48: The Second Wave

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"This day has gotten significantly worse. Kuvira attacks a week early, lives are at risk, we almost get blown up by a spirit weapon, and now we're in a factory that just got blown off the face of the earth. Great, just great."

Ally and Bolin worked together to raise a giant rock to get everyone out. 

"Hurry up!" Ally yelled. "This thing is heavy! Why do we have so many people?!" After everyone was out, they dropped the wall. 

"We need to stop that weapon," Korra said. "Were not safe while that's in her possession, no one is. I'm not going to let her take this city, or hurt any more people."

"I couldn't agree more," Lin stood on top of a rock wall and faced everyone. "We need to take down that thing."

"Mom!" Ally exclaimed and ran up to her. 

"Hey, kid", Lin chuckled as she enfolded her daughter in a hug. "I'm glad you're ok. You all had me pretty worried." 

"Okay, so she destroyed the hummingbird suits that would have helped air-wise," Asami mumbled. "But we have some in my office! We can bring the wounded back to my office and get the prototypes running." 

"Okay, and everyone else, let's go take this thing down," Korra ordered. They all ran down the street, and Meelo got the idea to throw paint at the giant to blind it. If they could blind it for long enough to trap it, they could have an advantage. The airbenders threw balloons at the glass windows to blind it, while Lin, Ally, Su, and her sons went to stop it. But they realized it was platinum and they couldn't bend it. 

"I can," Ally offered. 

"No," Lin replied. "Save your strength, kid, you're gonna need it." 

Bolin lavabent all around the foot to try and cripple it. Inside the machine, Kuvira felt the effects as she was rocked around. Wei and Wing wrapped metal cords around the feet of the machine while the airbenders shot blasts to try and knock it over. Kuvira shot her weapon, tearing down half the city as she attempted to fire at the airbenders. Korra shot a blast of air that caused the machine to stumble, but it didn't fall. Kuvira was controlling it from the inside, it moved with her body, and since she didn't fall, neither did it. She pointed the weapon at the airbenders, and hit the building, causing everyone to scatter. They all were injured as they were knocked out if the sky. 

"Let's go!" Ally yelled, wrapping an airbenders arm around her shoulder. "Get the wounded out of the hot zone! Move!" She gave the Airbender to Korra and followed her mom to find help, just as another explosion caused debris to rain down and smoke filled the air. They went to the prison to get Hiroshi Sato and see if he could help, they took him back to Asami's office to help with the hummingbird suits. 

"We need all the brilliant we can get," Lin said. "And after all this is over, we can put him back in jail."

"How do we beat this?" Korra asked. 

"We have to break the outside first, like an infection," Hiroshi explained. "Once you break the skin, the inside is wide open."

"The outside is platinum, how do we get in?" Korra prompted. 

"We have plasma saws made for that exact purpose," Hiroshi answered. 

They decided a plan to attach a plasma saw to the suit so when the hummingbirds flew up, they would be able to cut through. They planned to attack in a big swarm so the hummingbirds would be safe, it was their last option. Baatar told them how to cut the power and disable the giant. They knew they might not be able to stop it, but they could slow it down. Ally went into a lunge, holding her fingers in threes, ready to bend. Her ring and pinky lay down while her others were curved slightly, rest to go. Korra hurled a bunch of rocks at the giant, while the airbenders swarmed it to turn the weapon down to the ground. Ally, Bolin, Su, and Lin worked together to cut a building in half to topple onto the machine. Ally let out a yell and went into the avatar state, using a burst of air to help take the building down. The machine crumpled under the weight but got up again almost lazily. 

"Oh no," Ally murmured. Meanwhile, Asami and Hiroshi got the hummingbird suits operational, while everyone else engaged the meca suit. 

"Ally, move!" Lin yelled, shoving her daughter out of the way, as another blast almost took her out. The hummingbirds latched onto the machine and started to cut it, Hiroshi and Asami flitted around trying to get an opening, but luckily Korra was ready. She got a huge stream of water that froze the giant in place. Hiroshi and Asami started to cut the suit, but Hiroshi sacrificed himself so they could get into the suit. Mako, Su, Lin, Ally, Korra, and Bolin went into the opening, just as the suit's hand slammed down.

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