12: Goodbye, bending

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"We planned to infiltrate the rally today and expose Amon for the fraud he is. Because of what Tarrlok told us, we may have a shot. The victory rally is being held in the arena, there, we'll expose Amon in front of all his supporters, for the liar he is."

Ally and her group found a spot on a higher level of the arena, where they watched Amon take to the stage. 

"This is a historic day," he said. "And I thank you all for being here and joining me. As you heard in the past, a firebender killed my family in front of me and took my face. That event caused me to realize that we needed to be equal, which caused my quest to make everyone equal."

"You're lying!" Ally shouted. Amon whipped around, looking for the sound of the voice. Ally took off her mask so everyone could see her. She surveyed the arena with bright emerald eyes and met Amon's. "You're lying, Noatak." Under the mask, Ally could see his eye narrowing. 

"Everyone, please, this is just one of the Avatar's hoaxes," Amon reassured the crowd with uh had erupted in muttering and gasps. "We don't need to fear either of them, go on, say what you have to say."

"From the start, Amon has been lying and misleading you," Korra chimed in. "Spirits didn't give him that power, he used bloodbending to take away people's bending. He's a waterbender!"

"You're that desperate, Avatar?" Amon growled. "That you'd go to the length to make up stories about me?"

"His family wasn't killed by firebenders!" Ally continued. "His father was Yakone, the crime boss, and his brother is Tarrlok!" 

"How amusing," Amon chuckled. "But unlike the Avatar's, I have proof, and I'll show you. He took off his mask to reveal a huge burn in his face, his lip was twisted and his eyebrows were gone. His face was warped in a way that he was unrecognizable. The crowd took in Amon's face, looking at the burn that stretched across his features. 

"He's a bloodbender! I'm telling you!" Korra tried to win the crowd back, to no avail. 

"Let's move," Mako hissed. Chi blockers surrounded them, swinging ropes to tie them up. 

"Oh don't leave just yet," Amon addressed them. "You'll miss the show." Four figures rose up from the stage, it was Tenzin and his kids. They were gagged and tied to poles, making sure they didn't escape. 

"No!" Ally yelled. She looked around for any sign of her mother, but she wasn't there. "Mom! Where's my mom?!"

"Tonight, I start by wiping out the first element, air," Amon announced. 

"No!" Ally screamed. "Let them go!" 

"Clearly, the Avatars need to be reminded of what I can do," Amon walked over to the airbenders, but Mako shot a bolt of lightning, forcing him to get out of the way. They all found a way down to the stage and started their fight to free the airbenders. 

"Ally, you free them, we'll hold them off," Korra instructed. Ally ran over to them and broke the chains using metalbending. 

"Where's mom?" Ally asked. 

"I don't know, she sacrificed herself to stop the airships." Tenzin replied. 

"What about Pema and Rohan?" Ally broke the chains and led everyone out. 

"Prison," Tenzin answered. He sent Amon flying using a gust of air and followed Ally and the others out a side door. 

"Go, get everyone out," Korra told Tenzin. "We can hold him off." Once the airbenders we're out of harms way, they ran off. Amon followed, and Ally created a wall of fire to try and slow him down. They hid in the training gym, trying not to make a sound. But Amon figured out where they were and forced them out using bloodbending. He held everyone in the air, their muscles and bones cracking under the pressure. He forced Mako down to the floor, and put Korra and Ally in a kneeling position. He placed his thumb on Korra's forehead first and when she fell, he moved on to Ally. 

"No! Stop!" Ally shouted. But Amon already had his hand on her head, her eyes widened then she collapsed onto the floor, still. She took a deep breath in and tried to move her body, but it felt so heavy. Amon kept bending her and the rest of her friends, forcing them to obey. A year seeped out of her eye and dripped down her cheek. She watched Amon's lieutenant walk into the room, and confronted him. She was still suspended in the air, trying to break free. 

"All they said about you was true," the lieutenant snarled. He took off his mask and crushed it under his foot. "You're a traitor! I dedicated everything to you!" He ran forward, swinging at Amon with his poles. But Amon was quicker, he threw the lieutenant into a pile of wood, ending him. 

"No!" Ally cried out. Amon walked over to Mako, who was able to electrocute him with a bolt of lightning. He scooped Korra up and ran out, Ally following behind. She was able to get her footing and ran out. They ran down the hall, trying to get away from the madman. 

"Come on, just a little further," Ally ushered them down the hall, but as they were about to get out, they were stopped in their tracks. Amon sent Mako flying into a wall and knocked him out, then be bloodbent the young man into his knees and prepared to take his bending. 

"Impressive," he praised. "No one has gotten me like that before, it'll be a shame to rid you of your bending, you're talented." 

"No, Mako!" Korra yelled. She threw her fist out and a vortex of air caught Amon in the chest, throwing him backwards. 

"Korra, you're airbending!" Ally laughed. 

"I can airbend!" Korra exclaimed. She shot Amon into the walls and ceiling, trying to hurt him. He tried to bloodbend her, but she broke free and shot him out of a window into the ocean below. For a few seconds, no one came up, then a spiral of water came out of the sea, holding Noatak in it. His scar was gone and he looked around as he was exposed to the world. He retreated into the ocean, speeding away underwater. 

"Atta girl, Korra, I knew you could do it," Ally squeezed her friends shoulder. They got back to Air Temple Island where everyone was waiting, Tenzin and his family, and Lin. 

"Ally?" Lin asked. "No, no."

"Mom!" Ally stumbled into her mothers arms as her legs collapsed. All the adrenaline that had been pumping through her veins, keeping her upright, was gone. 

"He got you?" Lin asked. 

"Yeah," Ally replied. "I can't bend anymore. He got Korra too, but she can airbend, there's still hope."

"I'm so sorry, sweetheart," Lin pulled her daughter into a hug as a giant battleship pulled up to the dock, commandeered by an older man with crazy hair. Bumi, Tenzin's older brother. They all went to the South Pole to see if Katara could heal her, she was the best healer in the world. If anyone could bring back bending, it was her. Ally was asleep in her mom's arms while everyone waited for the verdict. 

"I can't bring back her bending," Katara said sadly. "I've done everything I can, but this is beyond me." 

"Then you can't heal Ally," Lin murmured. "Please, you have to keep trying!"

"I can't," Katara sighed. "She can airbend, but as for the other elements, her connection is severed." Ally opened her eyes and found everyone looking at her, she knew why. Katara wasn't able to restore Korra's bending, both of the avatars were gone. 

"It's alright," Ally smiled and put on a brave face, but inside she was breaking. What was she without her bending? She felt tears form in her eyes, but she forced them back, she didn't want to cry in front of everyone, especially her mom. After a little while, Korra came back and revealed her good news, she had connected with her spiritual self and got her bending back. She took everyone to a temple where she could restore their bending. Lin went first, kneeling in front of her. Korra's eyes flowed white as she brought the police chiefs bending back. Lin stuck her arms out and the rocks around the temple started to float, she was back. Ally went next, and Korra restored her bending, with an added twist. Her eyes began to glow white as she entered the Avatar State, she was a fully fledged Avatar now. The glow faded and she thanked her friend before running into Lin's arms. 

"Look at you!" Lin laughed. "I'm so proud of you." She kissed Ally's forehead and held her close, tears filling her eyes. Her daughter was a true Avatar now and she couldn't be happier. 

"I'm ok," Ally whispered. "Finally."

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