Infinite Reflections

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Title:  Infinite Reflections

Author: nobodyshero_x

Summary of the story? : 

Berkeley Institute for Psychiatric Help and Rehabilitation has earned the newest member of its mental family. The only problem being, she may not be as insane as they say she is. Syrenne Cunningham is shipped off to Berkeley after doctors claim she attempted suicide. Now, trapped within the walls of the one place she never dreamed of entering, Syrenne is trying to understand why she is really there. Inside the ward, she is immediately drawn to Levi, the boy who has not spoken to a soul since he arrived. What if she isn’t the only ‘sane’ person in Berkeley? Can she crack this boy’s barrier and find out what’s really going on?

Categories: | Teen Fiction || Mystery/Thriller | 

Status: ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ ✓

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Happy reading! 


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