♦Chapter Sixteen♦

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Chapter Sixteen

Maggie's P.O.V:


I barely heard the new voice over the talking boys who were messing around with each other. I looked away from the window at at my friends who were filing in through the door.

"We're right outside," I barely acknowledged Liam's gentle words as they left the room.

Soon, Maddie, Thalia and Sheridan surrounded me and I couldn't help but give them a smile.

"Hey you guys," I whispered. I reached back to adjust the pillow so that I would be propped up and in a sitting position. Maddie noticed and helped me.

"What's up," Sheridan flopped down on one of the chairs. "We didn't really hear what happened so you're going to have to fill us out and tell us if we need to threaten any girls."

I raised a brow at her forwardness. "Oh really, and what if she was older than us?"

"So it's a she," Thalia began.

"And she's a she..." Maddie countered.

"Well why would a guy enter the girl's toilets?" Sheridan frowned, "What would be a guys motives anyways?"

Maddie shrugged, "You never know. They could be trying to throw us off the scent."

"Okay, trust me," A new voice cut in, one I hadn't heard before. "It wouldn't be a boy."

In the corner stood a pretty tall, dark haired guy with bright eyes just like Maddie's. He was busy on his phone, but looked up and gave me a friendly smile and wave before rolling his eyes at Maddie.

"That's Axel, my older brother." Maddie sighed, "Don't mind him. Mum couldn't bring us so he was the next thing."

"Next thing? I literally saved your asses." Axel snapped.

"Dude, we could have taken a bus by ourselves." Sheridan pointed out.

"Only because my car's at the mechanics." He protested. "Besides, a bunch of kids couldn't have just waltzed in to a hospital without a ca--"

"Oh my God, my twin sister's in the hospital. I don't know, she just collapsed and I was so scared," Maddie bellowed, close to tears. "Her name's Maggie Cowell, can I get what room she's in? Our older brothers are up already, please help me, my parents are--"

"Call me when you're ready to leave." Axel ground out, clearly annoyed as he headed out. "Oh, and get well soon Maggie."

Sheridan and Thalia high fived each other whilst Maddie shot me a triumphant grin.

"That's how you do it folks," She nodded.

"I didn't know you could act like that!" I exclaimed, interested as she blew her finger nails casually.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, lassie." She said in a deeper voice, "But what you do know, is that the name's Maddie. Maddie Stewart."

We clapped for her as she perfected the Bond introduction.

"Thalia. Thalia Carlin."

"Den. Den Sheridan."

"Dude no, you killed it." Thalia slapped Sheridan on the arm playfully.

"Excuse me?" Sheridan shrieked, "You did your first name first! It's the other way around you doofus,"

"Hey, you're both doofuses. Get over it." Maddie yelled over their bickering. "We came for business--"

"And to check if you're alright," Thalia quickly added.

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