Episode eighteen

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Klaus: are we to skip the chit chat and go then?
Gramz: you will need a Bennett witch to open the cave for you
Klaus: I assume you're offering
Gramz: well, Bonnie will be somewhere else and she has a lot on her mind, so I'd like to take some of her burden
Enzo: I can come too if you need me, I'm not tired
Klaus: feel free to hop in with us in the car
*At the island Sails is on*
Lexi: where is that man in a suit? I didn't see him when I arrived
Klaus: he went to search for Gia an ex of his that I killed to get back at him
Lexi: no offense but you're a real jerk
Rebecca: that's offensive honey
Lexi: I know but I said it not to get my head ripped off
Rebecca: you're funny and bold, I like you
Lexi: well, Stefan saw something in you back there in the 20s, so you must be not so bad
Klaus: if you're done with your chit chat, Damon must have showed you the location of the cure so be a dear and show us
Lexi: follow me
*Meanwhile at the prison world*
Kol: alright darling, let's get that stupid cure and mama Stefan and get the hell out
Bonnie: just shut up and walk
Kol sarcastically: don't be mean to me darling I don't want to get sad
Bonnie: I'm mean because I don't like you, actually you remind me of someone I met in a prison world
Kol sarcastically: so you loved him and he broke your heart, and now you're mean to me because you don't want to fall in love again
Bonnie laughing: you are the drama queen of the family aren't you? No actually that's not what happened
Kol: well I'm bored darling, so come on and tell me about that guy
Bonnie: just to get you to stop annoying me
Kol smirking happily: glad to know that it worked
Bonnie: well, he killed all of his siblings, the whole coven to be fair, he tricked me to think that he had changed, made me trust him, stabbed me twice, left me alone to die, but I returned the favor then made him another prison world
Kol impressed: that's a lot of stabbing sweetheart, and cold too
Bonnie: I don't like anyone to piss me off
Kol: you're quite the bad ass huh? I didn't expect you to be the girl to get revenge
Bonnie: and what did I seam to you?
Kol: the annoying caring kind friend, who isn't capable of hurting a fly
Bonnie: you'd be surprised, we're here
Kol: I'll go get the cure
Bonnie: I may just trap you in here
Kol smirking: I'm funny not dump darling, I have a dark object to link me to you, so if I'm stuck, so are you
*Bonnie sights*
Bonnie: you all are really paranoid aren't you?
Kol from inside the cave: you would be too love if you have been through what we have been through... Got it!
*Kol gets out of the cave*
Bonnie: not bad, now let's get Stefan's mother
Kol: you don't seem to like her
Bonnie: I don't, I hate her as a matter of fact
Kol: you are talking about her aggressively darling, easy there we can just go back without her
Bonnie: why do you care even about what I feel?
Kol annoying her: I don't, I just want to go back
Bonnie: you were the one to volunteer to come, so I don't buy it
Kol: and smart too, you're full of surprises miss Bennett
Bonnie: dodging the question huh? I don't care actually
Kol: only fair since you dodged mine first
Bonnie: she was the one to link my death to Elena's life, made a deal with the guy I just told you about
Kol: why would she do that? It's her son's girl!
Bonnie: you of all people should be able to relate
Kol: oach! Harsh much huh? What happened to the mothers in this world *he said ironically*
Bonnie: but Stefan is a nice person so he wants to give her a second chance
Kol: yes yes the nice vampire who feeds off of bunnies
*Bonnie smiles*
*Klaus group*
Gramz: well I opened it, my job here is done
Lexi: now he can make us see things and read our minds, how are we going to beat him? And what if he made us kill each other?
Klaus: he once convinced me that I was about to die, so I have to admit that he is good at what he's doing
Enzo: let's not forget about the vision, he could be one of the three enemies
Klaus: you're not as dump as you sound
Enzo: gee thanks
Klaus: can he control anything from up here? I mean since we got on the island
Bonnie: I don't think that he is that strong yet
Enzo: I managed to get a siren out of my head maybe it would be the same
Bonnie: it's not the same!
Enzo: don't worry about me gorgeous, I'll be fine
Klaus: you don't have to insist, be my guest
Enzo: give me the syringe
Klaus: I'll go with you and you two stay here
