Chapter 12: The New Routine

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*5 Years Later*

"You're so handsome, you could have any woman you wanted. Why choose me?" She played up an innocent act, it was what she did for a living. "Why don't you choose someone like her?" She pointed at a female sitting on a couch on the opposite side of the room who looked to be around 18 or 19. She had long wavy flowing brown hair that was tied up into a ponytail. A teal piece of cloth was used as a headband and a rough leather jacket adorned her shoulders. A clean black shirt was tight on her neck with a white cravat. Two silver skulls hung from her ears and an earpiece was securely in her left ear. There was something in her hazel eyes that said that she had been through horrible things. Her legs were crossed and she surveyed the room with a certain look of disgust.

"Hyde?" The man said, raising an eyebrow and taking a swig of beer. "Hyde's too tough a cookie for me to crack. She's killed multiple of our greatest enemies. Her skills with those guns of hers are inhuman. She can jump down a four story building and land unscathed. She's stone cold and never shows anything but indifference and anger to anyone. Well, not in public anyway. I've heard a rumor she gets awful nightmares and won't stop screaming until someone wakes her up. Hyde is a ruthless, cold blooded killer. Also, Lea, you've been here long enough to know this. Hyde's Mello's girl."

"Mello? You mean-"

"Umhm, has been since the start." A figure appeared in the doorway. The leader of the group, though he was young, was absolutely brilliant. His bright orange hair framed a quite horrifying face and he dressed extravagantly. He sauntered over to the girl and put his arm around Hyde's shoulders. Her stone faced expression didn't change, but she moved to sit securely in Mello's lap. Lea returned to her sweet demeanor.

The gang had a running plan to kidnap NPA director Kanichi Takimura and trade him for the famous notebook of death. Right now things were quiet, but Mello suspected it wouldn't be that way for long. He had just made the call informing the police about the kidnapping and and the ransom of the notebook. Mello was expecting word to spread fast amongst the police. Mello nudged Hyde a bit and she stood up with him. They made their way down a metal flight of stairs to the room where Takimura was being held. The director sat tied to a chair with a single light source hanging from the ceiling. Mello's hand remained around Hyde's waist and he snapped of a section on his chocolate bar. Hyde twisted her lollipop in her mouth and remained silent. Their leader Ross spoke from behind the pair of geniuses,

"Has he decided to say anything yet?"

"He told us that the Japanese Police have begun to wimp out to Kira. Looks like right now the only ones who are officially working for L, are Soichiro Yagami, Kanzo Mogi, and Touta Matsuda. Isn't that right?" Pedoro responded quickly, looking at the depressed man in the chair.

"Yeah..." the director answered shakily, "There was also Ukita, but he was killed my Kira."

"Right, and as top cop you didn't even know that this notebook existed, or that you had it?" Hyde approached the cowering man, slightly dragging Mello behind her. She spoke with confidence,

"Yagami has the highest ranking in the task force. Am I correct?"

"Y-Yeah," Takimura looked up at Hyde and his expression changed a bit to display a hint of shock. A woman? He thought, these people must be nuts! Mello pushed his head back to its original position roughly,

"Hey, eyes off my girl." Hyde smiled as she crushed her candy between her teeth and continued as if nothing had happened,

"I believe that there are two notebooks."

"One is in Kira's possession, and the other belongs to the NPA." Mello finished,

"So what we are going to to, gentlemen," Hyde placed her hand on her hip and turned her sharp hazel eyes to the men, "Is capture both." The group looked skeptical, but Mello nodded in agreement to Hyde's statements and they relaxed a little.

"Don't worry," Ross said, "If we do what they say we won't make any mistakes. They came here about five years ago and since then has there ever been a time when they were wrong about anything?"

"Yeah, but that's the strange bit." Rashual said, "If those two were able to bring us the head of a mafia boss that even Kira couldn't get his hands on, why would they even need the notebook to begin with?"

"It's not just the notebook Hyde and I want," Mello answered, "I want to eliminate my competition. I have to be the best!" Hyde looked at Mello with a blatant scorn in her eye, but none of the men questioned it. After all those years, they had gotten used to Mello and Hyde's weird way of interacting. "I don't care what it takes, I'll beat Near by any means necessary." Hyde then delivered one of her trademark punches to the left side of Mello's face. He stumbled back a few steps, before regaining his footing, "What the hell, Hyde?!" he shouted,

"We need to talk." Hyde grabbed Mello's wrist and dragged him up the stairs. The sound of the other men wolf whistling and shouting something about Mello being in the dog house now faded away as Hyde slammed the door to their room.

"Again, what the hell?!" Mello had no restraint in his voice since the walls were soundproof,

"Listen, I know you don't like Near that much but I forbid you to kill him." Mello crossed his arms and smirked,

"You're not the boss of me." Hyde took a step forward and tucked a hand under Mello's chin. After so many years, Hyde grew in size and now stood taller than Mello by at least an inch or two.

"Keep telling yourself that, Mello." She breathed onto his face; Mello scowled and tore his head away. "In all seriousness though, don't go killing my best friend." Mello glared his teal eyes at the girl,

"After all these years he's still the favorite, huh? Tch, I should have known."

"It's not his fault," Hyde sat on the bed and twirled a piece of her shorter hair. Since she had joined the mafia she cut it shorter and now it hung just below her shoulders when she didn't have it up in her now traditional ponytail. "You aren't my best friend because Near is the best. Near is still my best friend because you're a rotten one. And none of that is his fault." Mello looked at the floor and grumbled something,

"Let's just get this notebook business over with so we can be one step closer to finding and killing Kira." Hyde rose, and slowly gave Mello a gentle hug.

"Don't worry, we're almost to the end. I can feel it."

"You're too optimistic." Mello complained, but he leaned his head on Hyde shoulder anyway. "Hyde, just so you know, I suspect we will have to have contact with Near soon." Hyde immediately tensed. Mixed emotions flooded her. Near, she would be able to see him again. It would be a huge pain to have to deal with his antics once again though. "and I'll let you do the talking with him."


"Because I can't stand him... and he'll listen to you." Mello left the room, unwrapping a new chocolate bar. 

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now