10: Run

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"Tarrlok is Yakone's son, he has to be. It's the only explanation as to why he can bloodbend without a full moon. The only reason I can do it is that I'm the Avatar, and that's all I know. Luckily, we found Korra in time, any longer and she could have died. I'm glad she's back, I missed having her bright spirit around."

Ally and Lin stayed at Air Temple Island after they found Korra, for protection and for some reassurance. When Korra got her strength back, they started to ask her what happened. 

"Tarrlok is the son of Yakone," Korra explained. Lin looked down at her food as realization struck. 

"Of course," she muttered. "That makes perfect sense, and also explains why he could bloodbend without a full moon."

"But Ally can bloodbend too," Tenzin said. "And neither of us can bloodbend."

"She learned from reading Katara's journals," Lin replied. "She must have just picked it up. And she's the Avatar, no Avatar has been able to bloodbend before so that probably has something to do with it." 

"How did you escape?" Tenzin asked. 

"Amon was there he and Tarrlok's bending," Korra explained. "He almost got me, but I was quick enough to get away."

"I need to tell the world I'm the Avatar," Ally came into the room, holding her side. "If I do, it'll give Amon someone else to go after instead of me." 

"No," Lin sighed. "I won't risk your safety."

"The world knows already," Ally chuckled. "I hacked the radio and I know Amon knows about me. I knew you wouldn't let me, but we need to protect Korra." Tenzin went outside to get Oogi, his sky bison ready for the flight back to the city, Lin following behind. 

"Lin, c-can you watch my children and Pema while I'm away?" He asked. "I just want to make sure they're safe. I know, it's a bit awkward." 

"I will," Lin replied, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Old friend." Pema and Ally came out soon after, Pema was holding her youngest son in one arm, and her pregnant belly in the other. 

"Oh, Pema," Tenzin told his wife. "Lin offered to help out around here while I'm with the council."

"Oh thank goodness," Pema sighed. She handed her youngest over to Lin and walked away.

"Give him a bath please, he's gross." The young boy, Meelo, squirmed in Lin's grip, blowing raspberries and picking his nose. 

"I gotta go poo," the young boy announced. "Really, really bad." He let out a fart, that probably wilted several trees around the area. Lin groaned and shot a cable around Meelo's waist, walking off with sheer horror on her face. Ally laughed and walked after her mother, trying to assist any way she could. 

"Mom, you've done this before," she chuckled. 

"No, not like this!" Lin shouted over her shoulder. "You were NOT like this when you were young." She gave Meelo a bath, and just as she was finished, explosions started happening in Republic City. She sent the kids inside, but Ally, being her usual stubborn self, stayed out.

"You'll need my help," she said. "Metal and electricity don't go well together." She watched as smoke filled the air, and explosions rang out. 

"Go get your armor," Lin instructed. Ally smiled and ran off to get her police armor, she got it on as quickly as possible and ran back out to join her mother. 

"You ready for this, mom?" Ally inquired. 

"Let's kick their lily-livered butts," Lin replied. "Everyone, you need to get inside and hide. Remain calm, Ally and I will handle this." As she turned away, Pema let out a scream and grabbed her stomach. 

"Pema?" Ally asked. 

"What part of staying calm do you not understand?" Lin snapped. 

"The baby... coming," Pema groaned. Lin's jaw dropped and she watched as Pemma was taken into a separate room to have her baby. Once everyone was inside, Lin and Ally waited for the equalists. They came running, one who was a lieutenant had poles with sparked with electricity, he whirled them around, ready to take them out. Ally clapped and sent a gust of wind at them, knocking a few back. Lin shot cables from her wrists, grabbing two chi blockers and slamming them into each other. The mother and daughter stood back to back, taking down chi blocker after chi blocker. Ally looked at her mother and a knowing smile crossed her lips. Lin interlocked her hands and Ally stepped into them. She threw Ally up into the air and she came down with a rain of fire and earth, knocking equalists down. Lin shot two cables at the lieutenant who wrapped them around his poles and electrocuted her. She dropped to all fours and looked up at him with anger. 

"Stay away from the Avatar's mom!" A voice said. A kid with a bob haircut dropped down from the sky and started taking out chi blockers. Jinora smiled slyly as she shot the lieutenant into the roof. 

"Get out of here," Lin shouted. "You shouldn't be here." Tenzin's other kids came out to help fight, taking down the equalists quickly. Ally helped her mom up and she tied everyone together with metal cords. She instructed the sentry's on the island to lock them in the basement, just as Tenzin came home. 

"We took down bad guys, daddy," Meelo said as he jumped on Tenzin's shoulders. 

"They fought?" Tenzin gasped. "You let them?! Do you know what may have happened?!"

"Cool it, Tenzin," Ally snapped. "Your kids helped us take these jerks down. Without them, we would have been toast."

"Alls, it's okay," Lin murmured. "You taught your kids well, but go be with Pema." Tenzin ran off to go see his wife and newborn son, followed closely by the rest of the group. Lin, Ally, Korra, and the others. They saw the new baby bundled up in Tenzin's arms, and a smile crossed everyone's lips. Ally looked at her new half-sibling and chuckled, knowing that kid was going to be raised with a lot of love. 

"Ally, do you want to hold him?" Tenzin asked. 

"Me?" Ally asked. "Why?" 

"Your his sister," Tenzin smiled. Lin nudged her daughter forward and Ally walked over to the bedside. Tenzin placed the little boy in her arms and stepped back. 

"Hello, little one," Ally whispered. "You're going to be raised with so much love. Your dad and mom are some of the sweetest people. And you have three amazing siblings who'll look after you. And me, if you'd like. But don't worry little one. Your family is going to protect you no matter what, I can guarantee that much."

"His name is Rohan," Tenzin said. Rohan reached up and grabbed Ally's finger, a coo leaving his throat. 

"He's wonderful," Ally handed the baby back to Tenzin and smiled. "He's going to have a wonderful family." 

"I hate to rain on your parade, but there are more airships coming," Korra sighed. Tenzin decided the best thing for him to do, was to get his family out of the conflict. 

"Ally, listen to me, sweetheart," Lin cupped her daughter's face in her hands. "I'm going to go with Tenzin to protect him and his family. They're the last airbenders, and I can't let Amon take their bending."

"I'll come with you," Ally replied. 

"No, kiddo," Lin smiled gently. "You've gotta sit this one out. Stay with Korra, and stay away from Amon."

"Mom, please, let me help," Ally begged. 

"Not this time, Ally," Lin sighed. "I need you to stay safe. You're the avatar."

"Mom, please," tears filled Ally's eyes and spilled over her lashes. 

"I love you, sweetheart," Lin pulled her daughter into a hug and cradled the back of her head.

"And I'm so proud of everything you've become. You're my little miracle, and I'm so happy you've been my little girl." 

Ally watched her mother and the rest of the airbenders take off into the sky on Oogi. Tears poured down her face as she watched her mom disappear from view. But she didn't have time to be sad, Korra got her and the rest of the group into Naga and they dove into the sea. Tenzin told them to hide, just for the time being, until things got better. Little did Ally know, her mother took down the airships following Tenzin and his family, but she was captured and taken to Amon. When she refused to tell him where her daughter and Korra were, her bending was taken.

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