Rebecca: I'm useless again! I want to do something!
Klaus: don't say that, you can drive the get away boat
Rebecca: I have two jerks as brothers
Klaus while walking: at least Elijah is nice
*Inside the cave*
Enzo: he needs blood to remove his hand away from the cure
Klaus: he can drink from me
*Klaus cuts his wrist and puts it on Sails's mouth to drink from him until Sails removes his arm from the cure to grab Klaus's hand*
Enzo: I've got it!
Klaus: give it to me
*Enzo gives the cure to Klaus and Klaus removes his arm to shovel the cure down Sails's throat*
Klaus: now you can use the syringe to get the cure out of him once more
Sails: don't do that!
*Klaus holds Sails still for Enzo until Enzo gets the cure out of Sails then hits him on the head making him unconscious*
*Sails reveals his face*
Sails: now I got you to think that you got rid of me, thanks for raising me though
*Enzo is on the ground unconscious and Klaus looked shocked*
Sails: didn't see that one coming huh?
Klaus angerly: no! You don't get to mess with me twice!
*Klaus tries to grab Sails but Sails disappears from in front of him and stands behind him*
Sails: these mind games are fun and all but I have got things to do
*Sails disappears once more*
*Klaus carries unconscious Enzo off the ground and the cure syringe too then gets out of the cave*
Lexi: what happened?!! Why is he unconscious?
Klaus pissed: Sails got inside my head! He pretended to be Enzo, he made me give Enzo the cure then get it in the syringe!
Gramz: oh my god! Bonnie won't bear this news!
Lexi: he is human now so we can't get him back when he dies
Rebecca: we can still clone him right? We have all the six pieces!
Gramz: that will make us clone an over 100 years human, he'll be old and die soon
Lexi: what are we going to do? Bonnie cares about him too much she won't receive this news lightly
Klaus: and lets not forget about the mind reader walking around here, we need to leave, now!
Rebecca: and that's your fault
Klaus: not a good time for this talk now! We need to leave!
*They all get on the boat to get away from the island*
*Meanwhile in the prison world*
Kol: we're at the Salvator house, where is the Salvator mama?
Bonnie: she will get here any minute
*Lilly gets inside the house carrying a lamb*
Lilly: who are you? And how did you get in here?
Kol: this conversation is getting old and boring, so let's skip to the fun part
*Kol grabs Lilly and looks at her eyes deeply*
Kol: you're going to come with us without questions or resisting, and you will not try to grab anyone else with you darling
Lilly: I'm going with you and I will not ask questions, I will not resist or get anyone else with me
Bonnie smiling: I can't say I feel bad for her, I kinda enjoyed it
Kol: anything for you darling, now shall we go?
Bonnie: that's about time, let's go
*At the compound after two hours*
*Lexi gets inside the compound looking nervous*
Bonnie: great! You're back! Did you manage to get the cure?
*Klaus gets inside the compound carrying Enzo*
Bonnie: oh my God Enzo!! What happened to him?! What have you done to him!!
Klaus angerly: Sails happened! He tricked me to give him the cure then get it out of him
Bonnie: no no no this isn't happening!!
*Bonnie starts to cry*
Lexi: I'm sorry Bonnie
*Enzo wakes up*
Bonnie: oh my God Enzo how are you feeling?
Enzo: what happened? Where did Sails go? And why does my head hurts?
*Enzo notices Bonnie crying*
Enzo: why are you crying? What happened?
Lexi: you don't remember?
*Enzo starts to remember what Sails did and that Klaus gave him the cure*
Enzo: I'm human now!
*Bonnie sobs harder*
Bonnie: he got the cure out of you again!
Enzo: it's okay love, I'm fine
Bonnie: it's not okay and no you're not fine! You will be dead soon!!
Kol: can't you just clone him?
Bonnie: it'll clone him as an over 100 years old human! He'll die soon after too!
*Stefan gets inside the compound with Damon who was still pissed*
Damon: what's going on here?
Rebecca: Sails tricked Klaus to give Enzo the cure then to get it out of him
Damon: what?! When did that happen? Why does shit have to happen every freaking single time we try to make things right?!
*Enzo gets up*
Enzo: I'm fine Bonnie, I'll just get to the room
*Enzo goes with Bonnie to his room*
Damon: so we have a mind reader on the loose, a siren, and a selfish vampire bitch! Enemies confirmed!

End of episode eighteen

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