47: Phase One

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"Kuvira is going to attack in 2 weeks?! We don't have enough time to get everyone out of the city, and we don't have a way to destroy that cannon. What on earth are we going to once she gets here? What if we're too late?" 

The evacuation wasn't going great in the city, since it was volunteer only, not many people wanted to leave. Ally, Su, Bolin, and Lin burst into the meeting where Raiko was talking to Wu, Korra, and Mako. 

"I swear," Raiko sighed. "Whoever we have meetings, someone's bound to interrupt."

"We saw Kuvira's superweapon up close and personal," Bolin explained. "Like way up close, much to close."

"Is she going to use it to take the city by force?" Tenzin inquired. 

"It's inevitable," Zhu Li chimed in. "She's going to attack in 2 weeks."

"I knew Zaofu wouldn't be enough," Raiko hissed.

"She's likely going to come by rail," Lin offered up ideas. "The weapon is huge, it's huge, it's the only way she can transport it." 

"We need to cut the rail lines, but before we go, let's get the people out," Ally said. Mako, Wu, and Lin went to the police station to send out a mandatory evacuation notice. Mako started a panic, but Wu was able to calm everyone down, despite being a dunderhead, he was a good people person. Pema and Wu helped with the evacuation, getting everyone out as quick as possible. The United forces were called to help protect, and over the course of a few days, most of the people were out. Korra came up with a plan to destroy the weapon before it got to the city, and brought it to Raiko. 

"Ally, that's risky," Lin said. 

"I agree, it's a step we don't need to take, after all everything is going fine," Tenzin agreed. "Iroh has his armies set up too." 

"The weapon is much too powerful, it can obliterate the army without a second thought," Ally's eyes narrowed slightly. 

"If it gets here, we're in trouble," Mako replied. 

"We can get behind the lines and try to disable the weapon," Korra explained. "It's worth taking a risk." 

"I agree with Korra," Raiko sighed. "It could stop a potential war." Korra nodded and told them they were leaving that night. So they took a sky bison and flew around looking for Kuvira. They found her crossing into the United Republic a week early, with a giant mecha suit. It was made of platinum from what they could see and the weapon was attacked to its arm, it was hundreds of feet tall and towered over everything. 

"Incoming!" Ally yelled as they were illuminated in pink light, the meca suit faced them and prepared to fire. They barely escaped and flew off to warn the city. They flew back as fast as they could and Ally jumped off the bison into her mom's arms, shaking. 

"Is everything ok?" Tenzin asked.

"Clearly not!" Lin snapped, pointing at her daughter. 

"Kuvira knew Zhu Li would tell us of her plans," Korra explained. "Our source was wrong."

"What do you mean?" Raiko asked. 

"Kuvira is coming," Ally whispered. "She's a few hours away from here."

"No!" Tenzin exclaimed. 

"And her weapon is attacked to a giant mecha suit, it's 25 stories tall at least!" Korra continued.

Raiko told Lin to get general Iroh the information, Pema went to finish the evacuation, and everyone else went to Asami's factory. Ally took off her police armor and changed into her traditional earth kingdom outfit instead, her arms covered because of Zaheer. She held her glider in one hand and slung it behind her so it hung from a loop on her back. The groups realized that in order to beat the weapon, they needed its inventor, Baatar Jr. Korra led a stealth team of airbenders to kidnap Baatar and force him to talk. They brought him back to the factory, but he wouldn't talk. 

"Don't you see what you're doing is madness?" Ally shouted, holding Baatar up in the air by his bonds. He was tied to a chair and it clattered when Ally released him.  When Su tried to talk to her son, it also backfired until Korra came up with an idea. 

"If you don't talk, I'll take you away from the thing you love," She told him. "I'll make sure you never see Kuvira again. It'll be my life's mission." 

"No!" Baatar exclaimed. 

"If you convince Kuvira to leave, you can see her," Korra crossed her arms. "You can have everything else, but leave this city alone. If you don't, you'll never see her again." Baatar's green eyes widened in fear as he contemplated his choices. He decided to contact Kuvira and tell her to leave the city, to spare their love. Kuvira traced the signal to Asami's warehouses while she listened to Baatar tell her what he felt. But Kuvira was a woman who craved power, nothing would stop her. 

"We need to move now!" Ally yelled as she saw the weapon pointed at them. "She found us, let's go!" They all ran out, but the weapon fired and they were caught in the crossfire as the factory exploded. Lin watched the factory explode and knew her daughter was in there and left to see if there were any survivors.

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