Chapter 22: To Die, to Sleep

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Hey everyone, it's Amy! Just a warning before the chapter begins, Hyde has a violent nightmare in the chapter that could be disturbing to some readers. If you want to skip over it, I went ahead and marked it off with 3 asterisks (***) so you know when the scene begins and ends. 

If you don't feel comfortable reading it, don't worry, you won't miss anything integral to the story. :) 

All that being said, here's chapter 22- enjoy!

We had a date for the flight, December 5th at 6:24pm. It was comforting, both for me and for Near, that the end of this isolation was in sight. Other than when I'd snuck out for Near's decks of cards, both of us had been following the rules. No stepping outside the hotel and no one besides necessary hotel staff seeing our faces. It was clearly taking a toll on both of us. Even Near, who barely ventured outside anyway, would now sit by the open window for hours a day and feel the breeze on his face. I liked that spot too. I liked watching the cars speed by on the highway and the people walking their dogs in the perpetual rain and snow that had been coming down for the past few days. For both of us, it was an escape that we could indulge in during the day that wasn't each other. This resulted in minor arguments about who got to sit by the window and when. Thankfully, it was the only thing we really argued about, and I would always give in within a few minutes.

When either Near or I were grumpy, we were bound to butt heads with whomever we could find, but in the tiny hotel room, there was no one to take our anger out on but each other. This time around, both of us were especially tired from working until nearly 3:00 am the night before on some new leads Giovanni had discovered since his arrival in Japan. And we had both made a move towards the armchair by the window at the same time. As soon as Near saw me move he practically leapt for the chair and beat me to it. I saw the thinly veiled smugness on his face as he saw my disappointment and I sighed.

"Fine, take the stupid chair." At the tone of my voice, Near's expression softened. I turned away to go back to grueling work on the laptop, but before I took another step, I felt Near's fingers close around my wrist. I blinked at him. Slowly, Near pulled me closer and closer to him before finally tugging me into the chair. I fell on top of him with a gasp of surprise, but made no move to get up as Near shifted around in the chair so both of us could sit comfortably, even though we were essentially laying on top of one another.

I raised my eyebrows at him, "This doesn't break the unspoken rule?"

"Well now that you've mentioned it aloud, it's not an unspoken rule anymore. And it's not written down anywhere nor have the two of us come to an agreement on what exactly the rule should be, so by that train of thought the rule no longer exists."

"No longer exists, huh?" I leaned in and before Near had the chance to say anything I pressed a long kiss to his lips, "I could get used to that."

"Me too," his words were shockingly genuine, and Near turned to face the window.

"Are you comfortable?"

"I like that." Near's sentence was clipped. It took me by surprise.


"When you ask me how I feel, I like it."

"Well it's an important thing to know." I smiled as I too gazed lazily out of the window. It was snowing softly, adding on to the thin blanket of white that already covered the tiny town.

"Yes, I'm beginning to realize." Near leaned his head back to rest in the crook of my neck. I let my arms encircle him and my hands gently played with the soft curls of his snow white hair. I sighed in contentment.

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now