Chapter 5: The Brush of Winter

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As soon as I felt my body return from dreamland, I sat up and let out an excited squeal.

"It's Christmas!" I yell whispered at my stuffed bear. Naturally, I was awake before everyone else and I proceeded to make their mornings as 'enjoyable' as possible. I opened Mello's door, "It's Christmas! Get up you lazy oaf!" next was Matt, "Hey, hey, hey! Matt, my man!" He rubbed his eyes and stared at me, "Up n' at 'em, come on let's go!" Last, was Near. I didn't even bother with a knock as I flung the door open with full force. But before I could say anything, Near was standing in his doorway, arms crossed, and staring at me with a prominent scowl.

"I'm sure everyone is well aware what day is. How could they not with you running around all the damn time." He said the last part under his breath but I heard it anyway.

There were about 30 children at Wammy House this year so the tree was overflowed with presents. I spotted my own gift in the pile, a plain white envelope.

Mello and Matt insisted they choose first, like they did every year. Also, every year they simply bought gifts for each other and told the other what it looked like so they wouldn't wind up with something stupid. Matt grabbed a large box wrapped in red paper with white and blue ribbons tied around it while Mello chose a large flat rectangle wrapped in gold and silver.

Then it was my turn. I dunked a multicolored lollipop in the tea I was drinking and sucked on it. It was a habit I was developing in addition to my outlet of art. I surveyed the gifts, and one in particular caught my eye. It was about the size of my head and about an inch and a half tall. It was a book, but there was something else about it. The ribbon was tied almost too perfectly and the color scheme reminded me of L. Blue and white paper with a pitch black bow. I reached for it, and out of the corner of my eye I saw someone smirk.

More children went and it was Near's turn next. He didn't say word, he only picked up my envelope between his middle and index finger and flicked it up by his ear. Near. Okay, that was fine. I mean it's not like I was, I don't know, super excited or anything. It's not like he's my best friend here or anything. It's not like I got a little giddy in my seat thinking of all the extra time I would get to spend with him. (Obvious lies are obvious.) It was just a little project, that's all.

People tore open their presents and the majority were thrilled.

"Oh, wow!" Matt said, trying to act surprised, "A Nintendo DS, with all the games available for it! Gee, who could have gotten me such an amazing gift?" Mello didn't waste anytime opening his own gift.

"Hmmm, a Puccini Bonboni sampler set, how kind." He batted his eyelashes dramatically and I laughed.

I tried as hard as I could to save my own wrapping paper and not tear it. It was all too obvious the giver had planned this all out so I would choose the gift. As the ribbon fell away, my eyes rested on a book, "The Strange Case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde." Haha very funny, whoever. I thought as I remembered my own nickname. My eyes shifted to Near as he efficiently tore open the envelope. He skimmed the first couple of sentences and his dark eyes shot up and instantly met mine. I smiled hopefully, and he gave a quick grin in return.

***time skip***

I tied a bandana around my hair and an apron around my waist. Today I was starting the painting in Near's room and I had a pretty good idea of what he would want me to paint. I grabbed my trusty brushes and colors and knocked on his door. He opened his door scanned me up and down.

"Oh, is that today?" I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair,

"Yes, yes it is now come on, open the door." Near obliged and I stepped into his fantasy room. I set up my ladder and sketched out a giant robot on the wall close to Near's bed. It's head would arch over the ceiling and a city skyline made of dice and matches wrapped around the rest of the room. By midday, I had finished with the faint guidelines. I made some faint lines close to the robot's face. I had to lean back on the ladder I was using. And at that moment, gravity decided to screw me over as I lost my balance and tumbled backward off the ladder. I saw my hair fly in front of my face and the world slowed down. What would I hit when I landed? Would I break anything? Could I die? My thoughts were quickly silenced however as I never hit the ground. I sat there with a scrunched up face for about five seconds before slowly opening my eyes to find myself in Near's arms. He was holding me bridal style and was standing up perfectly straight, an unusual position for him. A blatant display of shock was painted across his face that rivalled mine. I let out a shaky breath and wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. I let out an uneven breath, "Thank you." Near had no reply. He only released the embrace after about 30 seconds and said he was just grateful I didn't fall on any of his buildings or toys. As I returned to the picture I wondered, was it for the toy's sake, or for mine?

The rest of the time painting with Near went without incident and I was surprised at how happy he was with them. Near, was very, very, very happy. His eyes lit up at the sight of the smiling toy robot, the smile gracing his lips at the town of dolls and city of matches.


*Near's P.O.V*

Hyde's warm hands were over my eyes. She told me at breakfast she had finished the mural and wanted to surprise me with it. I had seen how she was developing it, but nothing near the final product.

"Ok, here we go." Hyde stepped back and I looked at my now flamboyant room. The colors were bright and lively. Every brush stroke was well thought out and flawless. The lines intertwined with each other and flowed like silk. For the first time in my life, I, Nate River, had no words. "Well?" Hyde shook me out of my trance and I stared into her face. Her eyes were like a lush and delicate forest, waiting to be explored and her long brown hair cascaded down her shoulders in delicate curls. She's... Beautiful. Wait, what? Where the heck did those thoughts come from? I was not looking for a relationship right now. Wasn't that what I told myself? Every time Hyde- No, nope, you're doing it again, Nate. Emotions are for the weak, they wear you down and make you vulnerable, which is why I had elected long ago to display as few as possible. Focus, just say... Something. Anything!

"Th-This is, amazing!" I noticed Hyde's cheeks flush with color.

"Thank you, I did try and do my best."

"Well, your best was certainly enough."

"Merry Christmas, Near. Maybe L can make it next year."

"I certainly hope so, you seem to be happier when he's around."

"Yeah, I do, don't I?"

"All we can do is hope for the best." Hyde looked at me, puzzled.

"Hope? Near, are you feeling ok? You're acting weird."

"Hm-No, I'm fine. I've just been a little shaken the past few days."

"Oh, alright. Well um, feel better."

"Thank you." I twirled a piece of my hair between my fingers. "You got a book for christmas, right?" I was lying through my teeth. I knew exactly what she got for christmas because I was the one who bought it. I had designed the package specifically so she would choose it. I even included a letter in the back of the book. I also knew the envelope was from her, the main reason I chose it. "Have you read it?"

"No, I haven't had the time to start it. Maybe I will today. Well, see you later, Near." Hyde waved and closed the door behind her. I let out a breath. As of late my emotions had become a problem. They were interrupting my daily routine.

I had to gain control.

Fear the name Alice Hyde (Near x OC) A Death Note FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now