Episode five

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*Klaus sees Alaric's memories of himself, Alaric and hope, and also sees Alaric's wedding day*
Klaus: there's nothing in your memories proves I had a daughter, only that you raised the dead, but now that you pissed me off, I may start with your dead pride she looks delicious
*Klaus goes towards Jo*
Damon: you want something solid as prove? How about this?
*Damon gets a white oak stake out of his pocket*
Klaus: what is that?
Damon: that my dearest friend is my insurance ticket that you'll let us go on our merry way with no harm, this is white oak stake
*Klaus runs towards Damon to take it from him*
Damon: I'm not going to kill you with it because if you die, my brother dies, me and Caroline we broke the sire line because of something happened in the future as you pissed some angry witches
Klaus: tell me what's stopping me from tearing your hands off with the stake in it?
Damon: because there's a whole bridge made of the white oak stake and if we all didn't return during this month I contacted one of my enemies our dear friend Matt Donavon to use the wood of the bridge and come after you with his army, and don't underestimate us we may have killed two of your brothers with it
Klaus angerly: YOU DARE COME TO ME IN MY HOUSE, THREATENING ME! Maybe I'll keep your tongue as a souvenir
Damon: I wish you no harm like we said we want your help, you want more proof, okay, I know that the sun and moon curse is fake, I know that you're a hybrid but your mother bended your wolf side, you need a moon stone, a werewolf, a vampire, and a doppelganger to do the spell under a full moon, you can create hybrids only using the doppelganger blood, I know that your father has a white oak stake and he was trying to kill you and now his heart is stopped by this witch's mother
*Damon referring to Bonnie*
Damon: need anymore proof! You were the one who killed your mother
Rebecca: you're lying!
Damon: I know all of this is shocking but when we brought her back to life she linked all of you to kill you believe me she's a bitch!
Kol: this is a great story my friend but I don't buy it
Damon: what got us to kill you is because of you were obsessed with not letting Sails out when we wanted to get the cure for vampirism, we know the location but I'm not letting my brother's original shadow self get out again who was a mind reader freak by the way
Kol: how the hell did you know about this!
Alaric: that's what we're saying since we got here, we came from another future and we want your help
Kol: in what? You're going into some kind of war and you want us on your side?
*Kol and Klaus laugh*
Damon: we actually want your older sister's help
Klaus: ooh you're a thousand years late mate, and how could a child help you?
Damon: because she's not dead, once you and her helped Stefan dealing with Rina Cruise
Klaus: the huntress?
Damon: that's the one yes, she told him about her freak aunt Dahlia and right now she is sleeping for a century, she only is awake for a year, so we need your blood to locate her, wake her so she can help us
Klaus: more lies!
Damon: oh god, just compel me already, ask if I'm saying the truth, I'm vervain free
*Klaus looks deep into Damon's eyes and talks*
Klaus: you'll tell me the truth
Damon: I'll tell you the truth
Klaus: are you and all of your friends here from the future?
Damon: no, just me, the toddlers, Alaric, and Barbie girl
Klaus: how did you brought Alaric's bride from the dead?
Jo: I died?!!
Alaric: this is a misunderstanding, you're fine don't worry
Damon: we can talk somewhere private!
Klaus: I compelled you to tell me the truth not to argue with me, plus this is more fun, now answer me!
*Damon tries to shut his mouth but fails*
Damon: we trued to bring her back once, it didn't work out so we couldn't, we got her when we traveled in time
*Alaric takes Jo and the kids away from Damon to calm her down and prevent the kids to hear more*
Klaus: oh now I see, and tell me friend, from that future you came from, my brother Elijah was also dead?
Damon: no he wasn't
Klaus: so you missed up the time and somehow got my brother killed!!
Kol: I just am curious, I want to confirm my doubt, can I ask him something brother before you kill him?
Klaus: he is all yours
*Kol looks deeply in Damon's eyes*
Kol: was anyone else in this room dead from "when" you came from?
Damon: yes
Klaus: now this is interesting, I'd like to know who?
