Episode thirteen

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*At the caves*
Stefan: this seems off, I think a great witch will protect her doing, and this cave isn't even sealed!
Damon: well you just had to say it, don't you?
Caroline: he is just asking! Don't be such a jerk to him too!
Damon: he asked the question which always is followed by some pretty big problem!
*Damon is interrupted by the voice of Elena screaming*
Klaus: he wasn't wrong
Damon: Elena! *Damon hurries towards her voice then stops on the sight of Elena barely hanging on the ground with her hands and there's lava underneath her*
Damon: the ground is collapsing! Everyone out!!
*Klaus seems pissed but he gets out with his siblings, Enzo carries Bonnie and gets her out, Caroline carries her kids and goes outside the cave and Stefan gets Alaric out*
*Damon crosses the big lava hole and get to Elena and gets her out*
*Stefan looks at Bonnie and whispers*
Stefan: the compass could be the object in here
Bonnie: but no one will risk his life to get it, they already want to destroy it, this serves them right!
Stefan: then I'll go
Bonnie: no! Don't!
* But Stefan runs inside the cave while no one is looking not listening to Bonnie*
Damon: are you okay? Are there any burns?
*Damon looks at her hands checking for any wounds*
Elena: no, but my palms hurt from all the heat and hanging
*Damon cuts his wrist and feeds her his blood*
Damon: better?
Elena: ...yes.. better
Damon: see Stefan that's what happens when you say the "it's too easy" senten...
*Damon cuts his words short and starts madly shouts for Stefan*
Bonnie: he is still inside the cave!
Damon: you're just telling me now!
*Damon runs inside the cave and sees Stefan with some gear he holds on the other side of the lava hole and the cave is starting collapsing from above their heads too*
Damon: Stefan!!
*Damon jumps to the other side of the hole, grabs Stefan and jump him across the cave*
Damon: have you lost your damn mind!! What on earth were you thinking?!!
*Stefan pushes Damon to let him from his grip*
Stefan: I was doing the right thing to do!
Damon: so you want to die again? How many times do I have to lose you?
Stefan: are we seriously going to fight in here!
Damon: no we're not, we'll continue this conversation once we get out!
*Stefan walks towards the entrance of the cave while a house size rock is falling from above towards him and Damon sees it*
*Damon runs towards Stefan and pushes him outside the cave immediately*
Stefan: what the hell are you...
*Stefan sees the huge rock which blocked the entrance*
Stefan: Damon! DAMON!!
Bonnie: Stefan! You're okay! What the hell happened where's Damon!?
Klaus: either inside the cave or under this little rock, literally the guy living under the rock
*Kol laughs*
Elijah: excuse my brother's behavior, Niklaus!
Klaus: I'll just take this pretty little thing
*Klaus hurries towards Stefan and takes the gear from his hand*
Klaus: though it doesn't look like a compass to me
Bonnie in ager: that's because it's not!
Klaus: either way I'm keeping it, I'll be waiting in the car with Camille, I think she would like to hear about this stumble
Kol: I'm coming too, it's hot here
*Klaus and kol walk out*
Rebecca: Damon is an asshole but he still values his brother and cares for him, so if there anything I can do to help, just let me know
Freya: well, he is indeed a jerk, but he got rid of Dahlia so I'll help too
Elijah: well he brought me back from the dead, so I'm willing to return the favor
Bonnie: I need to move this rock,  I don't know if he is unconscious behind it or if it landed on him
Elena: we have Ester right! She can bring him back if he died
Bonnie: the travellers aren't easy to find! It'll take us a while!
*Elijah punishes the rock but it's barely damaged*
Elijah: destroying the rock won't work, it's quite hard
Freya: we can use magic to lift it!
Bonnie: I'm not strong enough to do that
Freya: you can always use a magic battery
Bonnie: what do you mean?
Freya: you can channel one of the originals, they're unending batteries for magic
Rebecca: and how are we supposed to do that?
Freya: may I brother?
*Freya holds Elijah's hands and start doing a spell and Bonnie imitates her with Rebecca until the rock is lifted a little*
Freya: we won't be able to lift it much longer, someone needs to go inside!
*Stefan runs inside the cave and sees Damon unconscious and his legs are covered in blood*
*Stefan carries him and hurries outside then Bonnie and Freya drop the rock back again on the ground*
Bonnie: oh my god! What happened to his legs!
Rebecca: it'll heal
Elena: his legs are literally smashed!
Freya: I can reattach his bones with magic to make his healing faster
Bonnie: please!
*Freya nods and starts her spell*
Elena: thank you!
Freya: it's done, he just will have to wake up
Elijah: we will give you a moment, come on sister, let's go join Nik in the car
*Elijah, Freya and Rebecca leave Damon with his friends and head to the car*
Lizzy: is he okay daddy?
Alaric: he will be sweetie
Gosey: but he's covered in blood dad
Alaric: Damon is a special man, he heals fast, but you are right he lost a lot of blood, so we'll need to get him some more
*Alaric takes the girls to get some blood bags from the car*
Stefan concerned and sad: I'm sorry brother, I didn't mean to get you hurt
