Chapter Eight

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     "Stella, oh Stella." Snow White was holding you as you sobbed. "Stella, I'm so sorry. I know that this is really hard, but I know that you are a strong girl. You will keep going after this I know. Here, I have something for you. Let it be a reminder that you are stronger than anyone knows. Not even you know your own strength."

     She held out the soft deerskin pouch and you slipped it around your neck. You hugged her even tighter, showing your thanks through actions since you couldn't voice a word.

     Eventually you calmed down, but that pouch never left your neck. You put your most precious possessions in it. Because everyone knew its importance to you, you knew that you must find a way so that no one could get into it.

      One day, you secretly left the castle. You had taken your horse from the stable and you rode it to Rumplestiltskin's castle. Upon arrival you knocked loudly. A pretty brunette opened the door. You asked for Rumplestiltskin and she said that he was not there but that he would be back in an hour or so. She said that if you wanted to wait inside until he came you could. You did so, and looked around at the beautifully furnished building.

     You also talked to Belle while she worked. She was such a sweet and kind person. She was also extremely loyal to her family and country, which was a quality you greatly admired. The two of you talked so much that you were startled when you heard Rumplestiltskin's chuckle from behind you and realized that it had already been an hour.

     "Hello dearie," he said. "So you want to make a deal? What do you need? Oh, don't look surprised. No one comes to me unless they want to make a deal with me."

    "I want you to put a spell on this pouch so that it can never be opened or removed from my neck in any way by any person except me, no matter how much magic that person has," you said, showing him the beautiful pouch.

     "That I can do, dearie. Well, there is one other person besides you who will be able to open it, and that is your true love. I know of no spell to prevent that besides a blood spell, and I suspect you don't even want your cousin Snow to be able to open that, much less your father. But what would you want to keep from your true love?" he chuckled again, with that creepy laugh that only he could do.

     "That will work perfectly. It's not like...that will be perfect. Thank you." You handed him the pouch which you had emptied before this trip for this purpose.

     "You're forgetting something, dearie. I don't give anything away for free. All magic comes with a price. The question is, what are you willing to pay?"

     "Anything!" you said. Something told you that the protection of this pouch was extremely necessary, although you weren't exactly sure why.

     "Anything, you say. Word of warning, you should never say that to me or anybody else with whom you make a deal." He chuckled. "Fortunately for you, I only want something fairly simple. I simply want a private meeting with your cousin Queen Snow and King James."

     "Why?" You knew it was best to be cautious in these matters.

     "That is a private matter, but I can assure you I will not bring them any harm."

      "Okay," you said. "Please put the protection spell on my pouch."

     He did so and then rode with you back to the palace where you arranged a meeting with the Charmings. Snow gave you a knowing look as you explained and gladly welcomed Rumplestiltskin in, giving you a great sense of relief. When he left, the Charmings both looked very worried, but they wouldn't tell you anything.

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