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"What happened Hunty?!" May cried running up to us.

Felice snickered. "Hunty?"

He shot her a glare and turned back to little worried May, and now Max who had joined us. "Nothing guys, horses just got spooked and I fell of Storm alright?"

May looked unsure and she glanced at me and I nodded and gave her a reassuring smile. She grabbed Hunters hand and he kneeled next to her. She pulled some twigs out his hair and hugged him.

"I'm glad your okay." She murmured into his shoulder. He grinned and pulled her off kissing her cheek.

"Hey! I'm invincible nothing can hurt me!" He winked at her. Felice snorted and I whacked her arm holding back a laugh myself. May giggled and ran off.

"Invincible huh?" Felice said sarcastically cocking an eyebrow.

"Just for her." He said in an even tone. Looking her right in the eye. Daring her to say something.

Hmm so Hunter has a secret caring side. Who knew?

Felice looked slightly taken aback. She didn't respond.

"So who wants to go for a swim? We can get cleaned off, and cooled down." I said matter-o-factly, doing a three sixty to se everyone's answer. After giving there consent we went to change into our swimsuits.

I had a bright blue ruffled bikini that tied around my neck from the middle. Felice has an apple green strapless bikini. Lilly had pink and white striped bikini. Once we were all changed we each stepped out of a different tent and I shivered. Ya it was summer, but we were in the mountains and it was a tad chilly. Thankfully the water was warmed up a bit by an underground heating source but closer to the waterfall it was colder. The boys stepped out and I had to keep my jaw from dropping. Felice tensed and Lilly's eyes widened. The boys had similar reactions to us, judging by there expressions. Seriously these guys were ripped. I guess us girls were in good shape.... I mean I can't say what the guys were thinking about us.... Moving on.

We were all sitting in the water by the edge like a hot tub. It was sooo relaxing. I let out a sigh of content. Wait....

"Hey do you guys feel that?" Felice asked, getting a tighter grip on the edge. She was the closest to the waterfall, and a few minutes a go it has started coming down harder. I felt it to though, the slightest tug down. It was getting stronger to.

We all backed farther away from the waterfall, it's force was just pulling us down, the farther we were, the safer we were, simple. "Felice come this way." I said to her, trying to keep her calm. She was starting to panic.

"I, I can't!" She was getting hysteric. She getting puller farther away from me, and further down. "Help me!" She cried, starting to thrash wildly. I didn't know what to do. I looked at the boys wide eyed, and saw Hunter coming forward, pushing Lilly and I back. I grabbed his arm.

"What are you doing!? I cried.

"I'm a lifeguard at home. I can help her, stay back or you'll get caught in the undertow." He said to me calmly.

I nodded and went to Jake. I grabbed his hand and he looked surprised for a minute, looking at me with his electric blue eyes. I looked back with my forest green ones. We sort of zoned out a minute. Jeez he looks so amazing, his eyes... His lips. Wait what did I just say?! Heh heh I didn't say anything... Thank the lord he can't read my mind.

I quickly averted my gaze, but didn't let go of his hand. Hunter was speaking quietly to Felice. I couldn't hear what he was saying, but she relaxed and stopped sinking. Soon he was within an arms length and he reached out and grabbed her arm and pulled him to her. Now they were both starting to get pulled out so the four of us made a human lifeline and tugged them in. We dragged eachother out of the water and grabbed towels.

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