Chapter 19: I Need You

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A/N: Hey everyone! Yeesh, it has been a long time since I looked at this story. I just lost inspiration for it for a while and while I wanted to keep writing it, I didn't want to publish something that wasn't as good or motivated as my normal work is.

That in addition to a busy school schedule and social problems (you know the ones, they happen to all of us) and I didn't have time to write for a while. But recently I started back up again because I remembered how much I loved to do it.

So I hope you enjoy (and forgive me for dropping off the face of the earth for a while) and enjoy this next chapter and the ones soon to follow it

The screens flashed black and I collapsed into my chair, letting out a heavy breath.

"Near, do you really think any of them will contact us?" Giovanni said, looking up from his keyboard.

"That's what I'm counting on," Near's voice was soft but determined. He was still staring at the array of screens even though they had all gone dark. I looked out through the large windows that lined the walls of the SPK and sighed. I had stared out of them for too long. I had spent too much time watching and observing, not acting. I was here, in the SPK, or at least the remains of the recently disbanded investigation task force. And what did I choose to do? I sat in my room and stare out the window. At first, I told myself I was just adjusting to the sudden change of scenery, but it had been too long to continue using that as an excuse. Near was fighting, Matt was fighting, Mello was fighting, and if L still lived I didn't have a doubt that he would be fighting the hardest. I looked away from the windows and back to Near, who was organizing the tarot cards around him in silence.

"Near," I said. He hummed in reply, "I want to be active in the investigation, just tell me what I can do."

Near looked up at me, grey eyes blinking, "You're smart, Hyde. I think you know exactly how you can be of assistance to all of us. You and I balance each other out. I would have thought you'd have noticed by now; however... the point is your time is coming, and it's coming fast." Near's speech was interrupted by a large yawn. He clenched his hands together and swallowed, "I think that's sufficient enough."

I nodded my head, understanding what Near meant. I am strong where he is not; in other words, people. People were always easy for me, and extremely difficult for Near. He had offered the telephone line if any of them were suspicious, and I was to keep them on our side using any means necessary. Near stretched his arms over his head and the sleeves of his shirt fell down past his wrists.

"Tired?" I asked, glancing at the digital clock on Giovanni's desk, 7:41 am.

Near gave a sleepy nod and I remembered how much he had been working over the past couple of weeks; he had barely gotten any sleep. Unlike L who only needed minimal amounts of rest to function at his highest capacity, and Mello who required the same amount of sleep as any other person, Near needed to sleep for long periods of time, around twelve hours was the average length of one of his naps. I could tell that he was barely holding himself up and I stepped forward, offering a hand. Near took it, pulling himself lazily to his feet. He swayed a bit from side to side and I caught him with my other arm. There was no way that Near would be able to climb the flights of stairs to his room in this state. So I tucked my arm under his legs and lifted Near off the ground.

A searing pain rushed through my injured shoulder but I ignored it and began to walk towards the stairs. I had barely ascended three of them before I heard a voice from behind me.

"I can take him if you'd like," it was Hal Lidner, the pretty blonde woman who did the majority of the fieldwork.

I shook my head, "It's fine."

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