Part 1

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Rivderdale is a sinful, depraved and wicked little town hidden deep behind countless forests and lakes. Everyone who lives or grew up here knows that the town is divided into two sides, northside and southside. The north side consists mainly of rich snobs who find themselves and their lives better than the others. Nobody gives a damn about the other side of the tracks, but most of them are afraid to come near this side of the city, because this is where drugs and violence rule the day. Besides, the local Southside Serpents have their territory there and will stop at nothing and nobody. It is rumored that their main source of income is the drug business and their area includes not only Riverdale but also several towns outside. Their headquarter is the Whyte Wyrm, a bar deep in the heart of the southside of which the owner is also the leader of the gang.

If you wanted to describe the leader of this gang, you would describe Jughead Jones as a ruthless, merciless and badass boss. His raven black hair and his sharp features only underline this image. Just his eyes would suggest that something else is slumbering beneath the hard surface, because they are either blue or green, depending on the incidence of light, just like the vastness of the ocean. At the young age of 17, he was forced to take the position of king because his father, FP Jones, was killed in an incident with a rival gang. Since then the Serpents have been his family, his home and everything he needs to live. His mother had already run away when he was a little child and his beloved sister disappeared without a trace half a year ago on his 27th birthday. Every day he blames himself for the fact that his sister was not with him now, but he had not rested a day to look for her, but to this day nobody had seen or heard anything from her.

The Serpents have made many enemies over the years, but Jughead has countless more who certainly wish him more than just the loss of his crown. When he heard about the disappearance of his sister, he immediately went hunting and took on anyone who even mentioned that he had kidnapped his sister. With some of them he had to use quite a lot of force to make them say anything at all, but most of them were already so intimidated by him that they disclosed the information, but it was always useless. There were voices here and there that said she was already dead but Jughead didn't want to believe that, because they wouldn't kidnap her for no reason and then kill her, it just couldn't be true.

Even half a year later he still sends out search parties every day, searching through every inch of Riverdale and the surrounding towns. He was absolutely sure that his sister was still alive and he would find her no matter what it took.

Today was one of those days when everything and everyone was getting to be a pain in the ass for no reason, whether it was the younger serpents who screwed up another deal or the affectionate girls trying to get him into bed. Everything and everyone got on his nerves today, which put him in a very bad mood. In these moments he would like to give it all up and give the position of the king to some other idiot but unfortunately this is impossible because only he or a descendant is allowed to take over the crown, those are the laws.

Exhausted, he sat down in his office after a busy day and swing a glass of expensive whiskey in his hand, but before the amber liquid touched his lips to put him in a more relaxed state, there was a knock on his door.

Jughead pov

Not even in your own office you don't have your damn peace, there's always someone trying to get something from you, it's enough to drive you crazy. I took a deep breath so I wouldn't rip the head off the person who was hammering on my door like an idiot.

"Come in." I replied with clenched teeth before one of my best serpents and closest friends entered the room.
"Sweet Pea, what is so urgent that you need to tell me even though I said I did not want to be disturbed for the rest of the night?" I asked angrily, put my glass on the desk and looked at him. He was a few inches shorter than me and his hair was as black as mine but his eyes were a dangerous dark brown. His stature was tall and caused fear in most people, just what I needed. His nature was wild, unrestrained and often a bit annoying but mostly he had himself under control. We've known each other since we were little kids, our fathers were already best friends and we went through all the shit together which makes him my right hand, I trust him.

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