Chapter 3: The Nightmare Log

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"Wait what?!" I was standing in the doorway to Near's room as he spoke to me.

"Really Hyde, I thought you were mentally gifted. It's an experiment."


"Yes, an experiment to see how I influence your nightmares. Once I've gathered enough information I'll tell you what I've found." and he closed the door in my face. I stood in the hallway, a look of combined confusion on my face.

"Hey, what happened?" A voice said from next to me. I turned around to find Mello standing next to me munching on the third chocolate bar I'd seen him with so far this morning. I had to look up to meet his gaze, two years older than me, at 13 years old he had become like a big brother. "Trouble in paradise?" This made me scowl and push his shoulder.

"Shut up." I stared angrily back at Near's closed door. "I'm just angry that he can be so unfeeling like that."

Mello shrugged, "Well, that's Near for you."

I entered my room and opened a drawer of my desk. I had several blank notebooks that L told me to fill with ideas for my outlet, but most of them were entirely blank. I pulled out a black one and labeled it Nightmare Journal in blue pen on the inside front cover.

I hummed to myself, "You know considering how much I'm killed in my dreams I should really be calling it a Death Note." but I shook my head, deciding I didn't like that title and left the Nightmare Journal on my desk. It had slipped my mind that I had lied to Near when he asked if I feared death. I had lied to him, well not entirely. I was afraid of what repercussions it would have, but not the act itself. I was afraid of what life would be like with an empty seat at the dining table, with one less person to say hello to every morning, just one less, and yet it seemed like once someone was gone that space could never be filled.

Without Near speaking to me and L having more and more of his time taken up by some new case he was working on, my thoughts got to me more and more often and the journal quickly filled with words describing torture of me, torture of others, fear, pain and sadness. I couldn't bring myself to look through the pages in detail, it made me want to hide underneath the blankets like a little girl. But I was a little girl, so I didn't see a problem with me being vulnerable. However that course of actions only led to more nightmares somehow. It started to happen every night and I would have to wake myself up, L no longer had the time to make his nightly rounds to make sure we were all safe, even though he had promised me.

On one morning following a particularly bad nightmare, I was walking out of my room when I heard the familiar noises of video games coming from the room next to mine, Matt's. It was Mello and Matt sat sprawled out over beanbags, the screen reflecting in their eyes. There wasn't anything unusual about the situation but something dawned on me that should have a long time ago.

I walked into Matt's room and closed the door behind me. "Hey, I have a question." I said and Matt paused the game to meet my gaze.

"Sure Hyde, what's on your mind?"

I crossed my arms over my chest, "Why don't the two of you ever wake me up when I'm having a nightmare? Near, I understand because he's just plain unfeeling, but I would have thought one of you you have done something since L's become so busy recently, even if it was only for the sake of keeping a more constant sleep schedule. But no, neither of you do anything. I want to know why."

Mello sighed and put his controller on the floor next to him, "Hyde," he said, his voice was more serious than normal and it sent a scared shiver up my spine, "just before they let you in here, into Wammy's, did they ask you to solve a blank puzzle?" I nodded, "And because you're standing here now I assume that you did it correctly within the time limit." I didn't respond to this one, remembering how instead I had chosen to think outside the box. "So you certainly have the mental aptitude and logic for it, but for some reason you're just not seeing it." Mello had gotten up and was slowly walking towards me, his expression becoming slightly more disturbing with each step. "Taking that into account, there should be no need for you to ask this question because you already know the answer. Or if you really don't know I can't be alone in the thought that this stems from a lack of outlet, but normally one's thoughts would spiral out of control, not subside completely. Furthermore," Mello was so close to me now I felt trapped by his presence and felt legitimately scared for the first time around him. Matt's sudden hand on the blonde's shoulder snapped him back into reality however, and Mello quickly straightened up, sending me an apologetic look and taking the chocolate bar Matt handed him as he went to go sit back down.

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now