Episode twenty three

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*At the party*
Freya: I have been searching all night the sleeping spells and linking spells, I think I might know a way to cheat the sleeping spell
Bonnie: really? Oh my God I might be able to get Elena up again!
*Damon walks to them and interrupts them*
Damon: what you two kids are talking about? And why do you look like a zombie?
Bonnie: Damon! She's trying to help us!
Damon: and what does that have to do with the fact that she looks like a freaking zombie
Freya: like I was saying, I stayed up all night and there might be a way to cheat sleeping spells
Damon paying attention: continue
Freya: not so cocky anymore huh? *She said smirking*
Damon: just spit it out!
Freya: the witch who casted the spell must be the one to preform this cheating loophole
Bonnie: Kai wouldn't help us!!
Damon: he'll negotiate to get out of that prison world
Klaus: it's a party have fun you're not here to discuss your problems
Caroline: jee thanks, we want to help our friend, you go have fun
Klaus: don't be so harsh on me Caroline, after all you were the one to bring Cami to me
Caroline: you are very drunk, CAMI! CAMI!
Camille: huh? What?
Caroline: get his drunk ass out of here
Elijah: that Kai witch, doesn't he have a weakness?
Damon: no, he killed his whole family, killed 6 of his siblings when he was a teenager, he didn't get sentimental until he literally merged with his brother
Bonnie: then it faded away after I screwed him over and imprisoned him for the second time
Kol: that looks bad ass to me
*Davina looks at him angerly*
Kol: what? It was a compliment! You're bad ass too
Davina to Freya: and you better know that I'll get Vincent out of your brother!
Freya: not again
Damon: focus guys! You said you need Kai to cheat the spell right?
Bonnie: we're not letting Kai out!
Kol: that Kai guy, you said that he didn't get sentimental until he merged with his sibling right?
Damon: that made him help us once
Kol: then it's settled, we make him sentimental
Bonnie: how are we going to do that?
Kol: I was a witch darling
*Davina gets jealous and leaves Kol*
Kol: I didn't say it as a compliment
Finn: she controls what you say? Hmm must be really special *he said mocking Kol*
Kol: she's not controlling me, leave her be
Finn: here she goes to hang with Gashwa, to get you to feel jealous
Kol: he is gay!
Finn: then it must be hard to know that she left you to a gay man
*Kol gets furious*
Kol: shut your mouth before I sew it to you!
Finn: I'll just jump into another body and let you handle your crazy ass girl to explain why her friend Vincent can't talk
Bonnie: you're a jerk stop getting under his skin!
Kol: at least she's smart enough to see you're a jerk!
Freya: Kol! Just stop it! You were telling us about to get that guy sentimental, how do you plan to do that?
Kol: he's part witch so obviously compulsion won't work on him, so we use some of the dark objects collection that Hailey has
Freya: there's a dark object to get someone to be sentimental?
Kol: no silly girl, they will just magnify his sentimental side it's like the hex syringe that was used on Camille's uncle
Hailey: the red one?
Kol: it's more like bloody orange color
Hailey: alright I'll go get it
Damon: and I will prepare the car to go get the ascendant from Alaric
Finn: I'm not letting you go by yourself Freya!
Freya: I'll be fine
Finn: no I'm coming too
Marcel: then I'm coming to keep an eye on you I don't want you to run because I'm gonna get Vincent back
Bonnie: but I have to warn you, he can kill an original by syphoning his magic
Marcel: I can weaken him with a bite
Caroline: riiight that's not going to work, he can syphon it as well to give him more power
Kol: we need just to inject him and there will be no need for any fight
Freya: let's just hope that it works
*Six hours later at Mystic Falls Alaric's place*
Alaric: no no no no! I won't give it to you Bonnie no way in hell! He'll try to kill my kids!
Damon: wasn't Elena also your kid? Or did you forget about her? I'll do it Alaric with or without you
Alaric: don't you dare use the father card! You're doing this for yourself!
Damon: it's not for me! In case you haven't noticed, Stefan had been with her for 15 years! He loves her too! When she wakes up he'll be dead! What if she still loves him! And don't forget that Bonnie is her best friend too! Or that you yourself won't be able to see her too! Or that her aunt Jenna won't be able to see her too! If you thought about it you'll know that it'll be just me and Care bear here who'll be able to see her
*Alaric thinks about what Damon said*
Alaric: if my kids got hurt!
Damon: I will protect them with my life I promise!
Alaric: alright here you go, I'll keep the kids safe here
Kol: I'll get Finn to be on gaurd duty
*Meanwhile at the compound*
Davina: he left with that witch! And Finn left in Vincent's body! He'll pay for this!!
Klaus: no need to make a scene love, Kol is just there to use a dark object
Davina: why didn't he tell me!!
Goshwa: calm down D he'll be here soon
Davina: it's not the point! He didn't tell me and now Finn took over Vincent body he could be running away!
Goshwa: Marcel is with him to prevent that
Davina: he left too!
