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After all the lectures her Dorm mates gave her, she finally told them what the plan was. "You're staying here"Draco said. "No! They're my parents!"Hermione snapped. "Harry and Ron will return them here, you are staying" Draco said. "You can't leave me here! I need to sign the papers to make it seem real"She snapped. The plan was to make the Malfoy parents sign a form that would allow the ministry to erase their memories as they will have,technically, signed the papers willingly. Along with Lauren too. They would think they were the papers that would get Lauren and Draco wed. Then Auror members will come in and take them away. Ron, Harry, Blaise and Theo are there as backup if they need assistance bringing her parents back. "Who's gonna stay with Melody?" Ginny asked. "You, Luna, Pansy and Astoria are here"Hermione said. "We're meeting with kingsley in 20 minutes"Draco reminded her. "Let's go then"She said. They got up and apparated away.

Arriving at the meeting, they told Kingsley everything, including their plan. "Not only is that illegal, but we need to find the horcrux by the end of the day, that's impossible"Kingsley said. "Not really impossible, and I know it's illegal but it's the only way"Hermione said. Kingsley sighed. "Fine but what do you mean it's not impossible?"Kingsley asked. "It isn't"Hermione said. Draco was also surprised by this. "How?"He asked. "When me, Harry and Ron were looking for horcruxes during the war, we found that we couldn't Accio Them. So we'll sort out the stuff your mother has given you and we'll accio them one by one. The one that doesn't work, is the one that's been carrying a soul in it"Hermione said. "You really would've done great in Ravenclaw"Kingsley noted.

Hermione and Draco apparated to their apartment, and went straight to Draco's stuff. "Everything Cissa gave me is in here"Draco said, pulling out a large box. "We need something recent"Hermione added. Half the box was emptied. "Something that would be important" a quarter was emptied. What was left was a heirloom (ring), a necklace with a grey serpent on it, And a tiara. "A tiara?" Hermione questioned, picking it up.

"I don't remember this"He muttered, staring at it. "But you remember the heirloom and the necklace right?"Hermione asked and he nodded. "Do you think this is it?"He asked her. "think about it, wouldn't she hide something you knew about? Like what if you just threw away the crown? The horcrux would be lost"Hermione said. "But they know I'm engaged to you, and there's a chance I'd use the heirlooms, so it could be the necklace"Draco said. "You're right about the heirlooms, they seem to like Mandie so they wouldn't want her to wear a horcrux" She said. "So the necklace?"He said. "We'll take all of them, show it to the rest and we'll decide which one to destroy"Hermione said. "Weren't we gonna summon them?"She remembered. "Can't, The heirlooms and necklace have a spell on them so they can't get stolen by summoning"Draco said.

Returning to Hogwarts, they showed their dorm mates. "So?" Hermione asked. "Wasn't Bella obsessed with Voldemort?"Harry asked Draco. Draco nodded. "What if she made the necklace into a horcrux like he did?"Harry suggested. "But wouldn't she know that we would think of that?" Hermione asked. "Remember, she doesn't know we know"Ron said. "This seems way too easy"Hermione muttered, putting her head in her hands. "What's wrong with easy?"Pansy asked. "If you put your soul into an object, wouldn't you want it to be properly hidden so you wouldn't be killed? You wouldn't hide it out in the open" Harry explained. "We've Done this before" Hermione said . "So we'll need to think like before"She continued. "What are you thinking?"Draco asked.

"Remember when Bella saw the sword of Gryffindor? And she thought we went into her fault? What if we duplicate these items and take Them with us? Whatever Narcissa reacts to first, would be the horcrux"Hermione said. "How are we gonna walk in casually walk in with a tiara on?"Blaise asked. "We don't, I'll wear one of the heirlooms and Draco will wear the necklace. If she doesn't react to them, that means that the tiara is the horcrux"She explained. "But what if Bella watches? You saw how she reacted when she saw the sword, what if she just kills you on the spot?"Harry said. "Exactly, that's why you 4 are coming"Draco added, nodding to the 4 other males in the room. "Wouldn't it be suspicious?"Ron asked. "You'll have the Disillusionment Charm on you"Hermione said.

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