37: After All This Time

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Ally's pixie cut:

"It's been 3 years

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"It's been 3 years. 3 years since the fight with Zaheer, 3 years since I was paralyzed and had to learn to walk again, 3 years since Korra left. The Earth Kingdom is in complete disarray, and a woman named Kuvira is trying to bring order, like hell that's working." 

20-year-old Alice Beifong donned her police armor like she had been doing every day for the past four years. She took a deep breath and walked out the door of her apartment and drove to city hall, Lin was waiting for her in front of the podium. Her bright green eyes had dulled so much since the fight with Zaheer, but she still smiled and waved to the people who called her name. 

"Now, in a few days, Prince Wu will go back to Ba Sing Se, and take his place on the throne," Raiko announced. He pointed to a young man in a green suit and slicked hair. Wu had a cheeky smile and pointed at the camera as they took pictures. "And thanks to Asami and Future Industries, who created an updated rail system, we will be connected in a way that never happened before!" Asami cut the red ribbon in front of her and smiled for pictures, she had taken over her father's company and changed it for the better. 

"Nice, Asami," Ally walked up to her friend and punched her shoulder lightly. "This is amazing, your inventions, as usual, top-notch."

"Thanks," Asami blushed. The friends continued talking until Prince Wu came up to them. 

"Hey, Asami, hey Ally," he said in a seductive voice. "Nice train system you got going on, maybe you can take me on a ride sometime." 

"Yes, put you on a train and send you far away," Asami groaned and crossed her arms. 

"Oh, so you're a funny girl, I like it," Wu walked around to face Asami. "I'm Prince Wu, the future king of the earth kingdom."

"Yeah, I know," Asami replied. 

"Don't be intimidated, doll," Wu said. "I'm just human. But more human, superhuman."

"Uh huh, superhuman?" Asami asked. 

"So what do you say, wanna have a night out on the town?" Wu shrugged his shoulders up and down and waggled his eyebrows. 

"She's not intersected," Ally snapped. She slammed her foot down, causing the earth to shift. Wu was spun around and shoved away by Ally's forceful palm. "So, scoot! You have king stuff to do with President Raiko."

"Thanks," Asami chuckled. "I didn't want to be rude."

"That kid has tried to get me to go out with him so many times," Ally laughed. "Mom had to scare him off." She walked off and leaned up against a wall where Lin, Tenzin, Wu, and Raiko were, she zoned out as she felt Lin's arm wrap around her shoulder. 

"You ok?" Lin asked her daughter. 

"That kid is a piece of work," Ally mumbled. She mocked Wu's voice in a high pitched grandeur. "Oh, doll, I'm convinced everyone's in love with me. Of course you'll want to go out with the Prince." She rolled her r's and Lin laughed. 

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