*Davina storms out of the compound*
Goshwa: where are you going?
Davina: after them!
Goshwa: I'm coming with you too
*Back at Alaric's house*
*Bonnie preforms the spell and gets herself and Kol into the prison world*
Bonnie: I tied him up at the restaurant
Kol: what are we waiting for then?
Bonnie: I wonder if you like it here
Kol: what do you mean?
Bonnie: it's your second time here at the prison world for the record
Kol: I like the parties more darling
Bonnie: that's the restaurant over there
Kol: it looks quiet
*At the restaurant*
*The chair Kai was tied to was empty and there was a big screen behind it, Bonnie played it*
*Kai was singing on it the he looked at the camera to talk*
Kai: who's out there tonight, huh? Is it Damon, Bon Bon, Kathrine? Whoever you are this song is for Bonnie because you tied me to a wooden chair which was easy to break
Kol: you tied him in a wooden chair?
Bonnie: I didn't have time to pick another chair
*Kai appears at the door*
Kai: ooh but I did
*Kai uses his magic to slam Kol at the wall*
Bonnie: no! don't!
Kai: I have been waiting too long to do this!
*Kol runs towards Kai and grabs him to get him away from Bonnie*
Kol: sorry mate but you'll have to listen to her
Kai: or I can just do this!
*Kai syphons magic from Kol's hand*
Kol: son of a bitch! Get away
Kai: oh no I'm comfortable like that!
*Bonnie uses her magic to snap his neck*
Kol: that hurted like a bitch! He is a real sucker!
Bonnie: one minute more and you would be dead
Kol: then I think I should thank you my lady
*Kol smiles*
Bonnie: you're welcome, now let's get him back to tie him up before he wakes up
Kol: hopefully you have an iron chair this time *he said ironically*
Bonnie: I feel like I'm having Damon once again here
Kol: you were here with him?
Bonnie: yes we were trapped here for a few months with him *she looks at Kai*
Kol: you had to tolerate Damon,uuh! Must have been tough
Bonnie: he's not bad, actually you two have much in common
Kol: whaaaat? No darling I'm more handsome and smarter
Bonnie: just as arrogant as him, see, you're like twins
Kol: I'll accept it if we can be friends too like the two of you
Bonnie smirking: you'll have to prove yourself to me too
*They get Kai and go back to Alaric's house*
Kol: alright folks we're back and we're carrying gifts, well a person to be specific
*Kol drops Kai on the floor*
Freya: you're back! Here use these chains to tie him up, I'll go get the syringe
*Freya goes upstairs to get the syringe where Finn was at the kids room to protect them and Marcel was keeping an eye on him*
Damon: he still looks like the same creep from five years ago
Bonnie: well he....
*Davina arrives and interrupts them*
Davina: you left without telling me! With her!
Kol: no need to be jealous love, we will finish soon, and did you really had to bring him with you?
Davina: Gosh has been there for me
Kol: all of this just because I called her darling?
Davina: no that's because you have been keeping secrets from me!
Damon: quit fighting love birds, someone come to tie him up with me
*Kai wakes up and throws Damon at the door where Davina was standing so she hits her head and it started to bleed*
Gosh: here take my blood!
*Goshwa offers her his hand to drink from*
Kol concerned: are you okay darling?
Damon: uhh! No you're not going anywhere!
*Damon tries to grab Kai but fails*
Kol: you're going to pay for this!
*Kai throws Kol out of the door*
*Freya hurries downstairs with the syringe in her hand*
Freya: what's going on? Oh my god Davina!
*Marcel hears Freya so he hurries downstairs as well*
Bonnie: just be a descent person for once!
Kai: and where's the fun in that?
Marcel: hey!
*Kai grabs Davina*
Marcel: let her go!
Kai: she seemed important here, so she is the perfect leverage for me to get out!
Marcel: if you hurt her!
*Kai syphons some of Davina's magic and she screams*
Kai: you're not going to do anything, because if you did I'll kill her!
Bonnie: you can't trust him! Don't let him out he'll kill her!
Kol angerly: let her go!!!
Kai: let me out first!
*They get away from the door to let him pass while he was holding Davina*
Kai: thank you, now I'll let her go
*Kai pushes Davina in front of a speeding car to escape while they get distracted by the accident*
Kol: noooo! Davina!
Gosh: Davina!
Marcel: please tell me that she had a protection spell on her!
Gosh: no she didn't! She was too angry and mad to focus on anything else
Marcel to Kol: this is your fault!
Kol: again you blame me! I didn't tell her to keep her away from that asshole witch!
Damon: you should get her inside the house unless you want to compel a bunch of strangers asking for what happened! She'll wake up in no time hungry
Marcel: what? How do you know?
Damon: she had vampire blood in her system
Marcel: what? Why? Who gave it to her?
Gosh: her head was bleeding!
*Kol carries her and goes inside the house*
Bonnie: is she okay? Will she survive this?
Damon: no, she'll be a vampire
Marcel: Rebecca has the cure you gave her right?
Kol: right! The cure!
Bonnie: Rebecca took it as soon as I handed it to her! You can't have it from her
Gosh: this is bad
Damon: and now Kai's on the run

End of episode twenty three

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