Episode twenty

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Elijah: who are these people?
Damon: you know Kathrine, the girl is a siren and the guy Stefan's doppelganger
Sails: he is my doppelganger not the other way around!
Klaus: very bold of you Katerina to come here
Kathrine smirking: only because I have assistance, I'm done running, I made a deal with the devil, Alaric was really helpful and tasted real nice by the way
Damon: you killed him?!!!
Kathrine: oops my bad, but I sent the kids to their mother
Damon: you killed my friend!!
Sails: and I killed the other, or he'll be dead soon to be specific
Klaus: you missed with me twice, I'm not letting you to do it a third!!
*Klaus was about to attack Sails  but he heard a singing that made him stop*
Damon: everyone gets the hell out now!!
*They tried to run out but Sails mind controlled them*
Sails: no, stay it'll be fun!
Kathrine: so you're that girl Stefan has been with huh? Not as beautiful as me
*Kathrine snaps Elena's neck*
Stefan, Bonnie, and Damon: nooooooooo!
Damon: I'm going to rip your heart out!
Kathrine: you weren't paying attention, my new friend here presented me to Cade to collect the bad guys
Sybil: oh I just wanted an out
Kathrine: see that witch? It's called honesty
Bonnie: I was going to let you see your family as promised!
Kathrine: and you just failed to mention that I was going to be dead huh?
Sails: where's the guy that was with you in that cave? *Sails reads Klaus's mind* uuh Enzo! He is in that room, I just hate unfinished business
Kathrine: he and I had a lot in common, I like to tie my dead ends too
Sybil: I saw that you were my not so loyal servant, I wonder if I can have your loyalty now
Damon: I'll never be your little slave!
Sybil: well that's a pity
*Sybil rips Damon heart out*
Bonnie: Daaaamon!!!!! *She started crying*
Stefan unable to move: no brother!
*Sails tosses Enzo's body from upstairs*
Sails: I tied it up, maybe too hard
Bonnie: you're going to pay for this!
Hayley: what the hell are you doing to us!
Kol: it's bloody obvious! They're going to kill us all!
Sails: I was going to read your mind about where to find an oak stake but the cure is as effective, so... I'll just return the favor
*Sails uses a syringe to get the cure out of Stefan then he injects Klaus with it*
Sails: now you're killable
*Sails snaps Klaus's neck*
Elijah: brother!!!
Rebecca crying: Nik!!
Sybil: the witch is next
Kathrine: no let her be the last, I want to kill all of her friends in front of her
Sybil: hmm harsh! I like it!
*Kathrine heads towards Caroline who was sobbing*
Kathrine: this beautiful blonde girl right here, I turned you, but now I'll be the one to end you!
*Kathrine was about to put a stake through her heart but a ringing fork stops her*
Sybil: uuhh! What the?!
Alaric: I'm not that easy to kill!
*Bonnie cuts her crying and screams happily*
Bonnie: Ric! Oh my God you're alive!
Kathrine: I killed you!
Alaric: and I intend to return the favor soon enough!
*Alaric uses a bow to shot her with a stake in the heart*
Bonnie: she's not dead yet!
Alaric: I know but this makes me fight two not three
Sails: how are you even alive?
Alaric: I have a theory in progress, but I also have something for you!
*Alaric shots Sails in the head*
Alaric: this should be enough to break all of you free!
*Bonnie hurries towards Klaus to get the cure out of him then she injects Sails with it*
Elijah: this is for my brother!
*Elijah cuts Sails's head off then heads to Klaus where Rebecca was holding him*
Rebecca sobbing: Nik! Please wake up! Nik!
*Kathrine wakes up*
Bonnie: guys!!! Kathrine is up!
*Alaric rings the fork once more*
Alaric: Freya! Can you trap them here?!
Freya: yes but I need some time!
Alaric: you've got it! I...
*Kathrine grabs Alaric again*
Kathrine: I've killed once I can do it again!
Alaric: Kol! A little help here!
*Kol runs towards Kathrine and rips her heart out*
Kol: you're welcome
*Freya starts a spell to trap Kathrine in her place*
Freya: done!
Bonnie: it's the siren's turn!
*Meanwhile the siren has captured Bonnie*
Sybil: stop that fork from ringing! Or I'll kill her!
*Damon rips the siren's heart out from her back*
Bonnie happily: Damon! Oh my god I thought that you were gone!
Damon laughing weakly: I'm tougher than that!
*Stefan hurries towards Damon and hugs him*
Stefan: oh brother you gave me a scare
Kol: not to interrupt your happy moment but I guess you'll have to work faster!
Freya: the spell I used to trap both of them ends in six hours! You need to go now!
Alaric: I have the kids in the car let's go
Bonnie to Freya: I promise you I'll help you when I get back! And they'll all be alive
*Bonnie takes the book, the necklace and the cloned material*
*In the car*
Caroline: Damon was dead! How is he even here?!
Alaric: I think that it's like the prison world thing, because we're trapped here we can't die
Bonnie: well thank god for that Damon is annoying but I can't live without him
Damon: trying to win me over huh? Well I love you too but I'm still mad at you
*at the island*
*Bonnie uses the compass to open the portal*
Damon: get us to the day we traveled in time
Bonnie: only one of us should go, to stop us from doing it
Damon: I would offer but you won't believe me, because the whole "I don't want to come with you" thing
Bonnie: then I'll go, show you my memories and give you the material as a prove
Damon: alright, go!
*Through the portal*
*Bonnie sees Damon stands out of the cave while Caroline gets inside the cave with the twins and Alaric*
Bonnie: stop!
Alaric: what? Why?
Bonnie: don't go in there I just traveled back in time! Damon! Quickly see my memories and keep these things until I return, you show me those memories again*
Damon: you sound crazier now
Bonnie: it's how we managed to clone Stefan! I'm going to bring him back!
Damon: you said that you won't save anyone!
Bonnie: the siren is after us, believe me on this
*Damon nods and Bonnie shows him her memories*
*The weird strong earthquake happened again the same as it happened in the first time*
Bonnie: now I have to go back!
*Bonnie crosses the portal once more and then the compass shatters*
Damon: Bonnie! Wait! Don't go in there
*Bonnie you made it clear that you won't come, do you have to say it again?
Damon: no you just showed me your memories and gave me these!
*Damon gives the stuff to Bonnie and shows her her memories*
Alaric: I don't want to sound stupid here but I don't follow! What's going on?
Damon: let me just show you
*Damon shows Alaric Bonnie's memories*
Caroline: me too!
Damon: come here Barbie!
*Damon shows Caroline Bonnie's memories too*
Bonnie: so I'll bring them back first then we travel to New Orleans to help Klaus as promised!
Damon: this is weird, but Stefan is coming home *he said happily*
*Bonnie preforms the spell and retrieves all the cloned people*
Bonnie: oooh dad!!
*Bonnie hugs her dad*
Gia: where am I? What happened? Last thing I remember is that someone got me somewhere strange then, some weird ass things happened
Bonnie: we'll explain everything on the way
Damon: Stef! Ugh I missed you brother!
Stefan: me too brother
Camille: you really pulled it off! Thank you!
Bonnie smiling: you're welcome
Lilly: this is crazy
Stefan: mother
*Stefan hugs Lilly*
Lexi: ugh I'm not taking another part in your weird adventures!
Stefan: ooh Lexi
Lexi: will it be weird for me to go see my boyfriend once more and tell him the whole situation again?
Damon: ooh yes it will be
Bonnie: alright folks, we need to go home to rest
Damon: agreed, I hate camping here
*They all get inside the ship and take off to go home*

End of episode twenty

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