Chapter 15

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After the meeting with Anubis in the Hall of Judgement, we decided to have a group meeting to discuss our next move on our long adventure to hopefully save the world.

Grey has pulled out the white board from his father's office and brought it out to the common space in the basement. The boys are talking amongst themselves. Grey takes an expo marker and bangs it against the coffee table.

"Gentlemen and lady, settle down. We have much to discuss. As we all know or so I've been informed that I myself well err Anubis told you that 'the one you are seeking help from, go to where the pharaohs and powerful nobles of the New Kingdom have been laid to rest. Who you seek will call the one he requests, and he give you the guidance you need,"

"So, we have to go to the Egyptian pyramids?" I ask. That's pretty much all that I understood from the message Anubis gave us. He honestly wasn't much help especially considering he's expecting us to travel across the world for some information that he could just tell us upfront. I mean do they do not realize that I have a life outside their Egyptian realm. I mean this is a little inconvenient if I do say so myself. Plus, can't they just rely on the message from one to another? I know technology wasn't like that back when the Egyptian kingdom was at its height, but can they not catch up to speed now?

"Actually, based on my research the pharaohs of the New Kingdom were all buried in the Valley of the Kings," Grey explains, and chills run down my back. I really don't want to be wandering through some old powerful mummy's gravesites.

"So, we have to awaken one of the Pharaoh's?" I ask skeptically. I really don't think awakening some old pharaoh dude is listed on the "top ten things to do in Egypt", but hey I could be wrong.

"Then, he's going to talk to just one of us," Aiden asks as he's trying to put all the thoughts together.

"Yeah, he is going to call the one he requests, but we will all go, and protect each other up until that point," Finley says confidently. This just sounds like a bad idea. Letting one of us go and talk to the dead mummy alone and expecting nothing to go wrong. I mean what could possibly go wrong I laugh to myself. Everything. Everything could go on. And Finley actually supports this idea?

"So, we're going to visit the Valley of Kings," I say. Egypt never has been on the top of my list of places that I have been interested in visiting. All I know about Egypt is that there's the Nile with crocodiles, the Egyptian pyramids that were built by the Israelites? They were enslaved there to build them or so I think, but I'm not the best at history. Oh, and the fact that the city of Alexandria has some historical significance. Should have paid more attention in world history, but all I took from that class was don't mess with Genghis Khan and the Mongols. Besides that, the rest really was ancient history to me.

"Don't want to be the bearer of bad news here," Olivier says, "but I actually have classes and life to get to and there's no way we will ever be able get off of school let alone convince our parents to take a trip to Egypt"

"I've been thinking," Grey says, "technically, my parents are actually doing field work in Egypt, so hear me out. Fall break excursion to visit my parents in Egypt,"

"I really don't want to go on an archeological dig," Aiden starts to object.

"No, no that's where you're confused my friend," Grey goes on to clarify, "we tell your parents here that we are visiting my parents and staying with while we are there, but we won't actually be with them besides the basic let's say hey and have them pay for us to have a free meal. So, we have proof we visited them without really spending any time with them while being able to complete this never-ending quest."

"This seems like a terrible idea," Olivier grumbles rubbing his temples. Poor Olivier his friends have seemed to always cause him anxiety and stress for days or years or well maybe his entire lifetime.

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