41: Back to Zaofu (short chapter)

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"I'm back BABY! I can go back into the Avatar State, but now we need to go to Zaofu, Kuvira is heading there next to try and unite it, and if she doesn't, she'll take it by force. Aunt Su is there, that's my family. I can't let her take Zaofu."

"We need to go help my aunt," Ally sighed. "I know Tenzin wanted us to come back to the city, my mom too, but Zaofu is in trouble."

"Kuvira needs to know I'm back and mean business," Korra snapped. "Everyone needs to know I'm back. Ally, you need to stay out of this one, this is my fight."

"Yes! Fight her!" Meelo cheered. 

"Meelo were going to do this diplomatically," Korra chuckled. "Hopefully there will be no fighting and she'll listen to reason and logic." 

Meelo grumbled and sat back down on the sky bison, Pepper's saddle. In a private train, Varrick was creating a spirit vine weapon and realized it was unstable energy and decided to shut it down, but Kuvira wouldn't let him. Meanwhile, the group flew to Zaofu and saw that Kuvira's entire army was waiting outside Zaofu's borders. Ally jumped off Pepper and ran into Su's study where she was greeted with a hug. 

"Oh, honey, I'm glad you're okay," Su sighed as she held her niece close. "Your mom and I have been worried sick. Where did you go? Is that Korra?"

"Hey," Korra said sheepishly. "I want to help you, in any way I can. Let me help you stop Kuvira."

Su took Korra outside while Ally caught up with her uncle and cousins, apparently things had been bad for a long time. Kuvira wanted power ever since the fall of the earth queen, because Su wouldn't take it. Kuvira and Battar Jr went to Ba Sing Se to help bring order, and when she helped stabilize things, they made her the provisional head of the earth kingdom, but she refused to step down. Su told Korra to destroy Kuvira's armies and remove her from power by force, but Korra said no and tried reason with Kuvira. The dictator agreed to call a truce until Korra spoke with Su about giving up Zaofu, that way there would be no bloodshed. When korra got back, she learned Su took her sons to put an end to Kuvira by sneaking into her camp.

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