♦Chapter Five♦

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♦Chapter Five♦

"I've never seen anyone cuter,"

I sighed deeply, wishing whoever was talking about whatever would please just leave and allow me to continue my deep sleep.

Right beside me, there was a faint sound of drums being beaten and voices harmonizing.

"My SD card is almost full," Came another voice.

Rolling over, something fell out of my ear completely, leaving me with absolute silence. That was, until a large groan emitted itself from something, or someone right beside me.

I blinked sleepily. Opening my eyes, I noticed a mop of brown hair resting more on my pillow than his. Zayn was lying on his front, facing the other way, his tan back very visible to the naked eye from where the shirt had risen up.

"Perrie," He grumbled, "God,"

In response to that, he received a giggle.

"What do you want?" He mumbled after a while.

I kept my eyes closed, hoping that I could fall asleep again.

"Who's baby is this?"

That's when my eyes snapped open. Baby? Where?

"It's seven O'clock in the morning. Why the hell did I give you the house keys again?" Came a snort, "Baby? Where."

I peeked through my lashes at the conversing trio. Zayn was now sitting up, arm wrapped lazily against my front so it covered my view a little. Two women sat at the edge of the bed; one blonde haired blue eyed, the other with light dark skin, dark eyes and curly dark hair that reached past her shoulders.

They were both extremely beautiful. Instantly, I recognized them as Little Mix's Perrie Edwards and Leigh-Anne Pincock.

"Right beside you,"

Oh my gosh, I was crushing a baby.

I jerked my body to the right, unfortunately, since we'd both moved through the night, I figured I was already on the edge and ended up toppling on to the floor.

Thank God it was carpeted, therefore my fall was broken a little.

I let out a muffled cry of pain and blinked out of my daze. Above me, three sets of eyes watched my tentatively, worry lining their features.

"Are you okay?"

"Is she okay?"

"Darling, you're just too cute."

Zayn, Perrie and Leigh-Anne simultaneously asked.

Nodding slowly, I pushed myself up and hopped back on to the bed, burying myself to Zayn's side. On impulse, my thumb found it's way to my mouth and I played with my bed hair.

"She's eleven," Zayn stated matter-of-factly. "And her name's Maggie. We adopted her a few days ago."

"And Simon let ya?" Perrie asked,

Leigh-Anne just seemed intent on cooing and I heard the shutters of a camera or phone taking a picture.

I felt more than saw Zayn shrug. "Liam talked to him last night. Not much he can do now,"

A comfortable silence engulfed us until Zayn sighed thoughtfully.

"Leigh-Anne, quit taking pictures please." He said. "I don't look sexy right now."

I laughed through my hand. It came out as a hiccup of weird noises. If they 'aww'ed anymore, I was pretty sure it would be the only words left available in their dictionaries.

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