19: Spirit World (short chapter)

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"When I was young, I thought that being the Avatar meant I could help more people, but I was wrong. All I've done is fail. I couldn't stop Amon, and I have no idea how I'm going to stop Unalaq from freeing Vaatu. This is why I didn't want to be the Avatar because I can't protect everyone."

Korra, with the help of Jinorah, made it to the spirit world and met Iroh, a good friend of Avatar Aang's. He gave her some good wisdom after she lost Jinorah. Jinorah was captured by Unalaq and taken to the tree of time, where Vaatu was. When Korra got to the spirit portals, Unalaq had already captured Jinorah and was about to lose her soul. Korra agreed to open the other portal to save her friend, but Unalaq tricked her and took Jinorah away. Unalaq started to take Korra soul, but a dragonbird saved her and took her away. Korra went back to the physical world, but Jinorah didn't. She was trapped in the spirit world.

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