Chapter 10

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That night I go to bed, but my sleep is anything but peaceful. I find my spirit wandering, and somehow end up in the duat. At first, I can't tell if I'm dreaming of visiting the duat, or actually visiting it until a voice that I recognize yells through the dim lit chamber.

"What's she doing here," Finley curtly remarks. "Who showed her the duat?"

"For once it was not me," a jackal figure responds – clearly Grey or should I say Anubis.

"You know I would never do such a thing," a crocodile figure says – Henri I assume. I can't help but get chills running down my back as I look at him. Can't say I'm a huge fan of reptiles, especially crocodiles. Have you seen the videos of men being swallowed whole by them in Malaysia or somewhere at that side of the world! Or maybe it was a snake but beside the point, I wouldn't consider myself their biggest fan.

Finley stares at Aiden who is in his hawk form. "Why would you do that?" he snarls. I think he's about to go and rip him into shreds when a voice in the darkness interrupts us. I begin to get really nervous. Last time I was here with Aiden, there were voices in the darkness, but luckily, we left fast enough. "Seriously Aiden, how could you possibly think that was a good idea..." Finley goes on clearly not paying attention to the voice echoing down the chamber.

"I'm sorry, I get it, but she can't be in the dark about everything that we are up to," Aiden says defensively.

"She doesn't need to know everything. She wasn't supposed to be part of this, so she shouldn't," Finley saying firmly as if his words should be law.

"I agree. Aiden it wasn't your place to bring her into this," Grey steps. "And being the god of judgment it seems as though you had poor judgment on this one."

"Woah, I'm not sure. She was probably bound to find out someday. Plus, it's not her whole fault she's dragged into this mess," Henri steps in- trying to be a voice of reason. Out of everyone, I never would have expected Henri to stick up for me in a way. I couldn't help my curiosity. The voice down the chamber shrieks louder this time sending chills down my whatever I am in this realm. I hear what seems to be claws dragging along the floor of the chamber sounding like fingernails scraping a chalkboard. Hate to interrupt their debate, but honestly the timing couldn't be any worse. They don't seem to be paying attention to what's stirring around the corner of the labyrinth.

"This might not be my place, but do you hear that?" I yell just as this huge creature turns the corner roaring in the boys' face. They all jump backwards. Instead of running out, they all clothe themselves with more armor. The creature lets out another roar. I have never seen anything like it. A creature that I don't even think my mind could conjure up. The creature sort of looks like a serpent at first glances but instead of scales, it drips this dark-green slim. Its teeth are huge – two huge canine looking incisors like fangs that hang from the roof of its mouth. No doubt with one bite those teeth could pierce through a whole body. Attached to its midsection, it has these two dragon-like wings that stretch the entire length of the cavern. Finley had transformed into Osiris's body with white robes, a staff, and a belt of weapons. He has managed to summon a blade from thin air as well as a shield. I thought he was going to stab the creature, but instead I find him throwing himself at the creature and landing onto the serpent's backside. He's now covered in slim, breathing heavily from the stunt he just performed.

Henri stands in front of the creature throwing knives at the serpent which he ends up shaking off like a dog would with water after a bath. Aiden stands in front of me shield and hilt of his sword facing the serpent's frontside. He doesn't charge or move. I'm afraid he has become frozen from the terror of the creature, but then I realize he's concentrating. He focuses on creating this aura that covers us like a blanket using magic. He is using this magic shield to protect me, while the rest of the boys focus on attacking the serpent.

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