, why do you think she came back?
Klaus sarcastically: I don't know maybe to trick us and get the location out of us and then do whatever the hell she wants!
Damon looking at Bonnie to make an eye contact: she would never do something like that, at least she won't lie to me
*Bonnie doesn't speak for a while then takes a long breath*
Bonnie: I'm here because of Enzo, I can't lose him again!
Elijah: alright, you can come, but I'm keeping an eye on you
*They all get in their cars and before they go Camille runs out of the compound*
Rebecca: oh bloody hell! The bus joke is now on us! Are we really going to take the bar tender with us?
Camille: I don't know anyone here who is a... A vampire, I don't want to hurt anyone so I'll come with you!
Kol: no you're not, anyway our car is full
Elijah: she can come too brother, this seat is empty
Kol: I was going to put my legs on that seat brother!
Klaus: get in already, and lets move

End of episode twelve

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