Sincerely, Clo

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Title: Sincerely, Clo 

Author: makeawishh

Link: (Also found on the external link, if you can't click on this) 

Blurb: Kyle Collins and Cloelia (preferably be called Clo) Bennett have been best friends ever since Kyle gave Clo a purple crayon in kindergarten. And just like any girl and guy that ended up as best friends, Kyle falls in love with her in their sophomore year. But Kyle never confessed to Clo, afraid of being rejected and worse of all, afraid to end their friendship. Before Kyle can change his mind, he lost his chance when something tragically happened to Clo.

Told in Kyle's point of view, this book unfolds the love story between Kyle and Clo, starting all the way back in their childhood

Categories: | Teen Fiction |    |Romance| 

Status: On Going


I personally think you should be reading this, as the blurb has already got me hooked, the plot so simple, yet you know it's gunna be THAT good.

On another note, if you want me to add your stories here, just ask, and I will. :')

Say hi to the author!!

Stay cool,

~ ShanShan_

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