Chapter 11: Getting Settled

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"Attention passengers, we have landed safely in Phoenix, Arizona. Please be cautious when opening the overhead bins, as some of the contents may have shifted while in flight." Matt got up first and extended his hand to help me out of my seat. I took it and grabbed his backpack from the overhead locker.

"Mello, you coming?" I said to a traumatized Mello, he was shaking in his seat. His hand was still firmly clamped on the armrest. "Hey, if you don't get up we're just gonna' leave you here." Now that got Mello standing straight.

We left the airport without a hitch and I looked out at the desert that was Arizona. Matt made his way to an expensive black car and knocked on the window, it rolled down revealing a tough middle aged man.

"Rex abstulit coronam," Matt said under his breath and the man nodded. "Alright, come on guys," Matt opened the door and motioned for us to enter the car, "Let's go!"

The majority of the car ride was spent in silence. A soundproof shield separated us from the driver of the car. I took out my sketchbook and flipped through the pages. There were drawings of birds, buildings, trees. I stopped when I flipped to a page that was dated with the same date as the day when Matt found the water balloons and I spent the majority of the day in Near's room. I looked closer at the picture and my eyes found a figure sitting amongst towers and toys. I drew Near. I didn't even remember drawing that. Matt looked over my shoulder.

"I told you you had a crush on him." I slammed my book shut and glared at him,

"Buzz off, Matt."

"Alright, alright, fine. Oh, by the way, remember like, four months ago or something like that I dumped you on him. How'd that go?"

"You're asking now?"

"Hey, better late than never."

"Well, it first started off with Near thinking we were lovers." Matt snorted,

"Now that is funny... But you know, if you're up for it-" I flicked him in the head,

"No way in hell, Matt. But anyway, then it lead to me being a depressed emotionless blob for a couple of months, so I'd say it went pretty great." I said sarcastically,

"Hey, what are you two talking about?" Mello turned in his seat,

"Near thinks Hyde and I are having sex!" Matt smiled,

"You and Matt are having sex? Since when?"

"We aren't!" I said, "And Matt didn't say we were, he said Near thought it."

"Well, if Near thought it up he it's got to be true, more or less." Mello smiled and I scowled.

"He was wrong then."

"Hyde, when will you learn to loosen up a little. You're with us now."


"Matt, I think we're here." The car came to a halt in the middle of nowhere. The man driving the car opened the door and helped us out.

"Where the hell are we even going?" I muttered,

"Hey, quit complaining, child!" The man said harshly, "Come on, let's go." We followed him and and a hole suddenly appeared in the ground, followed by a staircase. We descended into the dark abyss.

The base was dark and damp, but looked to be pretty functional. There were couches and computers everywhere. Men sat in them with bottles of alcohol next to them. Several females in skimpy clothing were scattered around the room. Giggling and twirling their hair.

"Hey, is that a new one?" One of the men slurred and pointed at me.

"No way, this one's mine." I turned in surprise to find Mello, who was holding his arm in front of me protectively. I sent him a look, and he sent one back saying, just go with it. It'll be safer for you this way.

"But I assume you all know who I am." Matt interjected, "The king has come home to play." He let out an uncharacteristic laugh, "Gentleman, time to play dirty." Matt cracked his knuckles and sat down at the sea of computers.

"Sammy," one of the men said, "Show these two to their room. It's good to show hospitality." A girl dressed in red leather stood up and led Mello and I down a flight of stairs.

"You two will be sharing one of these. As you have claimed her..."

"Mello," Mello finished the girl's sentence.

"Mello. You'll find this facility to be to your liking. Do you have any needs. I am aware that where you come from everyone has their little quirks."

"Chocolate and lollipops will do just fine for us."

"Alright," Sammy giggled, but her expression darkened, "Don't get too comfortable here. These people are insane. In fact, the only reason you're alive right now is because you're friends with Matt. I wouldn't push it."
"I think we can handle ourselves just fine." I said bitterly,

"Well then, have it your way, Miss Priss."

"I have a name."

"Oh, and what is that, sweetie?"


"What? Like Jeckyl and Hyde? You've got to be joking!"

"Afraid not, and I'm nothing like that goody two shoes counterpart he has so I'd watch your tone, Sammy." I said, narrowing my eyes.

"Whatever, I'll leave you two alone." Sammy walked off giving Mello and I a half hearted wave.

I walked into the room and locked the door behind me.

"Can you believe that bitch?" I said to Mello. I put my sketchbook on the nightstand next to the bed, "Oh great. Check that out. There's only one bed. You just had to go and 'claim me', didn't you, Mello." He crossed his arms in defense,

"Hey! It's for your own good. Would you rather have to share a bed with me or probably be molested by one of those creepy dudes?"

"That's actually a hard choice." I said, and Mello scowled.

"Hyde, you should get all the hard emotions out now so you don't break in front of everyone."

"What are you talking about?"

"You should know by now you can't fool me. It takes a while for your emotions to hit." I nodded slowly as everything sunk in. I had left Wammy's. L was dead. There was no going back. I would probably never see Near again. Near. I didn't even get to say goodbye. He was alone. No one was there to comfort him, and I was worrying about myself!? I had friends. I had physical ability. I had a chance at living. Not just sitting in the dark staring at a computer screen. That's what Near had in store for him. I should have brought him with me.

"M-Mello, I left him." A silent tear ran down my cheek, "All alone. I left him with no goodbye, with no closure, and now he probably thinks I'm dead." Mello gave a melancholy smile and hugged me softly,

"Remember when you said you turned emotionless for a while?" I nodded, "Well, I'm sorry, Hyde but you're going to have to do that again." I shook my head, "It's the only way to ensure our safety. To ensure that Kira is brought to justice. I'm going to rise up in this system. Run the show. Then I'll make sure Kira fall. He shall fall at my, no our hands. We have to do it. For Matt, for Near, for L." My tears dried as I tried to hide away the majority of my emotion.

I had to stay strong, to survive. 

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now