Chapter Thirty-One

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"You know, Rumple, instead of mocking you could actually be helpful for once," you stated futilely. Rumple couldn't be helpful to save his life.

"Yes, the darkness inside you definitely knows how to make two people fall in love," Rumple pointed out.

You sighed. This was a lot harder than you thought it would be. Wasn't it just supposed to be simple and magical? But how to get them together, in situations where they wouldn't be trying to kill each other? And without Pan finding out? Right now he was training the lost boys, but it was extremely unlikely that that would take up all his energy. Yet you wouldn't get a better chance than this. You fingered your pouch nervously. You had almost forgotten it was there, taking your stress, worry, and fear out on Rumple instead of your comforting pouch.

"That's it!" you yelled turning to Rumple. "My pouch! I need to make one for Snow! And then get the pirate to open it. It's perfect!" You gave some instructions to your extremely helpful shadow. It could gather not only the spell required but anything else you might need. It turned and flew off. You guestimated it would take about a day for it to get the spell and the ingredients you wouldn't be able to collect on Neverland.

Now it was time to plan the meeting. That would be a simple matter: tell Snow the truth, lie to the pirate. You'd give Snow the pouch, telling her what it was. She'd be upset with you for using your dark magic on anything for her, but she wouldn't refuse. The pirate would be dropped a simple anonymous note. He was now the captain of that small crew and he was working to revenge Wendy. What better way to do that than to steal a flask of kraken ink from the patch around Snow's neck? A pouch that could only be opened by the captain due to the magical make up of the pouch. You attempted to disguise your handwriting and make it look mysterious and masculine. Not that it really mattered because he'd never seen your handwriting, but it was more fun. Plus, you had the time. It's not like your shadow could drop it off now.

You slipped the letter into a secret compartment you had in one of your daggers, a secret compartment which you recently made and Pan likely didn't know about. You had made several such compartments, some bound with magic, some so well-hidden that putting a spell on them would be overkill. So far, Pan didn't seem a bit suspicious, but that was probably more suspicious than him acting suspicious would be.

Rumple giggled and you turned to him, raising a brow. "Oh, nothing, dearie. Just interesting to note when you call him Pan and when you call him Peter."

You stiffened, thoughts racing, realizing that it was true. Whenever you were making plans or contemplating his villainy, you called him Pan. When you were thinking about how you loved him, you called him Peter. It was almost as if you saw him as two different people. One you needed to defeat and one you couldn't live without. It made it...easier if you divided him into too different entities. The one you were free to love and the one you had to overthrow. You shook your head. It didn't matter.

But it did. What if by defeating Pan you were forever taking away Peter? What if you had to choose both or neither? Could you do that? Give up Peter for a whole bunch of memories? You heard his voice in your head, 'You could never be that selfless.' But it wasn't like you were destroying Peter, right? You were simply giving people, his enemies, their memories, but he would be able to deal with them, wouldn't he? I mean, Rumplestiltskin was dead and none of the rest could be as powerful. You thought through everyone on the island: Snow, Captain Shepherd, Swan girl, Reinette, Hook, the lost boys...Henry! He was held in some nearly dead state, unless he actually had died. But the hourglass had been frozen when he gave Pan his heart, so he must still be alive, just as his heart needed the standing still time of Neverland to fuse in Pan's chest. And you knew, you just knew that Pan, Peter needed Henry's heart to live. The darkness inside confirmed this, whispers filling your mind. Well, it was just one boy, right? You were saving all the rest of them, and, there really were already plenty of lost boys. What's one if it means that the first lost boy gets to live? Some part of you rebelled reminding you how wrong it was, but an evil grin spread across your face as you listened to the darkness. You would be rescuing everyone except one, which was simply a trade, a small trade that nobody, not even Henry would notice, and that would allow you to stay with Peter forever. That was the kind of deal no one would be able to refuse.

Rumplestiltskin giggled. "We are going to have so much fun, aren't we, dearie?"

"You're dead. As far as I know, dead people can't really have fun." He just grinned creepily at you. You rolled your eyes. Now it was time to go show those lost boys what was up. You could beat almost all of them with almost any weapon before you became the Dark One. Now, it was child's play. But the lost boys were children, so it made sense. They were your children, your family, once they forgot about your weird antics. You had gotten so used to Rumple (which was only a good thing because you didn't freak everyone else out when he appeared) they would soon forget what had happened before and come to see your new powers as just another tool on their side, another thing to protect them, which is what it was. It would be extremely foolish for those pirates to attack before you got Snow to break the curse. Of course, it would be extremely foolish anyway, but at least they'd have their own brains to blame instead of what had been falsely infused.

With a smirk and a wave of your hand you were on the other side of the island, crashing into Peter. Of course, you did it accidentally, accidentally on purpose. Peter wasn't fazed at all, much to your dismay. You had never managed to startle him at all, no matter how hard you tried. He did trip, but caught himself by grabbing your shoulders.

"Hello, Snowflake," he greeted you with a smirk. "Where were you? Off practicing you teleportation? Because you definitely need more work on that than on your archery," he gestured to where the lost boys were aiming and firing. You winced as one of them released, not coming anywhere near to the target he was aiming at. He was one of the youngest, but he really needed practice.

"Oh, me, I never need practice, Pan, you should know that. I was simply making a dramatic entrance in the hope that you would call me my favorite nickname."

"Dramatic is right. One of these days you might succeed in breaking my ankle and then I'd make you carry me all the way to camp, no teleportation allowed."

You raised a brow. "I'd get to carry you. Ooh, I bet the lost boys would love to see you carried bridal style. You know what, you are right, I think I do need to practice my teleportation. Obviously I'm not working hard enough at it."

"On second thought, you'll never get to carry me. I'll have the lost boys do it while you find all their missing arrows. You'd be amazed at how easily they disappear."

"The lost boys or the arrows? Either way, I'm sure I can find them quite easily."

"Yes, but you wouldn't be carrying me to the camp, so it's a win-win."

"I wouldn't consider it that," you tilted your head towards the side.

"Your opinion doesn't matter."

"Wow, I feel so loved," you said, clutching your chest.

"I know how I could make you feel more loved," Pan smirked.

"Oh...?" you looked into his clear green eyes, you own eyes wide.

That was when he pressed his lips against yours. You gasped slightly, not expecting him to move so suddenly. Then you reached out, catching an arrow a lost boy had shot in your direction, effectively breaking your kiss.

Peter looked down at the arrow in your hand, before his green gaze met yours. "Catching arrows is my job, Snowflake."

"Well then, looks like you better make good use of that nickname."

He did, so well in fact that when he caught the soon shot arrow, he didn't even break the kiss at all, simply dropping the arrow and tangling his hand in your hair. You moaned into him, your Peter Pan. After all, you were his Snowflake. No one would ever be able to change that. You made yourself a promise that you would always be his Snowflake, no matter what happened. You were Peter Pan's Snowflake. That was what mattered most, you decided, fingers tangled in his hair. That was what mattered most to you. Even though you would do your best to break this curse, you would stay beside Peter, on his side, afterwards. You simply couldn't live any other way.

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