*Damon struggles to hold his tongue and tears fill his eyes*
Damon: don't make answer this, please at least not here
Klaus: answers fast and don't try chewing your tongue or I can just check your memories after compelling you not to resist
Caroline: lets all go out, this is between Damon and Klaus
*Kol gets in front of the entrance*
Kol: nobody is going anywhere! You all should listen
*Damon looks to Stefan who looked really confused*
Damon: I'm sorry little brother, everyone in this room died except for me, Elena, Caroline, Bonnie, Alaric, and his kids
*They all get shocked*
Elena: wait what?!!
Caroline to Kol: I hope you're satisfied to tell a bunch of people that they died! Jeez, come on I'll explain everything I swear *she said with tears in her eyes*
*Caroline escorts her parents out to explain the situation, Bonnie does the same with Enzo, her Gramz, and Dad
Elena: Stefan? Are you okay? Do you...
*Stefan interrupts her while looking at Damon*
Stefan: you join the others, I'd like to have a little chat with my brother
Klaus: this is getting more interesting every minute
Damon: can you just shut up!
Klaus: you know that I can take your guts out before you even blink!
Damon: I don't care, right now I'm going to talk with my brother and I don't care about what you're going to do
Rebecca: just let him comfort him Nik this seems tough and we all can relate, we still recall what happened when Elijah died
Klaus: I was done here anyway
*Klaus gets upstairs*
*Stefan looking at Damon as if he's studying him*
Damon: I know what you might think, I know that you're mad at me, I swear I didn't want you just to get hurt, I I I...
Stefan: no
Damon: what do mean "no"?
Stefan: I'm not mad at you
Damon: what do you mean?
Stefan: I suspected that you didn't tell me the truth, I didn't buy your "Kai imprisoned you" story, I knew what happened to me was bad but I didn't think that awful
*Damon looks at him with pain in his eyes*
Stefan: I want you to show me what happened to me, how I died
Damon: I.. I... I don't think that it's a good idea..
Stefan: I can see that you're hurt, I don't want you to talk about it, let me just see your memories and promise me you won't hold anything back
Damon in desperate sad angry tone: so you just found that... That you died and you're thinking about how I'm feeling! You died to protect me while I should've been the one to protect you! You should stop doing that!
Stefan: doing what?
Damon: thinking about me first, it should've been me not you!
*Damon looks away to hide the tears running down on his face*
Stefan: hey hey...
Damon: I should be the one comforting you not the other way around, I'm a terrible brother! You deserved to live a happy life with your bride! Happy human life but your love to me got in the way!
Stefan: calm the hell down! I was the one making the decision right! It wasn't your fault!
Damon: why is everyone saying that of course it was my damn fault! I let you die, I knew you'd go straight to hell! If I just ...
*Stefan interrupts him*
Stefan: then show me! I'd like to see everything that happened
*Damon nods his head in frustration*
*Stefan sees how he interrupted Damon, snapped his neck, dragged him to safety then killed Kathrine along with himself in the hell fire, Stefan also saw Damon's conversation with Cade about no redemption that he knew that if any of them died they'll both go to hell, he saw how Damon was cooping with his death and how he burned the entire house except for his room, Stefan saw how much damaged him brother was*
Stefan: oh my god Damon why the hell didn't you tell me!
*Stefan pulls Damon into a hug*
Damon: you don't have to feel sorry I deserved it, that's the least thing that should happen to me for letting you die!
Stefan: it's okay to feel sad, you've been through much already, drop this whole it's your fault nonsense!
Damon: but it is my....
Stefan: just shut up about it, I'd do it again in a heartbeat it was my choice! And you had already died to protect me from Cade, so think of it as returning the favor
Klaus: I hate to interrupt this whole brother bonding quality time, but I'd like you to get out of the house before I change my mind, and oh I'm keeping the doppelganger by the way thanks for the tip
Damon: wait!
Klaus: what now?
*Bonnie enters the room*
Damon: what if I told you we can bring your brother back!

End of episode five

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