Bonnie to Stefan: you shouldn't have run like that! What were you thinking?!!!
*Damon wakes up in pain but talks firmly*
Damon: that's the million dollar question! What the hell was that about?!!
*Damon tries to get up but fails*
Elena: you should stay still until your legs heal completely
Stefan: you shouldn't risk your life like that for me!!
Damon: I have been saying the same sentence to you for the last decade! You're not listening so why should I?
*Stefan gets angry*
Damon: now you know how I feel
Alaric: here, drink this
Caroline: where are the girls?
Alaric: in the car, I didn't want them to see him drinking blood it's weird, Enzo is with them
Caroline: Kol is probably drinking non stop over there he may even drinks Enzo's blood!
Alaric: they have Gramz over there too
Caroline: I'm sorry but I'm going to stay with them
Alaric: I'm coming too
*Damon drinks the blood bag*
Damon: much better
Bonnie: can you stand up?
*Damon stands up slowly but manages to stand still*
Damon: yes, I think so
Stefan concerned: can you walk? Or should I carry you to the car until you're able to do so?
*Damon gives Stefan a weird look*
Damon: you're not going to carry me like I'm some baby
Stefan: how do you think I got you out? Using a stick?
*Elena and Bonnie laughs*
Damon annoyed: asshole! I can walk on my own, all healed!
*They all go join the others*
*Camille sees Damon's pants soaked in blood*
Camille: oh my god! You said he'll heal!
Klaus: he is healed love, how do you think he's walking? Although I really thought that we finally got rid of him
Camille: don't be rude!
*Camille hurries towards Damon*
Camille: is he okay?
Elena: he is now
Camille: does he always do that hero stuff? I mean he saved me from Kol, brought Klaus's brother, saved his other sister and saved his brother! is that like a thing to him?
Damon: I'm standing right here, you don't have to talk about me in third person, and no it's not a thing, all of this was a means to an end except for the Stefan's part, that was real
Camille: hey! I'm trying to be nice here!
Damon: and I don't care
Bonnie: excuse his ungrateful ass, he is a bit of a jerk
Stefan: correction, he is completely a jerk
Damon: Jeez thanks, can we go now, and I want your ass to explain to me what was that back there!
Stefan: just drop it already
Damon: I'm not going to drop it Stefan! What you did was reckless and extremely stupid! And I would like to know what the hell you were thinking!
*Freya interrupts them*
Freya: this gear here is part of one object, there are more to it
Klaus: let me guess, the other six marks on the map are the other parts
Freya: I just can't figure out what is it used for
Bonnie: can I see it?
*Bonnie examines the gear carefully*
*Gramz stares at it too, then talks to Bonnie as if she was possessed*
Gramz: you need to come with me
Klaus: what's happening over here?
*Gramz throws Klaus away*
Gramz: I would advise for you to not follow us!
Bonnie: Emily?
Gramz: that's correct, I would like to have a word with you
*Bonnie leaves with her Gramz aways from where the others are*
Elena whispering: does that mean she knows what it is?
Damon: yes, and it's either dangerous or powerful enough to make the witches not wanting Vampires to know about it
Freya: it was like nothing I've ever seen before, I felt its power, and it was really strong
*Meanwhile Bonnie with Gramz*
Gramz: this gear is one part of six parts
Bonnie: but there were seven marks on the map
Gramz: the seventh mark is for the compass, it changes its place when it's used
Bonnie: that explains why we didn't find it in the same cave when we got out
Gramz: this device is powerful enough to clone a human, not a vampire, not a witch, not a were wolf
Bonnie: why is that? And I'm wondering why one witch making two devices which are that powerful
Gramz: that witch had a baby girl, she was seven, and got really sick. The wise men in the village couldn't help her, so the witch called up on her dark magic to help her, especially that her girl wasn't a witch and she wasn't going to reunite with her in the after life
Bonnie: I thought that the other side didn't exist 3000 years ago
Gramz: it didn't, but each dead witch joins her ancistors in the after life, because witches are the servants of nature
Bonnie: go on
Gramz: the witch worked so hard using very dark magic to create a cloning object to clone her daughter before she dies
Bonnie: so to use it, the girl had to be alive
Gramz: exactly, but when she finally finished it, her girl was no longer alive
Bonnie: so she invented the compass to travel back in time to save her child before she dies
Gramz: but the witches didn't allow black magic, so they used some of the magic that binded her first device to trap the compass in that cave, then they dismantled the device and sent every piece into a different place
Bonnie: as a punishment for the witch for using black magic
Gramz: now you know the whole story, what are you going to do?
Bonnie: the right thing of course
Gramz: then my job here is done, the witches weren't wrong about you, you really have a pure heart, I'm trusting you
Bonnie: thanks Emily
*Emily leaves Gramz's body*
Gramz: what happened?
Bonnie happily: I know what to do now!

End of episode thirteen

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