♦Chapter Thirty-One♦

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♦Chapter Thirty-One♦


Dedicated to Everyone That Reads This


I got off the plane by myself.

They hadn't been able to come with me, seeing as all this trouble had already cost their already tight schedule to become even tighter. And anyways, I would have insisted for them to stay.

This was a part of my life that I needed to do for myself.

The long plane ride had given me a chance to think of things a little more thoroughly.

I had finally had time to myself, and this time it wasn't filled with destructive thoughts. I began to think of my future. Who I was, who I wanted to be, and how I was going to achieve that.

Yes, it had taken me a long time to realize that I wasn't this timid, useless little eleven year old that knew no more than scratches on her arms. I was better than this.

I guess I have Carly to thank for this new realization. However nothing had happened yet except the fact that I had a new mind towards things.

I didn't realize that the car had stopped until the door opened and the driver, who I'd learnt was called Julius, held his gloved hand for me to take.

I did so, putting one foot after the other on to the gravel floor.

Humid air surrounded me and the sun glared it's harsh rays against my exposed skin. I looked up, only to lose my breath.


"Just trust me on this, and try not to hate me.

I sorta know what I'm doing, but in the off-chance that it doesn't work out - I'll be back.

I'll always be back.

I'll be better, stronger and will show you a new me.

I'm going to be the person that I want to be, not you guys, or anyone else.

I don't know how it's going to happen - I just know it's going to take a lot of strength. A crap load of courage and all that stuff I've never been.

I'm not going to hide anymore.

I have nothing to fear.

I love you guys so much.

Always, Maggie Cowell. xo."

A cough rang through the room.

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