Chapter 30

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You headed silently up your ladder, hoping against hope that Pan was still sleeping. No such luck. In fact, he was sitting on your bed, watching you climb up, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips. You swallowed nervously, but pretended that absolutely nothing strange was going on. After all, why would there be?

"Hey, Snowflake, where were you? I woke up and you were gone. Quite strange, especially when I was hoping to see your pretty face when I awoke," Peter greeted you.

You feigned nonchalance. "Oh, I had to go see Snow. To talk to her about...stuff. Nothing to worry about."

"Oh, what stuff?" he asked, his face pleading for an answer.

You giggled at his pout. "First rule about girl talk. Girl talk does not leave the mouth of the girls who talk."

"Fine then, I'll just have to imagine what you talked about." He stared into the distance and a conceited smirk rose on his lips. "Bloody hell, if I had been there," he shook his head longingly.

You punched his shoulder. "This is why you never will be there."

"Why I'll never be there in person, Snowflake. But I come up plenty in the conversation."

The slight pink that rose to your cheeks against your will confirmed his statement. But it also reminded you of why you were here. And he had been calling you Snowflake, so it wouldn't be hard. But did that mean that he knew exactly what you were planning? If he did, why did he still look so damn confident?

He chuckled, his hand reaching up, smooth fingers caressing your soft blush. "This just goes to show that you'll never be able to lie to me, Snowflake. Your face would give it all away."

You jumped slightly. Although he was still speaking in that light, careless tone, you knew that he knew. His smoldering green eyes confirmed it beyond a shadow of a doubt. But the worst part was that his face was as impassive as ever. His eyes only gave it away because he wanted you to know. Not only was he showing you that you could never lie to him, he was proving how easy it would be for him to lie to you. A knot tied in your stomach at the thought. Peter Pan was an incredible liar. You were sure that he could even trick himself into believing something. Your confidence plummeted. Pan knew and he wasn't a bit concerned. You knew and you still loved him just as much as ever. You didn't know how you had gotten the idea that because he was a villain—not just to other people, but also to you—you could never love him. Now you realized that it was because he was a villain, because he was who he was no matter whom he was with or what it meant to others that you loved him. You loved how evil he was, how he wouldn't stop at anything to get what he wanted. You envied it even, yet at the same time you knew it could never be you. Your conscience would never let you get away with it. It would never let you get away with doing whatever you wanted because it was best for you, without caring how much it hurt others.

Your eyes closed as you thought, hiding your realizations from the one person who would read them and understand exactly what they meant. You leaned into his touch, you leaned into Peter Pan, letting yourself enjoy this one moment with him before you had to throw it all away.

You opened your eyes, finding his piercing green ones, hoping he saw nothing but the love you felt for him yet fearing that he saw too much. It still wouldn't change anything just because he knew your plans, would it?

You let yourself drift away, swirling somewhere else in a green dream, leaning closer to the boy who was your everything. Your lips met his passionately, now that you knew, you finally knew and it didn't change a thing. You loved him just as much, or even more, than you ever had before. He knew that, and you could tell as he kissed you back that he was relieved at how much you loved him still. You closed your eyes, letting all thoughts of everything else drift away. This could be the last time you were able to do this, to lose yourself so fully in Peter, and you were not going to let any thing, thoughts, or worries take it away from you.

Snowflake (Peter Pan OUAT x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now